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I know I'm a pretty good ways away, but anyone who participates in this board and is affected by the storm or still hurting from Katrina is welcome to any resource I have. I could graze a dozen or two head of cattle for a couple months, maybe even until Spring if we don't get many cool snaps this Winter. I can handle a few horses here at the home pasture. I can put my teenage boys in the bunks and open up a bedroom. If you make it this far, I've got a building full of tools, generator, welder, torch and all sorts of rebuilding supplies, tractor with implements, fence and barn fixing supplies, flatdeck gooseneck, 24' stock trailer gooseneck all kinds of goodies we can haul back to your place to get you back in. I'm pretty picky about who I would reveal personal information to but I guess if your part of this board that's a good enough screen for me. E-mail [email protected]. If internet or service down call me 772-633-0444 or Nextel 159*164038*1 if I can help. The Lord won't give you more than you can handle.
D.R. that is such a kind and generous offer, you sound like a truly good human being. :heart:
they say what goes around comes around, so you ought to be in great shape... :D
SCARY UPDATE (with a little good news)

One of the local meteorologists just pointed something out, which could be really bad for us. He pointed out that over the last hour and a half, Rita seems to have quit moving WNW and shifted W. This means a direct hit to Houston, or even farther west, may not be out of the question. They will not know until 9:30 when the Hurricane Center releases the next info.

To the good news. Traffic is finally moving, except on 290. They have opened up Contraflow traffic on most major highways (except on 290, they said they need one highway to bring in supplies and other things). In case you dont know, Contraflow is where they close the highway to inbound traffic and open everything to outbound. Slowly the traffic is speeding up as lanes open up and people begin to get out of town where ever they are going.
Thanks DR I think we will be able to ride this one out cut the big 100 old oaks behind the house today. Got 75 round bales on the south side of the house.
May God keep safe all that are in the path of the hurricane. Good luck to everyone and hope things are good with each of you after the storm has passed. Take care

This could be my last update for a while, the strong wind and rain is getting very close to Houston. I have spent the day getting ready for Rita, and I am as ready as I can be. Here is a little update. Winds are picking up to around 20 gusts, then dieing down for a minute, then picking back up. All traffic is cleared up, highways are empty. DPS and city officials are making a final sweep to get stranded motorists out as I type this now. The biggest failure by any level of government so far has been the traffic plans. Highways were opened up a day too late and the state failed on their part by not having gas and water trucks along evacuation routes. That is listed as part of the state's plans. Everything else has gone extremely well. Even democrats like Sheila Jackson Lee have stated that President Bush has done an extremely good job on getting this taken care of.

Now the tragedy BEFORE the storm.
Many people have been dieing on the highways. People have been suffering from the heat and dieing because the state failed to have water stations set up. There was one report of a freak accident where a lady had to sleep in her car, woke up, got out and slipped, fell and hit her head and died. Then there was the tragedy of the nursing home bus up by Dallas. The bus came from a nursing home about 2 miles from my house. They say there was brake failure, which started a fire. The fire then hit some of the oxygen tanks that some of the people needed and began to explode. 24 people died in the bus, mostly the elderly who could not get out of the bus on their own quickly enough. Staff members got a few people out of the bus, but couldnt get most of them.

I will post updates next time I get the chance to. Dont worry about me, I will be just fine through this storm. Lets just pray for the people who are right in Rita's path and will get pounded far worse than I will.

EDIT: Forgot to add that Rita has caused one of the levees to break again in New Orleans. Water is now rushing back into the city just after being pumped out.
Well, I wouldn't be quite so ready to blame the state government for failing to have water trucks all along the evacuation routes, or for some of the other things a lot of the talking heads are raising hell about. It just amazes me that some evacuees could have been so shortsighted and failed to pack at least a few gallons of water in their cars before departing. After all, its no secret that south Texas has been in the upper 90's to low 100's all week. Many people just don't seem to have much common sense these days. Then people started running out of gas (probably many started with much less than a full tank) and overheating because they wouldn't sacrifice and turn the air conditioners off in the stop & go, crawling traffic --- further adding to congestion. Probably the main thing that contributed to the long lines and slow going was the fact that dang near every Tom, Dick & Harry decided to evacuate, and not merely the folks from the coastal counties in danger zones 1,2 and 3. The state plan never contemplated that so many folks outside those three zones would decide not to shelter in place. Katrina was no doubt on the minds of a lot of people, so they decided to evacuate in droves, and they apparently failed to take comfort in the knowledge that Houston and surrounding counties are not a damn bowl like New Orleans. Hell, I know of some wimps that live almost 60 miles inland that thought they needed to (and did) evacuate to Dallas. Crazy! There will be a lot of Monday morning quarterbacking and b*tching by people that always like to criticize and blame elected officials or the Red Cross (without being able to offer viable, practical alternatives) but the simple fact is that there is no way to evacuate 2,000,000+ people in a few days with the existing infrastructure, nor should there be, in my view.
az my neice was trying to come home yesterday.an she left houston at 430am.stayed on the road 12 hrs.only driving less than 15mi in that time.turned round an went back home.so she is gonna ride rita out at a friends place.her daddy wasnt happy that she was staying there.let me tell you.scott
As of now, Houston is seeing almost nothing. At my house we got about 10 minutes of light rain a couple hours ago, and we are getting about 30 mph gusts of wind. Other than that, it has been completely calm here. Even seen 3 rainbows at one time just before it got dark. Just 3 of them lined up side by side. Still supposed to see strong tropical storm winds over here, but they have pushed that back a few hours. Originally they said in Houston we would be getting strong tropical storm winds about 8:00, but it is now 9:00 and still very little action. Its not very often that a storm like this comes around here, I was at least hoping for a LITTLE action (very little, just something out of the ordinary). So far this is just boring for us.
TxCoUnTrYbOy":1qv1fnhd said:
Its not very often that a storm like this comes around here, I was at least hoping for a LITTLE action (very little, just something out of the ordinary). So far this is just boring for us.

You didn't just say that, DID YOU??????????????? :shock:
Yeah, I did. I mean, all day I have been preparing and waiting for these fairly powerful winds and lots of rain. I have seen neither. When I got ready expecting a lot more, this does seem boring and very minor at least in this area at this time. Of course, I thank God that we arent getting hit like Beaumont and Louisiana is right now.
TxCoUnTrYbOy":140691xv said:
Yeah, I did. I mean, all day I have been preparing and waiting for these fairly powerful winds and lots of rain. I have seen neither. When I got ready expecting a lot more, this does seem boring and very minor at least in this area at this time. Of course, I thank God that we arent getting hit like Beaumont and Louisiana is right now.

As you age you will realize what to wish for ... and what not to wish for.
TxCoUnTrYbOy":1xh0sfwl said:
Its not very often that a storm like this comes around here, I was at least hoping for a LITTLE action (very little, just something out of the ordinary). So far this is just boring for us.

OK you punk, I can't handle this comment. I have friends in that weather. Good friends, that are sticking out the HURRICANE because they have cattle to tend to. If you wanted adventure and excitement you should have headed south. But instead, you ran north with your tail tucked between your legs like a scared pup. I don't care how old you are, comments like these are completely uncalled for. You are dry and with electricity yet you feel deprived and are bored because there are no 120mph winds.
You have made some pretty stupid comments on this forum before, and most of us let them slide because you are a kid. But, from this point on you are nothing more than cow sht under my boot. THINK BEFORE YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH!!!!!!! :mad:

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