Relief checks for families.......

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Aug 25, 2013
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If you have kids or know anybody that does in July start getting paid monthly, tell these folks about this.

Families get $300 per month for each child under 6 years old and up to $250 for each child from 6 to 17. So a family with three children ages 5, 7 and 16 could see an extra $800 per month in their bank account through the latter half of the year. The credit goes away once a child reaches 18.

sounds great if your not working and paying taxes. the extra money will help offset the cost of inflation from all the money our goverment seems to be spending; much of which seems to be going to other countries for major projects like gender identity research.
Last Monday, the 17th, federal taxes were due. The penalty for them being paid late is 5% (of amount due) each month they are not paid.

If you earned money (because you were working) but didn't have the money to pay the taxes you pay a 5% penalty. $250 or $300 is distributed for each child to a parent who may not be working.

How long will it take before those who give to the "kitty" are less then those taking from the "kitty", and the jar becomes empty?
1. A little confusing to me. Is it an advance on a refund? If so, I owe, not not get back.
2. They don't say how much it's reduced over 150K
I don't know all the details about that deal but it looks like a lot of folks are going to be getting a lot more free money. I reckon that families already receiving food stamps wic vouchers etc, and Medicaid for multiple children will get this program on top of all that. I know of a lot of folks that already won't work at anything or just have a job with no upward mobility because they can't afford to loose the already existing benefits which ultimately keep them from making a better life for themselves and family.
I don't know all the details about that deal but it looks like a lot of folks are going to be getting a lot more free money. I reckon that families already receiving food stamps wic vouchers etc, and Medicaid for multiple children will get this program on top of all that. I know of a lot of folks that already won't work at anything or just have a job with no upward mobility because they can't afford to loose the already existing benefits which ultimately keep them from making a better life for themselves and family.
KH my thought pattern just like yours. My family goes back to being teachers even my Grandmother. I have current family teaching right now. About half the kids showing up for school, they are so lazy dead lice wouldn't fall of them, our systems have absolutely ruined them, a good portion will not pass much less work in the future. I know this started many years ago, but currently what is going on maybe the final nail in the coffin.

One of my first jobs was working in a bank. The pay was very little, but the experience I use everyday. I remember one guy in the early eighties that had nine kids, was on disability, and got close to 6k a month then in a stack of checks, plus all the other handouts. He stayed on the road in a new car. I worked the teller line and it was about all I could do to put on that friendly smile and wait on some of these people. I could only imagine now what is going on, but I am sure it will blow your mind.
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From what I could find around 75 million children in the US under 18 and probably more. Each month we say they get $250 a month as that would equal to $18,750,000,000 each month for a program that has no ending attached to it. This is probably bipartisan and better than some programs, but it is unreal the handouts. Were does it stop? When does it stop?
From what I could find around 75 million children in the US under 18 and probably more. Each month we say they get $250 a month as that would equal to $18,750,000,000 each month for a program that has no ending attached to it. This is probably bipartisan and better than some programs, but it is unreal the handouts. Were does it stop?
I'm all for having some sort of temporary provision to help families through a rough patch due to health issues or uncontrollable loss of income, but there is far too much dependence on government assistance. I remember back when I started going to a public junior high school, likely well over half of the children there received free lunches. Fast forward to today I believe that all are provided with breakfast and lunch here. Through voluntary ministry projects, I have seen a lot of situations, in that families have been totally dependent on government assistance for several generations. They receive enough benefits to not want to work, but yet are still living in poverty and need. Many become addicted to alcohol or drugs, and quite a few try to make money by dealing in it. It's a tragic cycle in which children are born into that lifestyle and there are literally nearly entire communities throughout this state that this is very common in. My concern is that this money meant to go towards children, will just be used by the adults to enable their habits or just spent on frivolous things. All children already have the opportunity to go to school and learn, and we as a country spend an astonishing amount of money to provide that, but many children don't have the parental support that is needed to encourage them to even remotely try to learn while in school.
I'm all for having some sort of temporary provision to help families through a rough patch due to health issues or uncontrollable loss of income, but there is far too much dependence on government assistance. I remember back when I started going to a public junior high school, likely well over half of the children there received free lunches. Fast forward to today I believe that all are provided with breakfast and lunch here. Through voluntary ministry projects, I have seen a lot of situations, in that families have been totally dependent on government assistance for several generations. They receive enough benefits to not want to work, but yet are still living in poverty and need. Many become addicted to alcohol or drugs, and quite a few try to make money by dealing in it. It's a tragic cycle in which children are born into that lifestyle and there are literally nearly entire communities throughout this state that this is very common in. My concern is that this money meant to go towards children, will just be used by the adults to enable their habits or just spent on frivolous things. All children already have the opportunity to go to school and learn, and we as a country spend an astonishing amount of money to provide that, but many children don't have the parental support that is needed to encourage them to even remotely try to learn while in school.
A lot what you wrote I lived in the state of Kentucky. From my first years working in the state with Judge committed 13-18 yo from all over the state, toward the end I was working with several of their kids. They were a chip off the old block, but maybe a little worse. I said at one time you could take 200 families out of the state and it would make a big difference, but now I am sure it is in the thousands. I remember several from around your area as some pretty good kids, but lots of drug issues.
A lot what you wrote I lived in the state of Kentucky. From my first years working in the state with Judge committed 13-18 yo from all over the state, toward the end I was working with several of their kids. They were a chip off the old block, but maybe a little worse. I said at one time you could take 200 families out of the state and it would make a big difference, but now I am sure it is in the thousands. I remember several from around your area as some pretty good kids, but lots of drug issues.
Yes, we saw that too through ministries, when we started helping out there were families that were already a couple generations and we were there long enough to see many of their children repeating the same behavior patterns, and as you say maybe a little worse. There were a few that broke the mold, but unfortunately very few. We tried to keep them from going down the path that you worked with them at, but several got there or will get there no doubt. Drugs were getting bad when I was young, but thankfully I never saw it then. Now drugs of all kinds are everywhere around here. A trip to town can look like you have walked on to the set of a zombie movie.
Yes, we saw that too through ministries, when we started helping out there were families that were already a couple generations and we were there long enough to see many of their children repeating the same behavior patterns, and as you say maybe a little worse. There were a few that broke the mold, but unfortunately very few. We tried to keep them from going down the path that you worked with them at, but several got there or will get there no doubt. Drugs were getting bad when I was young, but thankfully I never saw it then. Now drugs of all kinds are everywhere around here. A trip to town can look like you have walked on to the set of a zombie movie.
This is a real simple solution, society gets what it tolerates.
This is a real simple solution, society gets what it tolerates.
Might be a simple solution, but it would complicate things for everybody. When the money spigot gets turned off, no business or property would be safe. Anybody would have to be on guard all the time to make sure what they had didn't get took, and it's bad enough that way as it is.
From what I could find around 75 million children in the US under 18 and probably more. Each month we say they get $250 a month as that would equal to $18,750,000,000 each month for a program that has no ending attached to it. This is probably bipartisan and better than some programs, but it is unreal the handouts. Were does it stop? When does it stop?
Heard one fellow say today this is basically giving everyone their annual earned income credit monthly instead of waiting until tax season to get it with the tax return. Of course it also seems every child qualifies.
Might be a simple solution, but it would complicate things for everybody. When the money spigot gets turned off, no business or property would be safe. Anybody would have to be on guard all the time to make sure what they had didn't get took, and it's bad enough that way as it is.

It works itself out after a while. I'd rather get it over with. Never was much good at waiting for some things.
We made a town run today. Stops included a farm and garden store, dollar store, two hardware stores, and a grocery store. All 5 had help wanted signs. Several advertised full benefit package, flexible hours, both full and part time, and most said competitive wages. Also saw a help wanted sign at McDonald's offering $14 an hour starting on all positions. And a sign for help wanted at the Behlin Industries plant that offers a full benefit package. In fact the only place I didn't see a help wanted was the gas station.
Baker City (pop 10,000 +/-) is the county seat and the only town in the county with a population over 450. It sits in the middle of a county bigger than the state of Delaware. From there it is 73 miles to Ontario or 44 miles to La Grande so unless you want a good size commute, if you live there you work there. Back before the pandemic there was the occasional help wanted sign. But now they are everywhere. Are people too lazy to work or are they getting paid more to stay at home than to go to work.
I wrote about a fishing trip I took last week. It was on a Thursday morning. An absolutely middle of no where reservoir. At least 40 miles from the nearest small town. There was about 24 other people fishing. I thought that this is a lot of old retired guys fishing. When we drove out none of the people we were close enough to get a look at them were retirement types. Are we paying those people to go fishing?
Might be a simple solution, but it would complicate things for everybody. When the money spigot gets turned off, no business or property would be safe. Anybody would have to be on guard all the time to make sure what they had didn't get took, and it's bad enough that way as it is.
Again society is tolerating the behaviors.
Make the penalty severe enough the behavior would change.
Go back to the Texas prison system of the 60's .
The building tenders would get your mind right as well .
You would work the farm or chain gang.
If you didn't they put you in a hole with a pump.
Yes, @Dave , we are paying them to go fishing. We are paying them to stay home, we are paying them to do less. The saddest thing is, in one way even I can understand it. If you made say, 500 a week, and the got laid off and the gov't was giving you 400 week in unemployment, and the federal gov't started throwing in another 300 a week.... so instead of making 500 a week you are now making 700 a week, would you really go back to work ? If you were getting an extra 200 a week, which might actually be helping you to get ahead of your bills, get caught up, and actually be able to buy something you needed or even something you have been wanting.... AND you were not paying for gas to have to go to work every day, AND you were not having to get up extra early to go or get home late, AND you were not tired and grumpy and stressed and always in a hurry or always mad at the kids, AND you got to go out and go fishing that you never had time to do before....... AND AND AND.... would you go back to work?????? For some, especially those with kids, you actually had a little time to be a better parent..... and could enjoy your kids.... or for a single parent that you were not always juggling schedules and could actually give your kid a fair amount of your time as a parent and enjoy their childhood....would you go back to work????

No, not all, or even many of the people taking advantage of the unemployment stuff, are like this. But I have friends, 2 different scenarios, and I point blank asked them..... Because I am still working, and struggling with the knees, and at retirement age not in the position they are in. One is a 2 household income family, one is a single parent household. Both sat down and showed me on paper, their finances and how much better off they were without working.... and how much better off the kids were. One actually went to homeschooling, that she always wanted to do, because she had the time, and did not feel like she was putting undue stress on her spouse, financially, by "staying home" . The single mom told me that she was able for the first time to actually not wonder how to pay her monthly bills, and was actually amassing a little bit of a cushion, so when she did go back to work, she could better manage and was further ahead than she had ever been.
Both said that they were wanting to go back to work, and could not justify it financially. I get it.

I know that there are many just too d#@ned lazy to work, and won't go back until they have to. There are alot that are also of the "gimme generation", that have never had to deprive themselves of the "I want it now" mentality.... and the parents have made it way to easy for the kids to not to ever strive to better themselves. There are way too many that "work the system" to get all they can with no thought to the fact that others are having to struggle to provide for their "lazy a$$es" because of the "I am entitled to what I want" or " the gov't says I can get this and that so I want it"....
As was stated by another poster, there is also very little company loyalty anymore, for a devoted employee who comes to work and does a good job and wants a little recognition in the form of a better wage or other "bonuses"... either.... That might change with this mess, but I think alot more will go to automation, and then one of these days it is going to catch up with all these "lazy" people when there suddenly isn't any gov't checks because the gov't is broke and there aren't any of us "working people" to keep paying for their lazy a**es to sit at home.... or we are dead and there is no one to even teach them how to grow their own food so they don't starve.

I don't know the answer, but I do think that the states that are taking this "extra" money and trying to turn it into incentives and positives to come back to work, is at least a positive step forward.

The other thing is, is the lack of sense of self, and responsibility, and the inability to be proud of something for what and how you do it, not just for the monetary return. I am not sure of how that can be fixed or turned around when everything is so often equated with money and not self esteem just for a job well done.

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