Unarmed sparrows?
Gawd forbid.
HDRider said:
You are they one that just fired off 4 or 5 posts, cause you spout your misplaced opinion, and think we want to hear it.
I see a bit of 'cancel culture' going on here.
Choices have consequences. Regardless of whether others were 'let in' elsewhere, the fact is, the lady was engaging in unlawful activity. Claiming 'everyone else was doing it' is a something you expect to hear from young teenagers wanting to drink or going to wild parties.
The police officer's job is to protect federal property from damage and protect the lives of those people within the building. I'm quite sure he took an oath to do exactly that and I'm also sure that he took it seriously when he raised his hand with that oath.
He did his job. Other officers apparently did not, just as others in the BLM thing did not regarding the
UNpeacefull activity in places like Portland.
I absolutely detest bad police officers, but imo, this lady left the officer little choice. She, via her actions and poor choices, presented a threat.