My cousin Timmy

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I'm sorry to hear this DS-- that was not the ending I was expecting to that story.
Thieves, murderers and liars--all of the same ilk--I hope they catch him and quick!
I really appreciate everything that y'all have said. Even though we don't know each other face to face I still feel like it's a personal relationship that we have through our shared love of cattle and the land. We may not agree on everything but we all have a common bond.
I won't lie, this hit me pretty hard. I'm doing better this morning though.

melking":25kmehwb said:
It makes me want to hate the world we live in but I guess given what you said, Timmy wouldn't want that.

Mel, you hit the nail on the head here. I haven't really gotten mad yet and hope that doesn't come. There is no doubt this is a lot harder because he was murdered than if he would have just had a heart attack or something. About a month ago not long before Christmas an elderly couple that went to church with Timmy were murdered by their daughters ex-husband. A couple of days latter I seen Timmy. He was very upset about what had happened. He went on about how he couldn't understand why the guy would hurt those old folks but I never heard one angry word from him toward the guy.
The murder makes it harder for sure. This is the first person really close to me that's been murdered so I'm having to figure out how to deal with it. Yesterday when I was with his wife it was so pitiful. She was curled up on the couch and all see did was keep repeating "they hurt him bad, they hurt him bad." I won't lie at that moment I felt anger. It felt like she needed me to go hurt whoever did this to Timmy bad. But after I left her my anger died back down.
I am sorry.
Maybe I am too harsh but there still should be hangings for people like this. Or groups that hunt them down and torture them. I have a feeling that if word got around that things like that would happen things like this would be less frequent.
Deepsouth, the hurt will never go away. My favorite uncle was murdered in 1973 on his ranch in Fort Pierce Fl. And it's still fresh in my mind. You just have to feel privileged to have the time you did with him.
cow pollinater":1t2458ze said:
I'm sorry for the loss. It sounds like a lot of people lost this time. Please don't let all of his goodness die with him.

Like a lot of others I was speechless. But as CP said don't let all that goodness die with him.
Deepsouth....Sorry for your loss. This is a senseless loss of a very good man!
Please keep us all informed on how this all proceeds. I hope they nail someone for this cowardly act.
Deepsouth. Words pretty much fail me here but I will say I sure am sorry for your loss. One things for sure it sounds like he was a great candidate to be sitting at the throne with our lord. You have to hang your heart on that and try to heal............3way
I really appreciate the kind words guys.
I have a question some of you may be able to explain to me.

when law enforcement says they have a suspect what does that mean? Is everyone a suspect until cleared? For instance is the wife and family suspects, business partners and so on? I would think so. So when they say they have a suspect or suspects does that just mean everyone is a suspect or do they have a potential legitimate lead?
From what I've seen when they say they have a suspect they have a good lead on the person that could be responsible. Everyone was most likely a suspect when the first started the investigation and they started ruling out people. If they didn't have a lead they would say they are looking at it or investigating it.
Usually that means that they are looking at someone or someones harder than the rest. They dont rule out anyone until proven, but they have found something that is leading them toward a specific person or persons. Now about mr. Timmy, i have known him most of my life also and deepsouth made a great description of the type of person he was. He would do anything for anyone. This is hurting our community for sure. He has helped a many of folks. My prayers are with this family.