Something that really p***** me off today

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Sep 17, 2006
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I was watching the news today and saw a video of a 101 year old woman being punched in the face by a robber...saw that he also beat up an 85 year old woman and took her money too... :mad: ...makes me sick that there's people like that in the world
I can't believe it either. I just saw it on the news. The other thing that just makes me sick is the lady that stole the 3 day old baby...FROM THE HOSPITAL I just can't believe the things some peole do!
Tears my heart out to read this kind of stuff...

I used to not believe in capital punishment because of the theory that taking a life could not replace a life. Over the years, I began to have doubts about that...and now the reason I don't believe in's too quick and humane. These bast**ds should be put in the cell with bubba until bubba gets tired of them...then, they can be "euthanized."

I am trying to figure out how we came to the point in our culture where it is okay to just take what you want from whomever you want to take it. Who raises their children like that? I am n ot saying that I am the world's best parent. Far from it, but I do the best I can, and I know that my sons would not steal. And they certainly not harm an old person just to get what they want. I see some kids at school that i am really proud of, and others who are so self centered that it shocks me.

I think sometimes in giving our kids everything they want, we teach them to feel entitled to take whatever they want without regard to others. It scares the crap out of me.

Unfortunately, babies don't come with a handbook of instructions. And if they did, a lot of parents wouldn't be able to read it.
I saw the video this morning . it made me sick. That poor little lady. They did interview her and she did say if she was alittle younger she would have ran after him.
People are just crazy now days. There was the mother and boyfriend that killed their 5 month old and 18 month old put them in a garbage bag and stuffed them under the house. They need to be butchered !!! Sick freaks.
Texas Gal":1nu7pj5j said:
Killing's too good for some people.
people like that think the world owes them a that they dont have to work for what they they go out an robb an steal from people to get what they want.
frenchie":1k7davgg said:
And the person shooting the video just stood there :?: :x

no, it was captured on CCTV I saw it on our NEWS as well and was disgusted by it......was glad to see the interview with the 101 yr old Lady after, still in good spirit. As a lot of old people die of shock.

My Aunt of 85, woke to find a boy holding a knife to her neck a few years ago, he wanted money for drugs, all he got was about £20 ($40) she died of a stroke not long after, the Dr said it was from the shock of the robbery. The boy was never caught.
From Tombstone:

Wyatt Earp: "I don't get it, Doc, what makes people like Ringo tick. Why does he do what he does?"

Doc Holiday: Ringo has a big hole of sorrow, emptiness in the middle of him. He can't kill enough or cause enough death to fill it.

Wyatt: "But what does he want?"

Doc: "Revenge"

Wyatt: "Revenge? For what?"

Doc: "Being born."
Read your history,there have always been people like that~ We have the same percent of bad guys we always have had-it's just that ten percent of a billion is lots more than 10% of a million. Also,we hear about "stuff" much quicker than we did just 20 years ago-look how fast the word got out on that baby - and the cameras are everywhere!! That mugging could be shown on tv,so got lots of airplay,and seeing it was more compelling.. I think we need a spay and nuter program for humans,starting with those two that murdered the kids and hid them under the house
Joy in Texas said:
There was the mother and boyfriend that killed their 5 month old and 18 month old put them in a garbage bag and stuffed them under the house. They need to be butchered !!! Sick freaks.[/quote

How can any parent kill their own kid, and throw them out like garbage, makes me sick!!

NamVet_Farmer44":2ejopeex said:
I was watching the news today and saw a video of a 101 year old woman being punched in the face by a robber...saw that he also beat up an 85 year old woman and took her money too... :mad: ...makes me sick that there's people like that in the world
Use to be as kids when I was a kid, we were taught to respect our elders, open doors for them, listen to them, etc... In todays world it is rare to see this anymore, its a sad thing when a robber attacks a 101 year old woman, what a coward!!


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