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CSM":q70wt0mk said:
The sad thing about this is not the animal but the proud cattleman.
So do you think I'm asking too much? Or too little? Should I sell him for $2000? Or $5000? :lol: I am awfully proud of him.
so my 4 month old twin bulls must be valuble as they look better than the 3 previouse ones
I can not spell worth beans today LMBO they will give lots of milk to their heifers and down size your monster cows ( veal anyone ) as that is where they are headed in a month or 2 if I can sell them on the rail , other wise sale barn Suzanne
T one

and T two

its all that rich milk as their foster mom is 3/4 jersey 1/4 holstein first calf heifer that ended up calving at 21 months old Suzanne
Evidently he's having a hard time selling it cause that bull on there again today. He's also got a Rito 6I6 bull with papers if you don't like the first bull. Ha ha
Those are good looking Jersey's. We've been raising Jersey steers for slaughter for 4 years now and absolutely love the meat. I can't make myself kill one of my beef calves that I can get some real money out of so we started buying Jersey's for around $0.60/lb. Can't beat the price and the meat is excellent!!! My Dad has 10 of them fattening right now for other customers.
I can't make myself kill one of my beef calves that I can get some real money out of so we started buying Jersey's for around $0.60/lb. Can't beat the price and the meat is excellent!!! My Dad has 10 of them fattening right now for other customers.

Right there with you, I got 2 Jerseys that I am fattening, I will buy every one I find for slaughter, I call it sweet meat, and I sell for $4.00 a pound delivered , what are you getting? Maybe that guy of craigs list might consider a slight discount if we pay cash lets say 75% off. :lol:
Dam, you're doing well. Got $1.10/lb on the hoof last year. Probably going to at least $1.20 this year. They pay the processing but I do haul them as I'm going that way anyway with mine. Sounds like I'm cheap. How big do you get yours and what percentage of live weight do they normally dress?
Make sure Understand my process, I sell finished wrapped and delivered for that. I take them to around 1100 lbs, $40.00 kill fee, then .50 for processing dress weight, so it comes out like this 1100 lbs hangs @ 660 lbs, then finished wrap is around 460 lbs. I will split into 1/4 ths 460 X 4.00 is 1840.00 less the 370 processing, then figure I keep about a 1/.4 for myself at times. usually gross about 1200 an animal, I guess that is why in 18 months I sold every thing I could till the calves ran out, was averaging 2 every 6 weeks, it is real easy to sell no hormone no additive beef. Good regualr customers I give a 10% discount, builds good business, plus I delivery to their house, (tax write off). I wish I had more land, for more cows,
Except for the processing which would only be about $100 less around here that's very comparable then. Those are very good dressing percentages also for Jersey's. We normally kill them around 900 and average 57-59%. We're in the same boat, wish we had some more land as the old customers keep referring and we keep having to turn them down.
Your getting hour much 57-59 % return from live weight, the way I figure it live weight times .8 is dress weight then that times .65.
57-59% is rail weight not percentage of finished beef. Generally get 60% off of live weight to the rail and then 70% of rail weight to finished product. My numbers reflect very closely to our numbers above, 1100 X 60% = 660 and 660 X 70% = 462lbs of finished meat.

Do you use a commercial feed or a mixed ration? We've been feeding a mix of dried distillers, soyhull pellets, and corn. 1/3 of each bought by the ton.

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