So let’s hear it

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It is a shame the virus is being made a political issue. Hindsight is 20/20 and at the time this was starting among us even our best medical people did not have answers and for the most part still don't. This is one of those dam if you do and dam if you don't. For everything that has been done it is debatable it could have been done different and who knows if the outcome would have been different.
farmerjan said:
hurleyjd said:
SmokinM said:
As we crossed the 200,000 death mark you wonder how can one think we did ok. Also consider we are the only country that monetized it as a cause of death. We maintained a fairly large amount of freedom and that always comes with a price. How much faith can you put in the reporting of some of these countries? Our lifestyle in this country also doesn't help, diabetes, obesity and age are all huge contributing factors. This country has a lot of this and the medical care to get people past the age nature would allow them in most countries. We have a lot of people living on borrowed time at any given point in this country. Immune systems build strength thru exposure so sedentary clean indoor living bites you in the butt on that front also.

Going forward the true key to this is going to be isolating out what it is that causes the disparity in symptoms and disease severity. Finding an effective treatment or prevention of that will be what's critical. One can also hope that we use this as the lesson it should be to correct shortcoming and protocols as the next one may not be as forgiving.

We have not got past this one yet. Also the Spanish flu went from 1918 to 1920 two years. Flu kills but can be treated as is covid 19 they have not found anything that is effective at treating it or avoiding it except stay away from events and crowds and protect your self. 205 thousand plus deaths. 1684 since yesterday.

America's Frontline Drs. and many others will disagree with your statement that they have not found anything that is effective at treating it.... and that staying away is the only way to protect yourself.... Sorry, you cannot stay away forever... and if there is not a vaccine that is guaranteed, then it will be no more effective than the normal flu shots are against getting the flu.... they are often only no more than 40% effective as the strains mutate and no one know which strain will be prevalent on any given year. There have been something like 17 variations of this chinese flu found now... all loosely under the "covid - 19" label.... So calling a flu shot a vaccine is not correct because it does not and cannot prevent it like a vaccine for say tetanus or rabies.... getting a "vaccine" for the covid-19 may be effective against that specific strain, but like the flu it will continue to mutate so will be of much lesser effectiveness just like the flu shot. I will take my chances with an immunity system that has been built up since this is not something that is a one strain type thing, like rabies. So many of us that work with cattle have so much different exposure to both diseases and vaccines with cattle, that if we were to be tested I believe that a good number would have some "secondary immunity" and our systems would mount a response and fight off most effects from many exposures to diseases.
And I will be the first to find a doctor that is of the mindset that this can be treated with various available drugs already on the market right now. As well as keeping my immune system as healthy as I can overall.
Besides that, the CDC and WHO have put out so much conflicting BS that you can find a statement from them supporting any stance you want to take on this. And their ties to the country that "introduced this" to the world is just a little "suspect"; just my opinion.

Please, please stop getting your medical information from social media and propaganda websites. There's so much misinformation in this post I don't know where to start.
A second wave of the virus is on its way so as a back seat driver what would you do now to slow it down?
jltrent said:
A second wave of the virus is on its way so as a back seat driver what would you do now to slow it down?

If everyone would go hunting or fishing instead of going to the clinic or the grocery store, we could kick corona's ass in a month. :nod:
If I am just listening to all this media mumbo jumbo.... then what about all the stuff that is in print from the WHO and CDC that is as contradictory as anything I have ever read????? And since when are accredited Drs, with plenty of experience, propaganda website material? Sorry, I am not going to back down on this. I will take my chance with a dr that says they have had results with certain treatments, as a starter, rather than to have someone say, that there is no good treatment, and go to the emergency room when you get worse.... and then be at the mercy of not having anyone there to rely on because of being quarantined??? Have several friends that have had it, that have all told me of their experiences, the limitations, and how a couple of them have been real sick to some that have had no symptoms. OKAY, so that is typical of a flu also.... and we do not just stop the world for the varying responses that people have to that. Quarantining healthy, or seemingly healthy people is not going to get this to ever run it's course. It is known to have a mostly minor effect on healthy young people, kids seldom get it. Yes it is a problem for people with compromised immune systems, health issues and the elderly..... okay, there are many other things that can also affect this population. We will be seeing effects of this for the 2-3 years that they did from the Spanish Flu in 1918, and no better results than they had with NO ANTIBIOTICS and the healthy YOUNG POPULATION being the most affected back then.
The whole purpose of the "shutdown" was to slow the curve, so that the hospitals would be able to cope. We are past that and are still being told to shelter in place in some states, some that keep opening and then shutting things down. EVERYONE IS WELL AWARE OF THIS CHINA FLU. It is no longer something that we can be kept under wraps for. Once the latest trials of the vaccines that are being developed are finalized, there will be people getting vaccinated. There will be those that will not get it. There will always be cases of this cropping up. And there will be doctors that will be using treatments that the mainstream "experts " will poo-poo..... and some will work, some better for some people than others..... If it continues to mutate, as does the "regular flu" then there will always be something new to fight off.
I am not going to buy into the "we are the experts and are telling you this is best" and then have them change their mind, and then say that doctors with a different opinion don't know what they are talking about.

Drink the koolaid or try to look further than just the one set of experts that seem to be trying to control the response to all their worst case scenarios. How many mainstream doctors have put down chiropractors.... and that they will not accept that the spinal cord, and the nerve impulses carried throughout the body are really connected to many of the health issues... treat the WHOLE BODY instead of just the symptom.... find the cause of the problem. There are too many cases of health issues coming from not giving the body what it needs.

Have you ever stopped to think of how much time and effort and MONEY we put into supplements for cattle???? We try to make sure they are getting all the RIGHT nutrients for optimum health.... yet we seldom do the same for our own bodies. Or look at the different kinds of minerals.... chelated and not.... different sources.... yet we run to drs to fix something right now, that might take time to fix with proper nutrition just like we try to fix/improve with cattle???? Sure we vaccinate cattle, and some still get sick.... some never get vaccinated and seem to do fine.... but we try hard to keep them healthy through their feed and supplemental minerals..... yet people won't do that for themselves. And how many different problems with cattle, does a vet say to do this or that..... that is OFF LABEL because they have had success with it???? Yet a dr. saying that they have had success with certain treatment protocols is considered a QUACK or worse???? Give me a dr that is willing to try different things and to say yes, this has worked for me in most/all cases....even if it is OFF LABEL....
You can find licensed doctors that believe illness is the result of demonic possession. I'll stick with the scientific consensus.
The problem with the scientific consensus is most research and medical training is sponsored by big Pharma and the big food industry. I try to avoid doctors that go along with the status quo as they are just repeating what they were told in medical school, I like to hear from doctors that do their own research and can tell you about real proven results of people they've treated. Most nowadays want to write a prescription for everything, I want someone to work with me to help fix the underlying cause of the problem and not just mask it with drugs. If you thing big Pharma wants to cure you you're fooling yourself, they just want to keep you on the hook buying medication. And as Jan said, most of our health problems come from what we eat or don't eat and can be fixed through adjusting our diet.
Little Joe said:
The problem with the scientific consensus is most research and medical training is sponsored by big Pharma and the big food industry. I try to avoid doctors that go along with the status quo as they are just repeating what they were told in medical school, I like to hear from doctors that do their own research and can tell you about real proven results of people they've treated. Most nowadays want to write a prescription for everything, I want someone to work with me to help fix the underlying cause of the problem and not just mask it with drugs. If you thing big Pharma wants to cure you you're fooling yourself, they just want to keep you on the hook buying medication. And as Jan said, most of our health problems come from what we eat or don't eat and can be fixed through adjusting our diet.
Last post on my part the Drs get paid to push the drugs Pharma wants.
Lots of puppets on strings at this carnival.
This is the very reason I like the current POTUS more than any in my lifetime.
He is not strung to DC secondly if he can scam the scammers who better to screw up their playhouse.
I didn't want a choirboy, had that didn't work out well the last time.
Caustic Burno said:
Little Joe said:
The problem with the scientific consensus is most research and medical training is sponsored by big Pharma and the big food industry. I try to avoid doctors that go along with the status quo as they are just repeating what they were told in medical school, I like to hear from doctors that do their own research and can tell you about real proven results of people they've treated. Most nowadays want to write a prescription for everything, I want someone to work with me to help fix the underlying cause of the problem and not just mask it with drugs. If you thing big Pharma wants to cure you you're fooling yourself, they just want to keep you on the hook buying medication. And as Jan said, most of our health problems come from what we eat or don't eat and can be fixed through adjusting our diet.
Last post on my part the Drs get paid to push the drugs Pharma wants.
Lots of puppets on strings at this carnival.
This is the very reason I like the current POTUS more than any in my lifetime.
He is not strung to DC secondly if he can scam the scammers who better to screw up their playhouse.
I didn't want a choirboy, had that didn't work out well the last time.

Your right CB, the establishment don't like him cause he gets stuff done by saying and doing what career politicians won't, he's bucking the system that keeps all the politicians pockets lined, most of the politicians know that we're being screwed by big pharma but they want to keep getting a little money from the lobbyist so they keep their mouth shut and Trump don't. And if the covid vaccine that comes out is so great, I'd like to see any politician that backs it be the first to line up them and their families to take it.
:???: :???: :???: :???:
Little Joe said:
Caustic Burno said:
Little Joe said:
The problem with the scientific consensus is most research and medical training is sponsored by big Pharma and the big food industry. I try to avoid doctors that go along with the status quo as they are just repeating what they were told in medical school, I like to hear from doctors that do their own research and can tell you about real proven results of people they've treated. Most nowadays want to write a prescription for everything, I want someone to work with me to help fix the underlying cause of the problem and not just mask it with drugs. If you thing big Pharma wants to cure you you're fooling yourself, they just want to keep you on the hook buying medication. And as Jan said, most of our health problems come from what we eat or don't eat and can be fixed through adjusting our diet.
Last post on my part the Drs get paid to push the drugs Pharma wants.
Lots of puppets on strings at this carnival.
This is the very reason I like the current POTUS more than any in my lifetime.
He is not strung to DC secondly if he can scam the scammers who better to screw up their playhouse.
I didn't want a choirboy, had that didn't work out well the last time.

Your right CB, the establishment don't like him cause he gets stuff done by saying and doing what career politicians won't, he's bucking the system that keeps all the politicians pockets lined, most of the politicians know that we're being screwed by big pharma but they want to keep getting a little money from the lobbyist so they keep their mouth shut and Trump don't. And if the covid vaccine that comes out is so great, I'd like to see any politician that backs it be the first to line up them and their families to take it.
:???: :???: :???: :???: :???: :???: :???: :???: :???: :???: :???: :???: :???: :???:

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