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I truly hope your marriage can survive. I had an easy time (and presumably my husband did as well), so I can empathize, but not understand the depth of what you are going through. And your wife.

It can equate to a midlife crisis. But neither excuse outright bad behavior or disrespect. A good relationship with a primary care Dr is the first line of defense, who can then refer to a specialist and prescribe meds, if appropriate. For both of you, if needed.
She has been seeing a primary care doctor. The physical part as far as her menstrual cycle changes started happening a few years ago. I guess should have been more attentive to what was going on when that started. It was more of a physical type problem that i was under the impression a common thing that happens.

Never thought it would end up like this. My wife has a very stressful job which I have told her several times over the years she should quit. But it is a career oriented type job in management and she is close to being able to retire from it. She won't quit it.

I am going to start paying closer attention to how her doctors appointments turn out. She said at her last appointment they done some type of test to check harmone levels or something like that ?
She has been seeing a primary care doctor. The physical part as far as her menstrual cycle changes started happening a few years ago. I guess should have been more attentive to what was going on when that started. It was more of a physical type problem that i was under the impression a common thing that happens.

Never thought it would end up like this. My wife has a very stressful job which I have told her several times over the years she should quit. But it is a career oriented type job in management and she is close to being able to retire from it. She won't quit it.

I am going to start paying closer attention to how her doctors appointments turn out. She said at her last appointment they done some type of test to check harmone levels or something like that ?
I am going to send you a PM. Hopefully, I can help.
Lucky ya'll didn't have a surprise and she doesn't read this forum. Glad she is okay that's pretty scary.
We don't know if she is ok yet. A growth of over 3 inches is not good, they are trying to rule out cancer. From what they have said she is facing at least a hysterectomy. We are just praying it is not cancer, next appointment is the 22nd, prayer for good results. Waiting is tough.

I am sure your wife is going to be ok. I going to pray for good results for her too ! We have too look out for our little women. They are the greatest gift the good Lord has ever blessed us men with.
It was the worst time of our 39 year relationship, glad I'm not a quiter 'cause I'd been gone.

Things are fine now.
How long did the menopause last. How old was your wife when she first noticed she was going through it ?
We don't know if she is ok yet. A growth of over 3 inches is not good, they are trying to rule out cancer. From what they have said she is facing at least a hysterectomy. We are just praying it is not cancer, next appointment is the 22nd, prayer for good results. Waiting is tough.

Excuse me guess I miss read that. Sometimes my head reads one thing not what the words actually say. 🙇🏽‍♀️
I'll send up a prayer as well. ❤
Yep I think ya'll have cleared it up I have been going through the changes for the past 10 years. I'm having a mid-life crisis and going through menopause. Wait seriously you mean it gets worse! 🥵😟😳🥺 I want trade this body for a new version. ☺😝
Started when she was 52ish, 2 horrible years. Could start like flipping a light switch, she never thought she had anything going. I just kinda closed up or I could get caught up in the shut.
How long did the menopause last. How old was your wife when she first noticed she was going through it ?
She was also stressed out on a job She had, straight off the farm to 55-60 hours a week driving a handicap bus. I didn't even want her to work outside the home, we have a construction company too.
My wife is a Postmaster for a large post office. Her job is nothing but stress with a capital T.

Did your wife have a doctor helping her through it and maybe using harmone therapy ?

Did she keep the job ?
Don't take it personally if she used to cuddle at night and suddenly kicks the ever lovin' snot outta you because you're infringing on her side of the bed - the only place that's remotely cool.

Hot flashes? You betcha. But over in a year, no meds. Weight gain? Can happen, but I lost weight. Moody? Well, it is calving season.

@504RP, I applaud you! For recognizing what she's going through and seeking validation. I know it's hard when venom spews for no apparent reason. But take solace in the "light at the end of the tunnel". It will end. And she'll be forever grateful for your support. Good luck! Seriously - good luck!!!
You were lucky if hot flashes only lasted a year. Mine easily went 10 years and, from what I've heard, it's not unusual. My husband swears it feels like a meat locker in our house.