National guard used against citizens

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2009
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Free Rent ,VA
Unbelievable... These elected officials are gonna get alot of people hurt and killed with their bs
Sickening......unbelievable....just hope it does not get passed...
the county i live in, the county commissioners designated our county a second amendment sanctuary county. as of now don't think the state of texas has a problem with it.
Texas, Washington State, Colorado, Nevada, Texas, Virginia, and New Mexico all have some counties that have declared themselves 2nd amendment sanctuaries.
As far as I can find, the following are the counties in Texas that have done so.
Palo Pinto
skyhightree1 said:
Unbelievable... These elected officials are gonna get alot of people hurt and killed with their bs
Remember Glen Beck he is a big part of Blaze.
skyhightree1 said:
Unbelievable... These elected officials are gonna get alot of people hurt and killed with their bs

I could see this turn ugly quick unfortunately. All it takes is one idiot to start it.
All this is being lead by the same party that brought us the last Civil war, the KKK, Jim Crow laws along with poll taxes. The list of the anarchy achievements is long the MO hasn't changed. Promise redistribution and safety. The sad part is the weak minded line up to support the ruling elite of plantation politicians.
Might want to hit the bulk ammo site like AmmoSeek, bet that's next.

"Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both"

Thinking about buying a bunch of bare AR lowers as they maybe grandfathered in, if it passes..Then again they may knock my door down and take them. This is very embarrassing to read or even discuss. :oops: I live on the very western part of the state and it is two different worlds from the east part. A very wealthy state and we get very little on this end..Dirt roads everywhere, believe it or not some people don't even have running water or electricity around here yet. If my roots were not deep here I would move. :( There has never been a Governor elected east of Roanoke and never will, as us peons on this end (east) could just disappear in their minds.
jltrent said:
Thinking about buying a bunch of bare AR lowers as they maybe grandfathered in, if it passes..Then again they may knock my door down and take them. This is very embarrassing to read or even discuss. :oops: I live on the very western part of the state and it is two different worlds from the east part. A very wealthy state and we get very little on this end..Dirt roads everywhere, believe it or not some people don't even have running water or electricity around here yet. If my roots were not deep here I would move. :( There has never been a Governor elected east of Roanoke and never will, as us peons on this end (east) could just disappear in their minds.

The irony considering your state motto.
Sic semper tyrannis .
Trent the scariest part is the majority of your state elected a governor that appears in a picture with a Klan uniform. If that doesn't represent the plantation elite. What does?
Caustic Burno said:
Trent the scariest part is the majority of your state elected a governor that appears in a picture with a Klan uniform. If that doesn't represent the plantation elite. What does?
I saw that as he should have been relieved of his duty immediately....
The article says they are going to grandfather in the guns already owned but they must be registered. The Nazi in Germany made people register their guns. Made it easier to confiscate them later.
Last year we had it on the ballot to make Baker County Oregon a Second Amendment sanctuary county. It past by a very wide margin.
kenny thomas said:
The guy must be pretty local as he mentioned our county and the two out of state joining. He has some very good points and well worth the listen.
You folks in Virginia need a governor like we have in Texas that kept Obama from taking Texas over with the Jade Helm operation using the US military.
jltrent said:
I live on the very western part of the state and it is two different worlds from the east part.

Ain't it the truth? I know Sky has seen it first hand having lived on both sides of the state.
Part of it has to do with how the state was settled originally and part has to do with the changes later.
It seems only a few "pockets" of population are like minded one way and the rest of the state the opposite,though.
I think our divisions are only going to get wider instead of better. It is only going to be solved when people start thinking about their fellow man and the common good instead of"all about me" or the desire to control.
jltrent said:
Thinking about buying a bunch of bare AR lowers as they maybe grandfathered in, if it passes..Then again they may knock my door down and take them. This is very embarrassing to read or even discuss. :oops: I live on the very western part of the state and it is two different worlds from the east part. A very wealthy state and we get very little on this end..Dirt roads everywhere, believe it or not some people don't even have running water or electricity around here yet. If my roots were not deep here I would move. :( There has never been a Governor elected east of Roanoke and never will, as us peons on this end (east) could just disappear in their minds.

Unfortunately I am in the other part of the start where the big cities are the majority and elect these fools. I would like to move too and feel same as you JL
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