> Cindy: His bit is a Western Bit,
> like a tom thumb with a 1"
> copper ball in the middle of the
> joint. He seems to like it. I got
> him last September from a
> neighbour who was selling him for
> someone else. He was hard to catch
> then but I figured I could work on
> it. I rode him home from there
> about 4 miles and he was good all
> the way. I introduced him to my
> mare and they got along good so I
> bought him. We have been on a lot
> of trail rides and he always
> behves well. For the last couple
> of weeks he decided he doesn't
> want to come in at the same time
> as my mare and so I put her away
> and then have to go play the catch
> game with him. I rented John Lyons
> tapes and it is working. The first
> day took over an hour the second
> about half hour and now about 5-6
> min. So it is working.All winter
> he was good to come in, always
> stood quietly to put his lead on.
> But lately he does this head
> bobbing, really quick short up and
> down jerks, when I get his bridle
> on or getting it on and sometimes
> while grooming outside. He never
> does it in the pasture, and even
> that only started about 3 weeks
> ago, at it's worst He did the head
> bobbing thing sometimes in the
> winter also when it was snowing,
> we thought it was funny at the
> time but now its annoying. Other
> times he doesn't do it at all.
> Sometimes he does it for his
> dewormer too. I haven't lunged
> him, they are so quiet we just
> ride them. I don't have a round
> pen so it makes it hard, also my
> mare follows me everywhere around
> the pasture. But if I put her in
> the barn for any length of time
> without him all heck breaks loose.
> She starts calling him then he
> gets excited. Thanks B**
Becky You are so on the right track!!! I am proud of you. What bit did the people use on this guy. Kiddo LOOSE the tomthumb YOU don't know how many horses that style of bit has ruined!!! If the old owners had a bit that worked try it. If not try a snaffle It will take time to correct the habbit of tossing his head but you will be far in advance if you try other bits.Make sure they fit that is so critical.No slop on the corners and they work well. Also do you have LIGHT hands watch and see,be honest with your self on that one. Do you grab at the reins to hang on etc.?? Talk Later cindy!
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