Sick Calf

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Jan 21, 2008
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North Florida
Approx 4 mo, had diarrhea very thin, unknown where the momma cow is. He is eating and drinking, poop and urine is good now but.... he won;t get up x 5 days now. The vet said to just give him some time. He is still pale. I did worm him and he has had LA 200 and pen, also probios. Any suggestions on what might be wrong or what to try to help? he is large. Skinny but has a large belly.
just posted in the newbie thread you previously wrote, check it out.
I'm thinking if you can't find the momma, big belly...undernourished, unable to keep up to the herd, possible heart condition. The poops due to stress.
Calf has a large belly...did the vet say anything about bloat? Or maybe being wormy?

I dunno...but I don't think it would hurt to give the animal some bloat medicine, just to see...or, how about dropping a magnet?

Sometimes I think vets say wait and see 'cause they have no earthly idea and they're afraid the outcome ain't gonna be pretty. And that ticks me off... :mad: Yet, on the other hand, this litigious society we live in...I guess I can kind of understand a vet not going out on a limb...

Not saying that's what your vet is doing now...

I would get the little guy up in an area by himself and give him a good diet of calf starter
and grass hay ( go easy on the starter, start small amount and work up) worm him, probiotics,
check temp, observe for cough, snotty nose, bloat, ect. I had one just like this, old cow had him and she had very little milk. Calf survived on what little he could find. By the time I was
able to catch him ( he was running in a 40 acre pasture) he had diarrhea, was thin and wormy.
Now ( 2 months later) he is fine and will be sold with the other calves this spring. :)
Thanks everyone. He seems better, no temp, eating and drinking, I turn him often. He is still boney with big belly but does not seem to be bloated. I have wormed him and gave him probios and vit B complex. Yesterday he tried to get up twice and twice today. He gets up on his back legs but doesn't have enough strength to get up off his knees. I have kept him warm and dry in the barn. I have not seen him chew his cud? How often should I give the probios?????
You are doing a good job. It is encouraging that calf is making an effort. Does he grind his teeth at all (indicator of pain/distress)? Probios? Twice a day I think. Should say in the pkg or tube. Can you help him stand when he is trying? It sure helps alot if they can get up for even a little while. You live in a warm climate ~ on nice days get him out in the sun. Good Luck!
Thanks.. I am really trying to save this little guy. My husband will be back today and hopefully we will get him to his feet for a few minutes. He is just to big for me alone. I know once he gets all the way up he will gain strength fast... I pray.
Update... calf is getting better. He is able to get to his feet but can not stay up long. Vet says he just needs to build up his muscles now. Thanks to all that replied for your help.
Update.... He stood and walked today. Still having trouble getting his front end up off the ground. But much improved just since yesterday.
The little guy is doing great! He is back out in pasture. He is running and playing. It took almost 4 weeks to get him up without a sling but I am glad now that I didn't give up on the little guy. I almost did a couple of times but something told me to keep trying because he was bright eyed and was eating and drinking. It was a pain in the butt turning him and trying to keep him clean but once he started using his legs while in the sling I new he was going to recover so I kept trying.I learned so much from the calf we call Curly. Thanks again for everyone's help.

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