Stupid steer calves!

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2008
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Lillooet, BC, Canada
Well, it never fails.. there's always a few dummy steer calves who think they know better than to follow the herd... I brought the cows to the north field today, which means they have to cross the creek, go around a cattleguard that's placed in a stupid manner (Highways division has no cow-smarts), and into the field.

All but 2 steers calves went without a hitch, they didn't even stop to eat the nice grass on the way, they knew what the destination was.

But the 2 idiots.. no... they were a half a minute behind, and I was working them to get them caught up... not a chance.. they could SEE the cows, instead they ran up the hillside.. I went back and closed the gate at the cattleguard so they couldn't sneak by.. they had found their way down the hill, and tried desperately to get by me, I got them turned around, and worked them back up the road.. No.. they decided that straight down to the creek was the right place to be.. and I mean it's STEEP.. at least a 60% grade (you can't climb it on all fours)... I gave up and went home.. sure enough in the middle of supper they found their way up.. the wrong side of the creek.. in our yard.

So around and around we go again, finally I get them penned up in the crowding pen, down the chute, latch the halter on one nice and tight with a good 30 feet of rope.. hitched him up to the lawn tractor and off we went.. he won't need any hoof trimming for a while I'll tell you that much!.. it's about a 1/4 mile to the other field, and skid marks from him the whole way.. he didn't find it easier to put one foot in front of the other and just follow, it was a dragging job the whole way.

Rinse, repeat.

Second dumbarse did do a little bit of walking..

At last they're all together again!
Very practical way of doing it Nesi but you would be fodder for the likes of PETA if they had their undercover cameras there. It would be a feeding frenzy. Pathetic isn't it.
I had a good halter on them, I wouldn't have done it with just a rope.. I knew they could breathe well, they complained enough on the way
I hate cattle guards. Gas company wanted to put them on my lanes. I would have no way to change pastures. No way to put the cows in the lane to work them, sort them etc. Told them they could build their own road. Leave mine be. The changed the fencing and put in a cattle guard. Then they contracted with somone to rebuild the fence they destroyed. Contractor used the cheapest wire money could buy. It broke and broke within the first year. Neighbors cows and bull are always wanting in. I had to replace it all.
These geniuses put the cattleguard on the top of the hill right on a blind corner,... where there's no room for anyone, and no room for the side gate
OK, so I worked some other calves today.. I was leading their momma and them to a pasture, about 150 yards or so.. it was a bit of a pull to get them out of the corral, and slow going the rest of the way, but they all got there... Tifa and the bull led the best, except for a couple clumps of alfalfa as distractions that had to be stopped for, they followed great... I've never had a bull that was truly halterbroke, I'll see if I can keep him that way when he gets bigger, sure would be nice.
Speaking of stupid cattle, I live 1 mile north of major highway and a fellow phoned and asked if I had seen his cow apparently the cow broke a gate and jumped out of a cattle pot on the highway at 100km an hour and ran away when it stopped sliding down the highway. It didn't come here but showed up at neighbours yard 2 days later a bit scuffed up but otherwise ok no wonder they make motorcycle suits out of cowhide :cowboy: