Inflation and spending habits

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I've always been conservative too....raised that way. Lately, Yes, last 6 months I've cut back my spending by at least 50% of the norm. I evaluate and scrutinize every purchase....for several reasons: 1. I have a lot of tools and experience I can make or build what they're selling. 2. I'm saturated with volumetric material in my buildings...I'm in minimizing mode, using and throwing out stuff to make space. 3. Inflation, everyone has their price...there are somethings i just won't pay their price.
Freeing up space in your buildings...makes you feel better and wealthier. The more items I use up and clear out....seeing those empty floors... emptiness makes me feel wealthier. Can't wait until I have just what I need with empty building space to dance around in.
I have changed my habits a little bit. Make sure I don't make a special trip to the store... do it on the way to or from testing 99% of the time. Make a list when I go out and do everything in one trip. I buy more in bulk when I find good prices like @Dave . Have freezers full of meat and vegetables... Didn't have a garden the last couple years because of the ankle, then the knee replacements, but plan to have one this year. I buy canned vegs at the discount store when I find a good price, 12 at a time...frozen bags of vegs when I find them, just to have as a hedge against future needs.
I cook more and more at home now and make ahead so have enough for future meals. I treated myself to some roast beef lunch meat the other day... 10.97/lb. once in a blue moon kind of thing.

Getting the transmission redone in the car, and a redone or new engine in the other one as soon as they can get to it. Not buying new probably ever again. Use the cc to pay for stuff then pay it off the following month so I use their money interest free for a month.
Getting a bunch of stuff ready for a yard sale this spring.... no point in keeping stuff around I don't use, or need, or want. Will put that cash in my pocket.

Going to move a bunch of fruit trees from a property where they want them gone or they will get cut down. Might take a year or 2 for them to come back, but they are putting out fruit now. Deer are getting most of it. Since fruit trees are $50-100 each now, I will have a little in these with the getting them dug and moved....but ought to recoup that the first year they put out fruit.
Little stuff to try to cut down on out of pocket expenses for things I really don't need so I have money for what I really want. Trying to buy a little ammo along too. Pick up some when I am somewhere, so I have it down the road.
I've always been conservative too....raised that way. Lately, Yes, last 6 months I've cut back my spending by at least 50% of the norm. I evaluate and scrutinize every purchase....for several reasons: 1. I have a lot of tools and experience I can make or build what they're selling. 2. I'm saturated with volumetric material in my buildings...I'm in minimizing mode, using and throwing out stuff to make space. 3. Inflation, everyone has their price...there are somethings i just won't pay their price.
Freeing up space in your buildings...makes you feel better and wealthier. The more items I use up and clear out....seeing those empty floors... emptiness makes me feel wealthier. Can't wait until I have just what I need with empty building space to dance around in.
You need a Martin! or whatever sounds good ,,,,
That's a bad deal shaz. Hope you find something soon and it doesn't cause to much of a disruption. You never know things might even be better.
May be an answered prayer but our Mexican plant screwed up a months worth of electronics and I was able to scramble and fix the problem at our customer site. Now they want to keep me. So I was a hot ticket for a week but everyone tends to forget once the crisis is over
May be an answered prayer but our Mexican plant screwed up a months worth of electronics and I was able to scramble and fix the problem at our customer site. Now they want to keep me. So I was a hot ticket for a week but everyone tends to forget once the crisis is over
Maybe a contract business opportunity while pursuing other dreams?
May be an answered prayer but our Mexican plant screwed up a months worth of electronics and I was able to scramble and fix the problem at our customer site. Now they want to keep me. So I was a hot ticket for a week but everyone tends to forget once the crisis is over
Keeping fingers crossed that for now you can make it work. And maybe give you a little breathing room to look at doing something else?
I've always been conservative too....raised that way. Lately, Yes, last 6 months I've cut back my spending by at least 50% of the norm. I evaluate and scrutinize every purchase....for several reasons: 1. I have a lot of tools and experience I can make or build what they're selling. 2. I'm saturated with volumetric material in my buildings...I'm in minimizing mode, using and throwing out stuff to make space. 3. Inflation, everyone has their price...there are somethings i just won't pay their price.
Freeing up space in your buildings...makes you feel better and wealthier. The more items I use up and clear out....seeing those empty floors... emptiness makes me feel wealthier. Can't wait until I have just what I need with empty building space to dance around in.

I can relate to what you're saying. I have parts, tools, back up items, bolts, belts, filters, on and on. I basically have a hardware, farm store in storage!

A few months ago when I couldn't hire anyone to lay carpet, clean, install doors, etc. I decided I'm done. Sold 4 rentals, have 4 more to go soon. Then I won't need anyone's help or all the stuff I've inventoried. First thing I'm cleaning out is anything aluminum, storm doors, windows, AC units. That will make a difference there! I've changed so much in the last couple of months I think my wife is worried!
I am holding off on making an RV purchase. Market is nuts. Prices have shot up like crazy

If anyone has a used RV to sell now is the time.
Two/three years from now there are going to be a ton of zero miles camping vehicles for sale, and the prices will be lower than what they owe on them.
My nephew thought he wanted to get a new vehicle last year. Sooo - he bought a new Jeep. Drove it all year. Loved it. Found out he could sell it, pay off his loan and have enough $$ left over that it ended up he drove it for a year FREE. Just the insurance was more than a used vehicle for the year. Crazy how much used stuff is selling for.
We have a very small group at the plant, probably 30 of us. Some of the guys have went ahead and bought new trucks in the last several months. To me that's kinda scarey because it says that people are just accepting the high prices as the new norm. None of these guys had a truck older than 5 years old.
We have 4 vehicles. My 02 pickup has 307,000 miles on it. The little Kia commuter car has 277,000. The wife's Ford Escape has about 106,000. The fourth is a '97 Ford F-350 flatbed that is the feed truck. I have no idea how many miles it has. The idea of buying a newer vehicle has never even crossed my mind.
The wife grew up poor and has had to be tight with money. She darns my socks if they get a hole in them. When she wants to go shopping for cloths her sister and her go to the Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc in an up scale wealthy area. They get high quality cloths that have barely been worn for pennies on the dollar. She has zero cloths that were purchased new. We live well within our means.
We have a very small group at the plant, probably 30 of us. Some of the guys have went ahead and bought new trucks in the last several months. To me that's kinda scarey because it says that people are just accepting the high prices as the new norm. None of these guys had a truck older than 5 years old.

This shortage seems odd to me. I know they are saying "supply chain" issues... but are we going through our already owned vehicles so fast that they are needing to be replaced? I've been wondering if used vehicles are being bought up and diverted to Africa or South America.
I am holding off on making an RV purchase. Market is nuts. Prices have shot up like crazy

If anyone has a used RV to sell now is the time.
We bought a 2021 Honda CR-V for my run around car last January. Sister in law just bought a 2017 with 30,000 miles and she paid almost what we paid for ours brand new. Then in the local shopper this week there is a 2020 Honda CR-V, same trim as ours with 5,000 miles and it cost MORE than ours did brand new.

Okay, that wasn't about food cost...there is only the 2 of us and we have our own meat, but I buy what I want (so far). Here the cost has gone up but the selection has gone way down. You don't buy what you want, you buy what they have!! I don't like shopping at Wal-mart so I try not to go there, but I had to on Friday. I couldn't get 7 or 8 of my items. Today I went to a smaller town south of where we live and I found ALL the items, and no long line to check out. I'm going to go there to buy my groceries from now on. They were a bit higher, but I'm sick and tired of walking all over Wal-mart looking for something they are out of, and no one to ask. I'm talking, celery, lettuce, eggs, bananas, common things like that. Distilled water is not to be found, but I found some at the local store in the smaller town.

Works for me.
I find that these are scary times. The largest impact to our personal finances is groceries - two teenagers eat a lot. My daughter needs braces and that's going to run 5800. The family car is a 2005 Sequoia that my wife would like to replace and its thirsty but I'm sure not spending money now. There doesn't seem to be many areas we can cut costs as we don't eat out and aren't into the consumer economy. The farm is our life.

I do agree that prices will decline on many of the big nonessential items will revert to historical norms. But I could easily be wrong - I didn't see any of these price increases coming.
I find that these are scary times. The largest impact to our personal finances is groceries - two teenagers eat a lot. My daughter needs braces and that's going to run 5800. The family car is a 2005 Sequoia that my wife would like to replace and its thirsty but I'm sure not spending money now. There doesn't seem to be many areas we can cut costs as we don't eat out and aren't into the consumer economy. The farm is our life.

I do agree that prices will decline on many of the big nonessential items will revert to historical norms. But I could easily be wrong - I didn't see any of these price increases coming.
I have seen hard times high unemployment along with inflation.
Never in decades have I seen our supply chain broken.
The icing on the cake is open borders and screw the American by our own government. We need Barbara Jordan democrats again that believed in Americans first.
There was actually a congressman that said the answer to inflation is more immigration! The current cesspool of either bunch in DC has sold out jobs and futures.
Plant I've worked in for the last 15 years is closing the doors and sending all our production to Mexico.
Yeah, I'm changing a lot of stuff

Man that's rough. Which plant is this now?

Had several go down at once where I lived long ago. When NAFTA passed. Never will forget how difficult that was on everyone.