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They will stop at nothing. Did you know there is actually one eco group that makes and sales porn for their cause?
One of my brothers is a tree hugging metrosexual. When I told him ayear or so ago about the PETA link to porn he said so what. But I'm the evil one for eating things with faces and having morals and standards.
Same with the gays. Their whole lives and identities are centered around their homosexuality. If I did the same I'd be accused of being a pervert or a dirty old man and probably be incarcerated.
I read an article about the Pansy Craze of the 1930's the other day, anyway they were not known as gays or the likes as we know them today but as sexual perverts.
alisonb":x6431hfr said:
I read an article about the Pansy Craze of the 1930's the other day, anyway they were not known as gaysor the likes as we know them today but as sexual perverts.
Theres a difference? :bang:
PC has changed a lot of things as well as our thoughts without some of us being aware of it.
During my brief endevor at an institution of higher learning I got to debate a peta member. He'd been running his mouth all semester about how great veganism was and how EVERYONE should be a vegan and that would solve all of the worlds problems. I'd had enough of it so I finally pointed out that there was already famine in the world and yet every piece of ground that's suitable to growing plants suitable for human consumption is already being farmed and that by producing livestock we concentrated the areas not fit to farm into a concentrated source of sustinance. I asked him what would happen if everyone quit eating animals and ate ONLY what could be produced on the already stressed farm ground.... He literally screamed obscenaties at me and stomped out of the room and never came back. :nod:
cow pollinater":yy7fijvh said:
During my brief endevor at an institution of higher learning I got to debate a peta member. He'd been running his mouth all semester about how great veganism was and how EVERYONE should be a vegan and that would solve all of the worlds problems. I'd had enough of it so I finally pointed out that there was already famine in the world and yet every piece of ground that's suitable to growing plants suitable for human consumption is already being farmed and that by producing livestock we concentrated the areas not fit to farm into a concentrated source of sustinance. I asked him what would happen if everyone quit eating animals and ate ONLY what could be produced on the already stressed farm ground.... He literally screamed obscenaties at me and stomped out of the room and never came back. :nod:

Most of those types couldn't care less about feeding the world as long as they feel good about themselves. Losers.
Good job CP! That always gets their goats when you point out facts to them. I love reminding them how members of their group killed animals put them in trash bags and dumped them in dumpsters. Shuts them up pretty quickly too!
Funny thing is most everything we use has animal parts or relies on animals . Lipstick jello shoes just to name a few . I bet they couldn't make it if they didn't use anything with animal by products in it . Just not eating meat isn't gonna stop the killing of animals . Which were put here by god for us to slaughter and eat ... Maybe we need to charge them for methane release from all the roughage they eat ... I've got a cousin that is a tree hugging anti meat guy . He's 6'2" and weighs about 150 lbs . Weakest guy I've ever met . Sad thing is he goes to the gym 5 days a week . When did g.o.d become a bad word ?
Didn't you know that PETA stands for --
People Eating Tasty Animals?? LOL
Seriously though they are hypocrits. Like I luv Herefords says they were caught dumping dead animals in a dumpster. If I remember right they were running an animal care shelter, and were killing the critters in their care, and got caught.
Some of these extreme environmental / peta types are raising piles of cash from their whining, and they often make alot of money from it too. Easy way to make a buck.
I worked for a time for a fellow who raised mink for a living. He took very good care of his animals, and was an execellent person to work for. The peta people came at night and released a whole pile of his mink. ( at one time he had like 10,000 mink) What a disaster that was. Every commercial chicken farmer in the area came with fishing nets to try and catch what didn't get ran over on the highway, as they knew what mink can do in a chicken house!
They managed to catch about 3/4 of them.
Years later, Peta came again and opened his cages and released a bunch again.
Each individual mink has its own cage, so that is no small feat. Why they chose him to pick on I really don't know, as they were nice people. Maybe if this mink farmer had been mean they would have been too scared to try something like that.
Some of these vegans can be a real pain, as some of them try to cram their vegan lifestyle down other people's throats. We don't try to force them to eat meat, so why can't they leave us alone???
Nite Hawk
We need the right to stand our ground. You should be able to use lethal force to protect your property. If you could kill some of these terrorists on your land this kinda stuff would stop.
highgrit":1j0wxhc9 said:
We need the right to stand our ground. You should be able to use lethal force to protect your property. If you could kill some of these terrorists on your land this kinda stuff would stop.

But that is not what they are about. They don't want to fight. They want to get someone else to fight their battles for them. Namely the law enforcement.

If your horse got out, got struck by a truck, and was sure to die, you cannot legally put it out of its misery in most locations within the U.S. You must call a vet - even if it is 2 a.m. That's what they want. Nothing to do with what's ethically correct or humane.

Anything sensational to futher their cause, they are all about it. As far as I am concerned they are hurting the very critters they claim to support.
They say that horse slaughter cause pain and grief to many horses, but know since it's gone you see many horse starving to death, and waste away because you can't do anything with them.
They have to be the brightest people in the world to figure that out. :roll:

Keep eating your jello smart ones.
You should've read the nasty comment I recieved on one of my blog posts:

"I am a vegan of 4 years who believes that it is wrong to claim ownership of any living being without their permission. Remember slavery?? People bought and sold people. Broke their spirits and beat them, Forced them to work for their financial benefit. Wildrose do you have the cows permission to buy and sell them and send them to slaughter? These animals that humans consume are our equals. Historically, we have done more damage to this earth than any cow has ever done. Our oceans are contaminated, our "BIG BRAINS" are too busy defending evils we commit everyday, to counter any of the damage we ave done and continue to do.. Mankind will never see peace until we stop claiming superiority over other species, races and genders."

A PIECE OF ADVICE TO ALL CATTLE RANCHERS: Start looking for career alternatives Because 9 out of 10 people I come into contact with these days cannot in good conscience watch a cow being slaughtered. (Not a good place to start if you ask me. ) People are starting to spread these videos around the internet that actually shows these animals last moments of life- and people DO NOT LIKE THE REALITY. THE BLOOD Start growing Kale, Chard, carrots, Potatoes, Legumes, Lettuce, peas, cherries, peaches, apples, pumpkin, brussel sprouts and oranges. This is cruelty free food, and people are going to make the change whether it takes another 100 years to abolish animal slavery. Its going to happen. I send these videos out to hundreds and hundreds of people every day. I will continue doing so until the day I die."

If that's not shoving stuff down someone's throat I dunno what is. And I couldn't resist taking a piece of out him right back:

"I think the first part of your comment is chuck full of horse droppings. The last part I agree with. Since I prefer to discuss the disagreements than the agreements because you don't get any discussion if you agree with everything, I'm going to give you my arguments as to why I strongly disagree with your views.

You treat animals like humans. That's the huge issue I have: Animals are NOT HUMANS. That is plain and simple. So, since they are animals and not humans, how in the world am I or any other producer able to walk up to a "cow" and ask, "Hello, do you give me permission to buy and sell you and convert you into flesh" ???? We CANNOT. Do you see a lion asking a zebra if he can kill it for food, or a chameleon asking a cricket if he can catch it with its tongue and eat it? Of course not! That view that animals have rights or morals or anything like that is simply the most ridiculous and stupidest thing I've ever heard! They are NOT our equals, they are something entirely different from us, they think differently, act differently and see the world differently from us, and you've got the nerve to say we're equals?? Yeah, I've heard it all, humans are animals too, but that's where the similarities end. We humans treat animals like humans too dam much, especially those who have never lived on a farm and don't truly understand the psychology and behaviour of an animal, regardless of a bovine, a dog, a cat, horse, whatever. And that's what the big problem is that I have with your statement and with all animal rights activists.

With you comparing human slavery to using animals for food and fibre is like comparing apples to oranges. Animals do not complain about how they're treated or whether they change hands or anything like that; as a matter of fact they don't give a dam either way. They live in the now, never in the past or present like us humans do, and are always accepting of their situation if the current situation they're in is not causing them pain or fear. Of course they're not accepting of the situation if they're being put in pain or are made to be highly fearful.

And quite frankly, animals have it a heII of a lot better than what the slaves have had it, and...get treated a lot better.

The nine out of ten people you meet are city slickers, people who are so far removed from the farm and agriculture that they have no real understanding of animal slaughter so much that they are easily affected by this. Today's society is also more emotionally-run than intellectually, nor do most use their common sense. They've no idea, nor do you I presume, that animals have a lot different concept of Death than we do. And it's funny that people react more to the blood of animals being spilled, and yet hardly at all when people spill the blood of other people!

And FYI, animal slavery DOES NOT EXIST. There is no such thing as "animal slavery," just like there's no such thing as "animal rights," or "factory farming." These are all terms coined by extremists who want nothing more than the money from gullible people like you.

Say what you want, but you started this fight and I'm more than willing to defend my position."

:deadhorse: Same shyt, different pile. Too bad he didn't come back with a reply. And you know what's funny? These vegans and animal rights activists/extremists always seem to think they're always right. Then you throw a "wildcat" like me into the fight and they try to put up a fight then scatter. :lol:
Using their logic, you could argue that plants are people too. I wouldn't waste my time with these cuckoos. I don't think people are going to stop eating hamburgers or steak or bacon or chicken wings or anything else they like because of PETA theatrics.

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