Look for advice on a fair price to charge

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Aug 31, 2010
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Crockett Texas
Looking for some advice on what you would think to be a fair price to charge this gentleman whose cow has been on my place since August. I'll give you a little background on the situation, there were (4) cows out back in July no brands, tags or anything to identify ownership. They we're eating my neighbors deer corn and driving him crazy running loose on his place as he doesnt have fences on the majority of his property, he doesn't have any animals, just leases his place to hunters. In August my neighbor contacted sheriff to have this cows removed from his place, they had been there almost a month at this point. The sheriff sent out some guys to catch the cattle. They were able to catch 3 of the 4, while in the process of trying to catch the last cow she ran through my fence and in with my cows. Of course the guys didn't try to fix my fence nor retrieve the cow instead they packed up and left with the 3 they were able to catch. I contacted the sheriff on multiple occasions for them to get the cow off my place. Needless to say they still haven't got around to picking her up, I asked the Sgt. what happen to the other (3) cows he said they were never claimed and auctioned off. Well now this gentleman has contacted me and says the cows were his, I told him the cow had been on my place since August and had torn up a section in my fence. This cow for (4) months has been an expense to me and due to the period of time she's been here I believe I should be somewhat compensated. The cow has had everything that my cows have access to hay, feed, mineral, even vaccinated and worked her when I did my fall workup on my cows in case she hadn't been properly taken care of. I'd just like a fair price to tell this guy, if it had only been a week or something like that I wouldn't even bother, but (4) months is ridiculous for someone not to notice 4 of their cows missing.
Whats your cost per day/head?
Take that and double it for your efforts and mult that by how many days.
Thatd be fair to me.
Be the good neighbor and pen her....load her and haul her to his house. Before you unload her hand him the bill and tell him that's what it's gonna take to get her off your trailer.

I doubt you could legally do this but If he doesn't pay, haul her to the sale, cash the check and give him the check stub and the proceeds of the sale, less your expenses. Maybe the sheriff's dept or an attorney could advise you on this part.

Is she bred? Might raise YOU a nice calf.
hooknline":3n2gpi1d said:
Whats your cost per day/head?
Take that and double it for your efforts and mult that by how many days.
Thatd be fair to me.
Add in double the cost of the hots and charge him 2 bucks a laden mile if you have to deliver her.
He's offered to cover her expenses so he seems like he wants to do the right thing, but that could all change when it comes time to pay. Cow looks bred don't know if she came that way or if my bull got ahold of her. This ole gal is a little on the wild side, she's careful not to get into the lot with the other cows if someone's around she's been around awhile apparently.
Just running through some numbers off the top of my head it appears it's costing me $97 per month per cow including everything except water $97 a month for (4) months total would be $388. I have a 14 head operation without including his cow.
Sometimes these things turn out good. Some times they can get really ugly. Stand your ground. You took care of the animal. Lots of folks don't do that.
The $388 is not including the damage to your fence. Send him a bill for $500. The county sold the other 2, and he didnt grumble about it. Is the cow really his? I only have 60 head, but I could darn sure tell if I had 4 missing.
TxBrangus":17xdswv5 said:
Looking for some advice on what you would think to be a fair price to charge this gentleman whose cow has been on my place since August. I'll give you a little background on the situation, there were (4) cows out back in July no brands, tags or anything to identify ownership. They we're eating my neighbors deer corn and driving him crazy running loose on his place as he doesnt have fences on the majority of his property, he doesn't have any animals, just leases his place to hunters. In August my neighbor contacted sheriff to have this cows removed from his place, they had been there almost a month at this point. The sheriff sent out some guys to catch the cattle. They were able to catch 3 of the 4, while in the process of trying to catch the last cow she ran through my fence and in with my cows. Of course the guys didn't try to fix my fence nor retrieve the cow instead they packed up and left with the 3 they were able to catch. I contacted the sheriff on multiple occasions for them to get the cow off my place. Needless to say they still haven't got around to picking her up, I asked the Sgt. what happen to the other (3) cows he said they were never claimed and auctioned off. Well now this gentleman has contacted me and says the cows were his, I told him the cow had been on my place since August and had torn up a section in my fence. This cow for (4) months has been an expense to me and due to the period of time she's been here I believe I should be somewhat compensated. The cow has had everything that my cows have access to hay, feed, mineral, even vaccinated and worked her when I did my fall workup on my cows in case she hadn't been properly taken care of. I'd just like a fair price to tell this guy, if it had only been a week or something like that I wouldn't even bother, but (4) months is ridiculous for someone not to notice 4 of their cows missing.

What ever you do do not sell that cow as you can be charged with rustling in Texas no matter how long she has been on your place. Notify the sheriff about the estray. The law in Texas has no wiggle room in it. Talk with the sheriff and read up on estray laws on the Texas Southwestern Cattlemens site. There is also a section if you have not reported the estray to the sheriff in five days it gets sticky in reinbusment. You say you have talked with the sheriff but cover your ass might contact the TSCRA Ranger for help.

Why don't you explain to him your expenses and see if he just wants to sell her for a couple hundred bucks. That may be the only way you will get paid and save a lot of trouble for both of you. Let her calve out and sell as a pair. I have had a few wild cows that calmed down after a couple years and turned out to be good mamas. Now if she is one of those that will come after you, thats a different story.
TxBrangus":1uxtj43h said:
Just running through some numbers off the top of my head it appears it's costing me $97 per month per cow including everything except water $97 a month for (4) months total would be $388. I have a 14 head operation without including his cow.

You need to get out of the cow business if it is costing you that much per cow month. How can you possibly come out with those kind of inputs.

If she has been on grass then it's worth $15 to 20 dollars a month for pasture and if she's on feed probably with the cost of hay you are approaching that 97 dollar mark.

I am wondering why you are assuming that he isn't gonna pay you. Write him up a FAIR bill and do what Dun says. However remember that once you are on his place it might be hard to get off without leaving his cow there.
considering the price of hay in Texas, I would charge him at least $100 per month.
I don't know your hay situation, but what she has eaten would have fed one of your cows for 4 months. Something to think about since we are going into the winter months.
TxBrangus":2gh9on9i said:
Looking for some advice on what you would think to be a fair price to charge this gentleman whose cow has been on my place since August. I'll give you a little background on the situation, there were (4) cows out back in July no brands, tags or anything to identify ownership. They we're eating my neighbors deer corn and driving him crazy running loose on his place as he doesnt have fences on the majority of his property, he doesn't have any animals, just leases his place to hunters. In August my neighbor contacted sheriff to have this cows removed from his place, they had been there almost a month at this point. The sheriff sent out some guys to catch the cattle. They were able to catch 3 of the 4, while in the process of trying to catch the last cow she ran through my fence and in with my cows. Of course the guys didn't try to fix my fence nor retrieve the cow instead they packed up and left with the 3 they were able to catch. I contacted the sheriff on multiple occasions for them to get the cow off my place. Needless to say they still haven't got around to picking her up, I asked the Sgt. what happen to the other (3) cows he said they were never claimed and auctioned off. Well now this gentleman has contacted me and says the cows were his, I told him the cow had been on my place since August and had torn up a section in my fence. This cow for (4) months has been an expense to me and due to the period of time she's been here I believe I should be somewhat compensated. The cow has had everything that my cows have access to hay, feed, mineral, even vaccinated and worked her when I did my fall workup on my cows in case she hadn't been properly taken care of. I'd just like a fair price to tell this guy, if it had only been a week or something like that I wouldn't even bother, but (4) months is ridiculous for someone not to notice 4 of their cows missing.
im sorry to tell you that your screwed on getting any feed or damages out of the guy for the 4 months youve took care of here.if you cant pen her youll have to hire cowboys to rope her at your expense,an you can not recoup it.the reason i know all of this is because we went through the samething 2 months ago.an didnt get nothing but a $150 bill to catch a guys pair in our pasture.an take her to his trailer an unload her in it.as he was scared to turn her out in his pasture.
3waycross":tlpo2gvk said:
TxBrangus":tlpo2gvk said:
Just running through some numbers off the top of my head it appears it's costing me $97 per month per cow including everything except water $97 a month for (4) months total would be $388. I have a 14 head operation without including his cow.

You need to get out of the cow business if it is costing you that much per cow month. How can you possibly come out with those kind of inputs.

If she has been on grass then it's worth $15 to 20 dollars a month for pasture and if she's on feed probably with the cost of hay you are approaching that 97 dollar mark.

I am wondering why you are assuming that he isn't gonna pay you. Write him up a FAIR bill and do what Dun says. However remember that once you are on his place it might be hard to get off without leaving his cow there.
Never said I'm assuming anything this post was to get input on what to charge him. I'll cross the bridge of him not paying when I get there. Furthermore with hay $100+, and paying for water, mineral, and so on its very easy to get to $97 a month per cow. I know hay prices in Colorado are great but us folks down here are still catching heck. Not expecting to make much if any profit is made this year.
Thanks for all your input, I plan to present the gentleman with a bill for $400 and see what he wants to do. I will let you guys know how it turns out.
TxBrangus":ykia7m97 said:
3waycross":ykia7m97 said:
TxBrangus":ykia7m97 said:
Just running through some numbers off the top of my head it appears it's costing me $97 per month per cow including everything except water $97 a month for (4) months total would be $388. I have a 14 head operation without including his cow.

You need to get out of the cow business if it is costing you that much per cow month. How can you possibly come out with those kind of inputs.

If she has been on grass then it's worth $15 to 20 dollars a month for pasture and if she's on feed probably with the cost of hay you are approaching that 97 dollar mark.

I am wondering why you are assuming that he isn't gonna pay you. Write him up a FAIR bill and do what Dun says. However remember that once you are on his place it might be hard to get off without leaving his cow there.
Never said I'm assuming anything this post was to get input on what to charge him. I'll cross the bridge of him not paying when I get there. Furthermore with hay $100+, and paying for water, mineral, and so on its very easy to get to $97 a month per cow. I know hay prices in Colorado are great but us folks down here are still catching heck. Not expecting to make much if any profit is made this year.

Hay prices in Colo are not great thanks mostly to the drought in Texas. We are around $300 now. My point was that if the cow was on pasture she should be charged at pasture price. Not knocking you just didn't understand how that could work.
Also not knocking you but if you fed her for 4 months thats 3 months longer than I would have without being paid by someone.
Good luck I hope you get what you need to make it right!
How do you know that the cow belongs to that man? With no brands or tags I would think that he would have a tough time proving that the cow is his. Take the $400.00 (in cash money)if he agrees and make him come get her. Would not go to his place cause you may not get anything but a hard time. Get the cash in your hand before you unlock the gate. Just how I would do it. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.
expensive hobby":kb05c1ib said:
How do you know that the cow belongs to that man? With no brands or tags I would think that he would have a tough time proving that the cow is his. Take the $400.00 (in cash money)if he agrees and make him come get her. Would not go to his place cause you may not get anything but a hard time. Get the cash in your hand before you unlock the gate. Just how I would do it. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

I thought of this shortly after speaking with the guy, I think I'm going to get the Texas cattle raisers association agent involved just so he's aware of what's going on. In case someone sees the cow on this guys place and claims ownership it doesn't look like I SOLD him a stolen cow. Probably not going to happen but its worth covering my A**. Wouldn't hurt to get some sort of documentation that he is claiming the cow to be his.
TxBrangus":3706976d said:
expensive hobby":3706976d said:
How do you know that the cow belongs to that man? With no brands or tags I would think that he would have a tough time proving that the cow is his. Take the $400.00 (in cash money)if he agrees and make him come get her. Would not go to his place cause you may not get anything but a hard time. Get the cash in your hand before you unlock the gate. Just how I would do it. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

I thought of this shortly after speaking with the guy, I think I'm going to get the Texas cattle raisers association agent involved just so he's aware of what's going on. In case someone sees the cow on this guys place and claims ownership it doesn't look like I SOLD him a stolen cow. Probably not going to happen but its worth covering my A**. Wouldn't hurt to get some sort of documentation that he is claiming the cow to be his.

Good thinking.
Just an update the owner of the cows was a stand up guy and paid the asking price. Good to see there's more than one decent person left in Houston County.