Is this a prolapse or just afterbirth ?

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Actually this is a good post to critique . Under the right circumstance I believe all the responses were good and helpful.
But let me set the stage first.
The picture from FB was poor and taken from to far away to be sure exactly what it was, even blown up. At lest for me. So I decided to post it here to see what responses I would get. Then I went back to FB for more info and got what is in my second post. In addition I found out the owner is a hobby farmer and this was only the second calf he had ever seen born.

So let me ask you this. If you can't see what he is talking about and he can't tell you what he is see in my second post, and what he is telling me doesn't make sense, would you response be the same?
Would you recommend he call a vet, or just totally forget about it?