New source for pseudoephedrine?

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Jun 1, 2005
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South Misery
Tri-Hist Granules
Any of you familar with this stuff?
LE is hearing since the sates are requiring signatures for cold meds containing pseudo, that the meth cooks are buying this stuff from farm suppliers.
Have any of you seen this in your area?
Recently there was a expose on pbs about meth.
Apparently there are 4 or 5 overseas plants that make this in bulk. And alot was being purchased by some brothers in Mexico.
And being brought into the US.
Don't know about Tri-Hist Granules. My little bride works for a nursery and they have to "hide" the ammonia nitrate fertilizer.
An older fellow will go in back and bring some out to put on the shelves. "Cause we've always had it out". The rate of of traffic goes from 0 to about 5 aday when the word gets out.
Then they have to "hide" it again and tell, umm how do you say it, select customers WE ARE OUT and won't have any more!
That won't deter them they will search through the buildings and fenced in storage area to locate it :x No does not mean No to these people. If it were my decision or the brides they won't handle the product. Yes there are alot of folks that like to give their garden the boost from fertilizer, but the extra time involved here eats up the profit margin. Plus I wonder how diesirable customers they lose having the speacial needs customer traffic. Who are rude, imposing and often just flat out dirty. And not from an honest days labor dirt either.
I could swear I used Tri-Hist on a horse a couple of years ago. Wasn't mine, but a horse I boarded with heaves. This was before the explosion of local meth labs. This county is rampant with them now.
dj":1nhs08qa said:
Recently there was a expose on pbs about meth.
Apparently there are 4 or 5 overseas plants that make this in bulk. And alot was being purchased by some brothers in Mexico.
And being brought into the US.
Don't know about Tri-Hist Granules. My little bride works for a nursery and they have to "hide" the ammonia nitrate fertilizer.
An older fellow will go in back and bring some out to put on the shelves. "Cause we've always had it out". The rate of of traffic goes from 0 to about 5 aday when the word gets out.
Then they have to "hide" it again and tell, umm how do you say it, select customers WE ARE OUT and won't have any more!
That won't deter them they will search through the buildings and fenced in storage area to locate it :x No does not mean No to these people. If it were my decision or the brides they won't handle the product. Yes there are alot of folks that like to give their garden the boost from fertilizer, but the extra time involved here eats up the profit margin. Plus I wonder how diesirable customers they lose having the speacial needs customer traffic. Who are rude, imposing and often just flat out dirty. And not from an honest days labor dirt either.
DJ are you at the MFA in Buffalo?
I am from up by Tunas
Actually I have heard of that stuff before. I believe I had some up north.. used it on horses that had allergy symptoms.

Meth labs everywhere down here too.. especially out in the country. I think it's pathetic that a person has to buy sinus medication from the pharmacists, and sign for it. Although I understand the reasoning.
Not just pseudo products around here... even have to sign for cough medicine now - tablets and syrup, I guess the contents (DXM?) when taken in mass quantity allow people to get a rush... rush like watching new calves hit the ground without help, get up and nurse... works for me! those others -- I wish them the best, they won't be on this earth long living that way.
Coolest thing I heard recently from a good friend of mine which lives about 300 miles away was there were some dope-heads had them a rolling meth lab (van) and were driving down the interstate and it blew their A$$'s up :shock: ....Killing them.
Thats funny right thar now :lol: :lol: :lol: .
That stuff is bad here. They catch somebody here about every week making it. Just about all the raw materials used to make it will kill you alone. Let alone the finished product. I've seen some really messed up young people on that stuff.
Why can't I buy epinephrine from TSC anymore? Local dog and cat vet wouldn't sell it to me either.
rkm":sk401fuq said:
Why can't I buy epinephrine from TSC anymore? Local dog and cat vet wouldn't sell it to me either.

Cause the paperwork cost is killing the profit margin?
Cause we have an epidemic situation with meth use?
Maybe they have decided to forgo financial gain in favor of moral/ethical stands. KUDOS to them and any others who will do this. Sorry if it is an inconvenience for you. But if meth ever touchs your life you might find you are glad they at least tried to slow it down. I trade my herd of two, my home, property, live in the streets, alleys, or ditches. What ever took if I could assure the nieces and nephews were safe from this.
They used to refer to this county as Meth County, now it's the whole Ozark area that's referred to that way. Sad day in america

I know it's a terrible, terrible thing, but it always gets me to thinking.. why would a young person even DO Meth? We know a young girl that got all mixed up in it.. started running with the wrong "crowd", let herself get talked into trying it. Ended up in jail a couple of times, the last time they wouldn't let her out until she went to rehab. Spent 30 days there, was ready to go after two weeks, and now has moved out of the county. I wonder how long it will take her to get involved in it again. She just didn't seem strong enough or smart enough to realize what she was getting into.

Is peer pressure THAT important that a young person would give up everything, all their hopes and dreams of the future?
I live in a county that got made the top of the list for meth labs in the state last year. I've seen the statistics, and they're terrifying. I've seen first hand the toll this stuff takes on the human body.
TheBullLady":3szzd2ro said:
I know it's a terrible, terrible thing, but it always gets me to thinking.. why would a young person even DO Meth? We know a young girl that got all mixed up in it.. started running with the wrong "crowd", let herself get talked into trying it. Ended up in jail a couple of times, the last time they wouldn't let her out until she went to rehab. Spent 30 days there, was ready to go after two weeks, and now has moved out of the county. I wonder how long it will take her to get involved in it again. She just didn't seem strong enough or smart enough to realize what she was getting into.

Is peer pressure THAT important that a young person would give up everything, all their hopes and dreams of the future?
I think it must be a combination of peer influence and stupidity from a lack of goals or direction. I am puzzled as to why an otherewise attractive girl will stick these body piercing things in her tongue and other parts. :???:
Why Young girls go meth?
To stay slim and conform to the medias presentation of the desirable female.
Having been in a support role with LE for 30 years I can provide first hand knowledge of cases where speed freaks have used it til they died.
They slowly but surely BURN up from the inside.
I think the real answer will start at home when people are once again allowed too educate and disipline their children (and they do). When desirable means independent strong proud and lawful, when we all look for the beauty inside not at the paint and trappings on the outside.
Sorry I climbed up on the soap box
Me?....I prefer simple solutions to even complex problems.......amazing how the art of farming can offer 'some' solutions to the meth a farmer, and gardner, I try to grow what I eat, and eat what I grow. I take a great pride in that.

So, that being the case................imho, when we catch a meth producer in the act, we should expect him to eat what he makes.....ALL of it, then and there. And of course ask him if he can feel the over whelming pride and joy of consuming what he has produced? :p :cboy:
However it's not just kids that are doing the drug thing.
I do feel sorry for the kids that get on drugs, but as for an adult that's entirely different. I cannot bring myself to feel sorry for them. They know the outcome when they start on the stuff. It's the kids they bring down with them that hurts.
It should be mandatory for an adult to be put to death for getting a young child started on drugs.

And this includes docters putting a person on drugs when a good ol a$$ whoping would work the same.

It isn't just folks that you think of as dirty or low class using the stuff. I know of a couple who have a nice place, nice lifestyle, and she's the biggest speed queen I know. Saw her the other day, her teeth are rotted out and she's all skinny and hyper. Her husband's using now, too. He's lost his job and I think they are selling if not manufacturing. All that nice stuff they have is going to go away. They used to be neighbors of mine, but I am staying away from them. They have two little girls, too. Sad. I expected better than that from them.

Stuff is everywhere. And it rips me that I can't get Sudaphed when I have a cold. Only thing that gets my nose unstopped. :mad:
From what I see around here it isn't the 20 somethings.
Seems like it's the 30-40 age group losing their health, jobs, and homes for the manufacture of meth charges.
The kids (15-20) that will open up about it find it too easy to just purchase it as oppossed to trying to hide a lab in the family home. Plus what parent is not going to know something is going on when the kids are staying up all night and day for days on end. And you will see this long before the physical traits show up. If your child seems to have more stamina lately a close watch is advised.

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