Heifer/bull twins

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sassafras manor

Well-known member
Aug 31, 2011
Reaction score
south central IL
The Angus cow that most closely reflects what I want the rest of my herd to look/perform like had heifer/bull twins this evening. The sire to them is an Imagemaker son that was retired to the sale barn at 8 years old last year after breeding season. The balance of the bull calves this season have been AngusX and therefore aren't in consideration for future retention. Assuming he grows well am I out of line (since he is a twin) for considering keeping him intact as a future herd bull?
Bull calf will be a breeder. No problems. Heifer will most likely be sterile but will make good beef.

Good luck.
Had the same thing happen in my herd. The twins are healthy but were born smaller and are growing slower than the other calves born this year. Mother has plenty of milk. Like the other responses, I've been told the heifer will likely be a "free martin" - sterile. Don't think I'll keep either one.
Fortunately the cow accepted both of the calves well and has plenty of milk to support them. I was anticipating the heifer to be a free-martin and she will head to the sale barn. These calves are from a desirable mating so I am still holding out hope that the bull calf grows out well with the hopes of staying around to breed.