sick baby

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Sep 18, 2005
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sw missouri
i have a very weak baby jersey. i have raised about a million of these baby bottle calves but i have never seen one like this. symptoms, very weak, i have tubed him with electrolytes, given him 2cc of baytril (im out of nuflor), the part that baffles me is his eyes are sunken into his head, he looks like he should be dead but he is still breathing (kind of panting). he is getting stronger as he can almost hold his head up now, this morning he was limp as a noodle. anyone have any ideas
Sunken eyes?

Deydration - before anything - get the liquids in to this animal - then solve the other probs.

the sunken eyes dont sould good at the breathing hard could be heat stress.but i dont know where your old is the wondering if it didmt get clostrum milk.your doing all you can for the calf.scott
the calf came from a dairy where i know for sure he got three days worth of mothers milk. i have been tubing him 4 times a day with bounce back(electrolytes). he was born on last wednesday so he is 11 days old today. i have to go back to work tomorrow so i will have to tube him 2 maybe three times tomorrow. once in the morning with a full bottle because i will not get home until 4:30 and i feed in the morning at around 5
ok real cool nites.since your keeping fluids down say by his breathing he has a cold.jersey calves are very hard to well as calves in general.scott
ive raised many a sick calf and been through most of the problems but have never seen the sunken in eyes like this before, he is also very loose but they usually get that way first sign of sickness. he is passing almost pure water. definately not any thicker than water.
ok now you have to find something to stop the scours.try mixing a package of sure gel in warm water and getting that down him.that should plugg him up.scott
ill try that in a few hours. im afraid to put anything else in him right now he is full looks bloated, im going out every hour and rolling him over. at about 2 ill try to get some gelatin in him.
Wow,,I surely hope that this does not sound cruel, heartless, or anything like that.

But is your jersey market there tha good that you would spend that kinda time, money, and effort on a calf that is almost surely to pass on you anyway?

Maybe time to make that choice?

I raise Jersey's too, and as much as I hate to say it, the jersey bulls are second class citzens around here. Actually, I should clarify the early statement.........I used to raise jersey bulls/steers, this is my last lot I will ever raise unless the market changes dramaticly. I have just seven left to go, and I am finished with them.

I had one peter out just yesterday after 11 weeks of life, and yes, I did put his sorry butt back on the bottle, fed him all kinds of energy boosters, and the meds thing, all to no avail, but I did NOT go to the extreme I would have done for a more valuable calf. I have no idea what went wrong with this guy, he was weaned after 7 weeks of very good milk replacer along with his hutch mates, and had freechoice medicated calf starter to eat. he seemed to do well, until a few days ago, i noticed a weekness to him, and started the extra TLC. I told myself, and stuck to it, no big money spent on a calf who's current value around here was less then $150.00 at the market.

As expected, I found his limp body yesterday afternoon, and he will perhaps now help me catch a curious or hungry coyote or wild hog, at least I hope I get that much good from him anyway.

Like many diehards here, I am starting to let my pencil make some of the choices for me. Hard, but becoming more and more neccessary these days where the black ink is starting to get closer to the red ink if ya get my drift.

Jersey bulls are not even on my list of 'Hey your giving it to me free? Gee thanks I'll take it' anymore. my pencil told me that I would barely break even, or just a little better by raising these bulls....... :(

Now a jersey heifer of course if an entirely different story all together.

What ever your choice is, I do wish you and your calf good luck! :cboy:
his status has changed drastically, i went to check on him about 5 minutes ago and he was dead. i did get him for next to free but now im out the meds and electrolyes. i tried he just wasnt strong enough to help me help him

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