I voted for Hillary

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Dec 2, 2007
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I'm a 48 year old white male. I have a batchelor's degree in engineering, a master's degree in divinity, and a doctoral degree in ministry. I spent 10 years in professional ministry but have spent most of my life working in corporate America - traveling the US for the Paper Industry. Most of mine time is now spent in paper mills in Arkansas and to the south and East to Georgia. My wife is an elementary school principal at a low income school and is also white. She and I adopted a sibling group of 4 african american kids that had become wards of the court after we foster parented them for four years. They are all grown leaving me with just the 50 head of cattle to fuss with...

I voted for Hillary because I believe in compassion - for refugees, for minorities, for underprivileged, and I believe she gave the best opportunity for our country to do and be that. I realize that the burden for that compassion lay mostly with us. The risk for compassion lay with us. I get that. But I believe compassion trumps (no pun intended) everything else.

When my oldest daughter was in 3rd grade she called me over to describe to me why she was the "ugly one" in her class. She described it was because her nose was wider, her lips were bigger, her hair was kinkier and her skin was darker. That shame she will carry her whole life for her race and for being abandoned by her birth family. That is a shame many of us know nothing about. If it hadn't been for your willingness to pay taxes in support of government programs for the poor, I would not have been able to raise these four children to become the upstanding adults they are today. I want to thank you for allowing me to do that.

My wife is also a government employee - slogging away - 70 hours a week - attempting to keep a public school together that is running out of money - she reminds me of a farmer in a drought with a broke down tractor. I don't forget for a moment that it's YOUR money that is funding those schools - frequently for others who can't pay for them. I want to let you know my wife is the hardest working person I know to make sure she makes the best possible use out of your tax dollars - aimed at helping these impoverished kids succeed. I'm sure you had other plans for the money and I want you to know I am DEEPLY appreciative of your willingness to support "the system" for the sake of our four kids and my wife. People don't understand the charity that is paying taxes. THANK YOU!!

That said, I have heard people (mostly Hillary supporters I reckon) say horrible things about Trump supporters - people like many of you - hard working, caring, intelligent people just trying to do right by your families and what you believe. Good people. They (we) know nothing about you and judge you like you're idiots for supporting him. For that, I attempt to apologize for all of them (if I could). They are wrong and I attempt to stand up for you whenever I get a chance. They don't know what you've been through and the challenges you face in your day to day living any more than we country folk understand my daughter and her challenges. I learned that first hand when I started raising cattle - people have NO IDEA where their food comes from and that's a travesty.

What I know about all of you is that you're good people who look at life differently. You're good people just trying to do right by what you believe. You all and the Hillary supporters I know have that in common.

Anyway.... I voted for Hillary and I would again. I don't hunt or fish. I hate killing animals actually - especially the three cows I had to euthanize in my field. But I loooooove a good steak and I do drive a truck!! 2002 Chevy Durmax with 186,000 miles. I think I'm a good person. I think you would be glad to know me. I hope we can still be friends. :tiphat:
Internet friends only here, you seem alright. But I will not allow anyone of any color or race on my property, that says they voted for obama or hillary. The only thing worse than a liberal is a deadbeat or freeloader. IMO
angus9259":32loifj1 said:

I'm a 48 year old white male. I have a batchelor's degree in engineering, a master's degree in divinity, and a doctoral degree in ministry. I spent 10 years in professional ministry but have spent most of my life working in corporate America - traveling the US for the Paper Industry. Most of mine time is now spent in paper mills in Arkansas and to the south and East to Georgia. My wife is an elementary school principal at a low income school and is also white. She and I adopted a sibling group of 4 african american kids that had become wards of the court after we foster parented them for four years. They are all grown leaving me with just the 50 head of cattle to fuss with...

I voted for Hillary because I believe in compassion - for refugees, for minorities, for underprivileged, and I believe she gave the best opportunity for our country to do and be that. I realize that the burden for that compassion lay mostly with us. The risk for compassion lay with us. I get that. But I believe compassion trumps (no pun intended) everything else.

When my oldest daughter was in 3rd grade she called me over to describe to me why she was the "ugly one" in her class. She described it was because her nose was wider, her lips were bigger, her hair was kinkier and her skin was darker. That shame she will carry her whole life for her race and for being abandoned by her birth family. That is a shame many of us know nothing about. If it hadn't been for your willingness to pay taxes in support of government programs for the poor, I would not have been able to raise these four children to become the upstanding adults they are today. I want to thank you for allowing me to do that.

My wife is also a government employee - slogging away - 70 hours a week - attempting to keep a public school together that is running out of money - she reminds me of a farmer in a drought with a broke down tractor. I don't forget for a moment that it's YOUR money that is funding those schools - frequently for others who can't pay for them. I want to let you know my wife is the hardest working person I know to make sure she makes the best possible use out of your tax dollars - aimed at helping these impoverished kids succeed. I'm sure you had other plans for the money and I want you to know I am DEEPLY appreciative of your willingness to support "the system" for the sake of our four kids and my wife. People don't understand the charity that is paying taxes. THANK YOU!!

That said, I have heard people (mostly Hillary supporters I reckon) say horrible things about Trump supporters - people like many of you - hard working, caring, intelligent people just trying to do right by your families and what you believe. Good people. They (we) know nothing about you and judge you like you're idiots for supporting him. For that, I attempt to apologize for all of them (if I could). They are wrong and I attempt to stand up for you whenever I get a chance. They don't know what you've been through and the challenges you face in your day to day living any more than we country folk understand my daughter and her challenges. I learned that first hand when I started raising cattle - people have NO IDEA where their food comes from and that's a travesty.

What I know about all of you is that you're good people who look at life differently. You're good people just trying to do right by what you believe. You all and the Hillary supporters I know have that in common.

Anyway.... I voted for Hillary and I would again. I don't hunt or fish. I hate killing animals actually - especially the three cows I had to euthanize in my field. But I loooooove a good steak and I do drive a truck!! 2002 Chevy Durmax with 186,000 miles. I think I'm a good person. I think you would be glad to know me. I hope we can still be friends. :tiphat:

With all do respect your compassion is selective. You choose to embrace a candidate that seeks to sow discord and expects all to accept her vision of America, those who don't are labeled with ugly terms, deemed backward and just not smart enough to see a new world crafted with their elitist views.
This from the Planned Parenthood website:
Planned Parenthood
Hilary Clinton
Abortion: Has a long record of working to protect women's access to safe, legal abortion — and would ensure that abortion remains safe and legal

Birth Control: Supports expanded access to affordable birth control

Planned Parenthood: Strongly supports Planned Parenthood

You deny the basic right of life to the most vulnerable of all citizens the unborn with your support of this woman, your masters and doctorate in divinity are just paper on a wall. Yes it was wonderful that you gave these children a chance, too bad those children deemed inconvenient aren't allowed the same right to a good life. But hey she's a good person right?
I respect your right to vote for your candidate. My parents also fostered children. They were usually very temporary. I thank your wife for being a dedicated teacher. I could never vote for Hillary, I truly think she has been in govt to long. While we definitely are on different sides politically, I welcome you to my farm whenever in the area.
Charity: the VOLUNTARY giving of help, typically in the form of money, to those in need. Forced charity is not charity at all. Forced charity takes away from the personal responsibility of individuals to take care of the needs in their community.
I respect your opinion. I actually agree with all of your points on compassion (except refugees------I see that as a matter of safety). Just throwing something out, because I'm not in the business of changing people's minds. We're all pretty set in out ways and beliefs. Who's responsibility is widows and orphans?
zirlottkim":1byau091 said:
Charity: the VOLUNTARY giving of help, typically in the form of money, to those in need. Forced charity is not charity at all. Forced charity takes away from the personal responsibility of individuals to take care of the needs in their community.
Edited: Adding this, My wife was given up for adoption along with other brothers and sisters that she never knew. She is thankful to her birth mother for not taking the LEGAL way out and aborting her. So she knows a little of how it feels. Have to add this too, she homeschools our three kids but she also helps kids through other private organizations. I/we believe in personal responsibility but also believe in helping others without govt coercion.
angus9259, thank you for a good and thoughtful post. I don't hold how you voted against you if you did your homework and looked into your heart and sincerely believed it was the right thing to do. That still doesn't mean I can agree or understand why you came to that conclusion, but I can respect your decision.

When it comes to charity, I always fall back on this line from the FFA creed;
"I believe in less need tor charity, and more of it when needed"
Well-thought out post Angus. Thanks for sharing your story. I respect your opinion on this, even though it differs from mine. I voted for Trump, so we can agree to disagree. No reason we all can't be friends because of different opinions on politics as long as people treat each other with respect and civility. Too bad more people on the left don't handle themselves with class the way you do after Hillary lost. I think many Democrats and the mainstream media are still in shock and in a time of mourning since their candidate lost. They don't think or care how Republicans felt the past two elections when Obama won. It's great to live in a country where legal citizens have a say and a right to vote for their leader. I pray God will continue to bless our nation and guide all of our leaders.
American power and thus security are more important than anything else because without the USA freedom, democracy and compassion do not stand a chance. Anywhere.
I have voted for several presidents in my lifetime and I truly believe she was the most corrupt that has ever ran. The Clintons have a for sale sign on everything. Secondly if the dems would have run a center canidate like Jim Webb I could have bought a ticket on that train.
Mainly no one is above the law. I worked on the Nixon campaign to get the crook LBJ/Humpries out he was making George R Brown rich off American kids blood the George Soros of the day. I was screaming in street to impeach Nixon for his shenanigans. Got to stand for something.
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