: Previous info about "Preparing To Butcher" were helpful. I have some futher questions. I want to finish my Black Baldie steer. He's 15 months old, is on good pasture, and has good condition. I want the best tasting, well marbled meat I can get.<p>: I heard that "corn fed beef" is best, but my meat processor says that whole corn will past through a steer largely undigested. So what should I be looking for at the feed store? I can get Tindle Super 50/50 which is grain pellets and cracked corn with mollasis. Will this work? What if added Alphalfa hay to his gain diet? Any pointers will be appreciated.<p>A method that we have found to work for show steers is to cook the corn - I do not know if you are feeding in a large area or a confined feeding area, this method is for penned steers.<br>We prchased 3 large crock-pots every evening fill the pots a bit less than 1/2 full cover with water cook on low at least3-4 hours or until the corn has absorbed all of the liquid - be carefull not to cook it all away (you may need to add liquid)<br>Feed this amount twice a day for the rem. 30 days.<br>The cooking process aids in the digestion,is more readily absorbed and results in less feed thru waste as the steer is able to more readily convert the nutrients and fats .<br>You may also take a 5 gallon bucket fill it a little over 1/2 full or for a more accurate method 6 3 Lb coffee Cans.<br>Fill to the brim with water. Let sit overnight and feed.<br>We use whole corn for this method.<br>If the steer finds the finisher unpalatable, you can buy Molasses, syrup, sugar or a commercial grade of molasses to sweeten the mix.<br>It is also better for a home feeder, to confine the steer to a smaller area for the last 30-60 days.<br>Protien in the diet promotes growth, at approx 800-850 Lbs. (Dependant upon the frame size and breed) is the point where you should begin to decrease protien and increase fat intake.<br>Other sources of fat can also be obtained by using corn oil <br>If you would like we have several bulk finish mixes that can be readily obtained at your local co-op.<br>If you wish,please E-Mail and we will send those to your private E-Mail account.<p>