Fred Thompson Bio

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Here is Big Fred's bio. In the locked thread Van corrected me about Fred being an actor before being a senator. Thanks Van I stand corrected. The movie Hunt For Red October came out in 1990 though :lol:

Quite a career Big Fred has had anyway.

Fred Thompson


United States Senator
from Tennessee
In office
December 2, 1994 â€" January 3, 2003
Preceded by Harlan Mathews
Succeeded by Lamar Alexander


Born August 19, 1942 (1942-08-19) (age 65)
Sheffield, Alabama
Political party Republican
Spouse (1) Sarah Elizabeth Lindsey (Knestrick), 1959â€"1985; divorced
(2) Jeri Kehn, 2002â€"Present
Alma mater Memphis State University, Vanderbilt University
Profession character actor, senator, lawyer, lobbyist, public speaker, radio personality
Religion Church of Christ
Frederick Dalton "Fred" Thompson (born August 19, 1942) is an American politician, lawyer, lobbyist, and character actor. He represented Tennessee as a Republican in the U.S. Senate from 1994 through 2003.

Thompson is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a Visiting Fellow with the American Enterprise Institute, specializing in national security and intelligence.[1][2] He resides in McLean, Virginia near Washington, D.C..[3]

As an actor, Thompson has performed in film and on television. He has frequently portrayed governmental figures.[4] In the final months of his U.S. Senate term in 2002, Thompson joined the cast of the long-running NBC television series Law & Order, playing New York City District Attorney Arthur Branch.

On May 30, 2007, Fred Thompson asked to be released from his television duties, potentially in preparation for a presidential bid.[5] Then on June 1, 2007 he formed a presidential exploratory committee regarding his possible 2008 campaign for President. On September 5, 2007 Thompson announced on The Tonight Show: "I'm running for president of the United States,"[6][7] and he steered viewers to for a 15-minute video announcement of his candidacy.[8]

Early life and education
Fred Thompson was born August 19, 1942 in Sheffield, Alabama to Ruth Inez (Bradley) and Fletcher Session Thompson, an automobile salesman.[9][10] He attended the public schools in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee including Lawrence County High School. After graduating from high school, he worked days in the local post office and worked nights at a bicycle assembly plant.[11]

Thompson entered Florence State College, now the University of North Alabama, becoming the first member of his family to go to college.[12] He subsequently transferred to Memphis State University, now the University of Memphis, where he earned a double-major in philosophy and political science in 1964, as well as scholarships to both Tulane and Vanderbilt law schools.[11] He went on to earn his J.D. degree from Vanderbilt in 1967.[12]

Thompson was admitted to the State Bar of Tennessee in 1967 and worked as an assistant U.S. attorney from 1969 to 1972.[13] In that position, he successfully prosecuted bank robbery and other cases.[11]

He was the campaign manager for Republican U.S. Senator Howard Baker's successful re-election campaign in 1972, which led to a close friendship with Baker. He later served as co-chief counsel to the Senate Watergate Committee in its investigation of the Watergate scandal, (1973â€"1974), and afterwards wrote a book about it.[14]

Throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, Thompson worked primarily as an attorney, with law offices in Nashville and Washington, DC. Among the cases Thompson handled in his private law practice were personal injury claims and the defense of individuals accused of white collar crimes.[15] While in private practice, he also accepted appointments as Special Counsel to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (1980â€"1981), Special Counsel to the Senate Intelligence Committee (1982), and Member of the Appellate Court Nominating Commission for the State of Tennessee (1985â€"1987).[11][12] Some of his clients have been foreign corporations, such as a German mining group and Japan's Toyota Motors Corporation.[16] Thompson has served on various corporate boards; for example, in the 1990s, he did legal work for the engineering firm Stone & Webster, while also serving on its board of directors.[17]

Role in Watergate hearings
Main article: Watergate scandal

From left to right: Fred Thompson (minority counsel), Howard Baker, and Sam Ervin of the Senate Watergate Committee in 1973.Thompson was appointed minority counsel for the hearings surrounding the Watergate scandal.[18] He was responsible for Sen. Baker asking one of the questions that is said to have led directly to the downfall of President Richard Nixonâ€""What did the President know, and when did he know it?"[19] Thompson himself asked former White House aide Alexander Butterfield, at the public committee hearing, about listening devices in the White House, although the committee already knew the answer to that question, because Butterfield had been interviewed earlier by Senate investigators in closed session.[18][16]

Nixon was reportedly angry that Thompson had been selected as minority counsel to the Senate Watergate committee; Nixon believed the young Thompson was not skilled enough to interrogate unfriendly witnesses, and was apt to be outfoxed by committee Democrats.[20] According to historian Stanley Kutler, Fred Thompson and Howard Baker "carried water for the White House, but I have to give them credit â€" they were watching out for their interests, too... They weren't going to mindlessly go down the tubes" for Nixon.[20]

In his Watergate memoir, Thompson acknowledged that he provided information to President Nixon's lawyer even though he had no authority to act for the committee. Thompson "believed it would be in everyone's interest if the White House realized, before making any public statements, the probable position of both the majority and the minority of the Watergate committee" regarding the Watergate tapes.[20] In response to renewed interest in this matter, Thompson says "I'm glad all of this has finally caused someone to read my Watergate book, even though it's taken them over thirty years."[21]

Corruption case against Tennessee Governor
In 1977, Thompson represented Marie Ragghianti who was a former Tennessee Parole Board chair. Ragghianti had refused to release felons who had bribed aides to Democratic Governor Ray Blanton in order to obtain clemency.[22] With Thompson's assistance, Ragghianti filed a wrongful termination suit against the office of Governor Blanton.

Thompson previously considered legal action on behalf of other state employees who were allegedly dismissed for political reasons. In the Ragghianti case, Thompson helped to expose the cash-for-clemency scheme which eventually led to the removal of Blanton from the Governor's office.[16] In July 1978, a jury awarded Ragghianti $38,000 in back pay, and ordered her reinstatement.[22] Ragghianti's case would garner national attention, leading to the publication of a book titled, Marie, and a film of the same name.

Thompson has been a lobbyist intermittently since 1975, and has earned about $1 million from his lobbying efforts during that time. He says that criticism about his lobbying activities is likely to increase as he gets closer to announcing his candidacy, but Thompson also expects that such criticism will produce “the same results” as it did during his 1994 and 1996 Senate races.[23] Except for the year 1981, his lobbying never amounted to more than a third of his income.[24] According to the Commercial Appeal newspaper:

Fred Thompson earned about half a million dollars from Washington lobbying from 1975 through 1993....Lobbyist disclosure records show Thompson had six lobbying clients: Westinghouse, two cable television companies, the Tennessee Savings and Loan League, the Teamsters Union's Central States Pension Fund, and a Baltimore-based business coalition that lobbied for federal grants.[24]

For example, in 1982, on behalf of the Tennessee Savings and Loan League, Thompson lobbied the U.S. Congress to pass the Garn - St Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982 which deregulated the Savings and Loan (S&L) industry.[16] This Act was supported by President Reagan and a large congressional majority, but it turned out to be one of many contributing factors that led to the savings and loan crisis of the late 1980s.[25] Thompson received $1600 for communicating with some congressional staffers on this issue.[24]

Thompson also did some lobbying for free. For example, when Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was overthrown in 1991, Thompson made a telephone call to John H. Sununu who was then White House Chief of Staff, in order to advocate (as Thompson described) "restoration of the democratically elected government of the Republic of Haiti."[26] Eventually, "Aristide was restored to power in 1994 by U.S. troops under President Clinton."[23]

Billing records show that Thompson, who describes his position as pro-life, was paid for about 20 hours of work in 1991 and 1992 on behalf of a family planning group trying to ease a departmental regulation on abortion counseling in federally-funded clinics.[27] President George H.W. Bush eased the departmental regulation when he sent a memo to Health and Human Services Secretary Louis Sullivan stating that the regulation should allow referrals of women to facilities that perform abortion, but not to facilities whose principal business is providing abortions.[28] With this easing of the regulation, Congress failed by 12 votes to override a veto by Bush of legislation that would have completely overturned the regulation.[29]

After leaving the Senate in 2003, Thompson's only lobbying work was for London-based Equitas Ltd, which is a reinsurance company. He was paid $760,000 from 2004 to 2006 in order to help prevent legislation that Equitas said unfairly singled them out for unfavorable treatment regarding asbestos claims.[17] Thompson spokesman Mark Corrallo said that Thompson was proud to have been a lobbyist and believed in Equitas's cause.[30]

Character actor

Fred Thompson as Arthur Branch.The 1977 corruption case against Tennessee Governor Ray Blanton later became the subject of a 1983 book, Marie, by Peter Maas. Director Roger Donaldson bought the film rights and traveled to Nashville to speak with the people involved with the original case. After meeting with Thompson, Donaldson asked Thompson if he wanted to play himself in the movie; Thompson agreed. The resulting film, Marie, was released in 1985.

Donaldson then cast Thompson in the part of the CIA Director in his next movie, No Way Out, in 1987.[31] Thompson would go on to appear in many films and television shows. A 1994 New York Times profile wrote that "When Hollywood directors need someone who can personify governmental power, they often turn to [Thompson]."[4]

In the final months of his U.S. Senate term in 2002, Thompson joined the cast of the long-running NBC television series Law & Order, playing District Attorney Arthur Branch. Thompson began filming during the August 2002 Senate recess.[11]

He has also made occasional appearances in the same Arthur Branch role on other shows, such as Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, and the pilot episode of Conviction. On May 30, 2007, he asked to be released from the Arthur Branch role, potentially in preparation for a presidential bid.[5] Due to concerns about the equal-time rule, scenes with Branch will be excised from reruns shown on NBC, but TNT episodes will be unaffected.[32]

Senate (1994â€"2003)

Two campaigns for U.S. Senate
In 1994, Thompson was elected to finish the remaining two years of Al Gore's unexpired U.S. Senate term. Gore had been elected Vice President of the United States in 1992, and resigned his Senate seat leaving Harlan Mathews as "caretaker" of the seat. During the 1994 campaign, Thompson's opponent was longtime Nashville Congressman Jim Cooper. Thompson campaigned in a red pickup truck, and Cooper charged that Thompson "is a lobbyist and actor who talks about lower taxes, talks about change, while he drives a rented stage prop."[33] In a good year for Republican candidates,[34] Thompson defeated Cooper in a landslide upset victory, overcoming Cooper's early 20% margin in the polls to defeat Cooper by an even greater margin.[35] On the same night Thompson was elected to fill Gore's unexpired term, political newcomer Bill Frist, a Nashville heart surgeon, defeated three-term incumbent Democrat Jim Sasser, the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, for Tennessee's other U.S. Senate seat, which was up for a full six-year term. The twin victories by Thompson and Frist gave Republicans control of both of Tennessee's Senate seats for the first time since Sasser ousted incumbent Bill Brock in 1976.

In 1996, Thompson was re-elected (for the term ending January 3, 2003) with 61% of the vote, defeating Democratic attorney Houston Gordon of Covington, Tennessee, even as Bill Clinton narrowly carried Tennessee by less than three percentage points on his way to re-election.[36] The GOP continues to hold the seat, as it was won by former Tennessee Governor and Secretary of Education Lamar Alexander in 2002.

Senate career

Senator Thompson meeting with U.S. soldiers in South Korea.While in the Senate, Thompson served as the chairman of the Committee on Governmental Affairs from 1997 to 2001. The committee investigated alleged Chinese attempts to influence American politics prior to the 1996 elections. However, Thompson was "largely stymied" during those investigations, with witnesses declining to testify, claiming the right not to incriminate themselves, or simply leaving the United States' jurisdiction.[37] Thompson's final report on the matter also pointed to another problem: "Our work was affected tremendously by the fact that Congress is a much more partisan institution than it used to be."[38]

When control of the Senate passed from Republicans to Democrats in 2001, Thompson became the ranking minority member of the Committee on Governmental Affairs.[39] Among his other assignments during his years in the Senate were the Finance Committee (dealing with health care, trade, Social Security, and taxation), the Intelligence Committee, and the National Security Working Group.[40]

Fred Thompson's work as a senator included investigation of the Umm Hajul controversy involving the death of Tennessean Lance Fielder during the Gulf War, support for campaign finance reform, opposing proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and promoting government efficiency and accountability.[11] One of his more unusual acting roles was serving as a Clinton stand-in, to help prepare Bob Dole for presidential debates in 1996.[11]

Senator Thompson meeting with girl scouts.Thompson has an 86.1 percent lifetime (1995â€"2002) American Conservative Union vote rating, compared to 89.3 for Bill Frist and 82.3 for John McCain.[41][42] Senator Susan Collins of Maine characterized her colleague this way: "I believe that Fred is a fearless senator. By that I mean he was never afraid to cast a vote or take a stand, regardless of the political consequences."[43] Thompson was "on the short end of a couple of 99-1 votes,"[44] voting against those who wanted to federalize matters that he believed were properly left to state and local officials.

On February 12, 1999, the Senate voted on the Clinton impeachment. The perjury charge was defeated with 45 votes for conviction, and 55 including Thompson against. The obstruction of justice charge was defeated with 50 including Thompson for conviction, and 50 against. Conviction on impeachment charges requires the affirmative votes of 67 senators.

In the 2000 Republican presidential primaries, Thompson initially backed former Tennessee Gov. Lamar Alexander, who eventually succeeded Thompson in the Senate two years later. When Alexander dropped out of the presidential race, Thompson endorsed Senator John McCain's bid and became his national co-chairman.[45] Both McCain and Thompson were contenders to be then-Governor Bush's running mate in 2000.[46][47]

Post-Senate activities
Thompson was not a candidate for re-election in 2002. He had publicly stated his unwillingness to have the Senate become a long-term career. Although he announced in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks his intention to seek re-election ("Now is not the time for me to leave," said Thompson at the time), upon further reflection he decided against it.[31] The decision seems to have been prompted in large part by the death of his daughter.[37][48] However, he has remained politically active, and has recently declared his intention to run for President.

Political work

Fred Thompson on July 25, 2007 in Dallas.In March 2003, Thompson was featured in a commercial by the conservative non-profit group Citizens United that advocated the invasion of Iraq, stating: "When people ask what has Saddam done to us, I ask, what had the 9/11 hijackers done to us -- before 9/11,"[49] and he has remained supportive of that invasion.

Thompson did voice-over work at the 2004 Republican National Convention.[50] While narrating a video for that convention, Thompson observed: "History throws you what it throws you, and you never know what’s coming."[51]

After the retirement of Supreme Court Associate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor in 2005, he was appointed to an informal position by President George W. Bush to help guide the nomination of John Roberts through the United States Senate confirmation process.[52] Roberts was subsequently confirmed as Chief Justice.

Until July of 2007, Thompson was Chair of the International Security Advisory Board, a bipartisan advisory panel that reports to the Secretary of State and focuses on emerging strategic threats.[53] In that capacity, he advised the State Department about all aspects of arms control, disarmament, international security, and related aspects of public diplomacy.[54]

Legal defense for Lewis Libby
Main article: Lewis Libby
In 2006 he served on the advisory board of the legal defense fund for I. Lewis ("Scooter") Libby, Jr, who was indicted and later convicted of lying to federal investigators during their investigation of the Plame affair.[55][56] Thompson, who had never met Libby before volunteering for the advisory board, was convinced Libby was innocent.[31] The Scooter Libby Legal Defense Fund Trust set out to raise more than $5 million to help finance the legal defense of Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff.[57] Thompson hosted a fundraiser for the Libby defense fund at his home in McLean, Virginia.[58] After President Bush commuted Libby's sentence,[59] Thompson released a statement: "I am very happy for Scooter Libby," Thompson said. "I know that this is a great relief to him, his wife and children. This will allow a good American, who has done a lot for his country, to resume his life."[60]

Radio analyst
In 2006, he signed on with ABC News Radio to serve as senior analyst and vacation replacement for Paul Harvey.[61] He used that platform to spell out his positions on a number of political issues. A July 3, 2007 update to Thompson's ABC News Radio home page referred to him as a "former ABC News Radio contributor," indicating that Thompson has been released from his contract with the broadcaster.[62]

Main article: Fred Thompson controversies
Fred Thompson has seen some controversy, most notably allegations about pro-choice lobbying, allegations about using his political action committee to benefit his son, and allegations about his role during Watergate.

Political positions
Main article: Political positions of Fred Thompson

At the Iowa State Fair on August 17, 2007.Thompson has said that federalism is his "lodestar," providing "a basis for a proper analysis of most issues: 'Is this something government should be doing? If so, at what level of government?'"[44]

Thompson supports free trade and low taxes.[63][64] He says that Roe v. Wade was a wrong decision that ought to be overturned, and that he is pro-life,[65] but he also has said that states should decide not to criminalize young women for early term abortions.[66][67] Thompson is skeptical that humanity is to blame for global warming.[68] He says citizens are entitled to keep and bear arms if they do not have criminal records.[69] Thompson's support of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance legislation brought criticism from groups such as Gun Owners of America (GOA), who said that the legislation limited their ability to inform the public about the gun rights voting records of incumbent politicians.[70] Thompson now says that the limitation on political speech within thirty or sixty days of an election was wrong and should be repealed.[71] Thompson says U.S. borders need to be secured before considering comprehensive immigration reform.[63] Thompson supported the U.S. invasion of Iraq, but he believes that mistakes have been made since then.[72] He is opposed to withdrawal from Iraq.[73] He also believes that Iran should be taken seriously.[74]

Preface to presidential campaign

In Indianapolis on August 25, 2007.Before becoming a declared candidate, Thompson was included in several polls that indicated strength in the states that vote early in the caucus and primary schedule.

Testing the waters
On March 11, 2007, Thompson appeared on Fox News Sunday to discuss the possibility of a 2008 candidacy for president. The announcement spurred several grassroots draft movements, including a well-organized draft campaign started by Dean Rice, a former Thompson political aide, in Knoxville, Tennessee.

While Thompson had not yet formally announced his intentions, he said he would "leave the door open."[75] Thompson stated that he would not be interested in accepting a hypothetical nomination for vice president, explaining "I don't think I would ever want to do that and be in the second position."[76]

More recently, a New York Times article cited Thompson's aides as saying on July 18th that Fred Thompson planned to enter the race just after Labor Day (the first Monday in September), followed by a national announcement tour.[77]

Thompson's March 11 announcement spurred a flurry of conjecture, discussion, and activity on the internet. A "Draft Fred Thompson" forum site became a particularly popular online forum for supporters of Fred Thompson.[78] One group of Fred Thompson supporters, many of whom call themselves "FredHeads," organized under the banner "FredHeadsUSA" with a plan to build a grassroots pro-Fred political movement in the physical world to expand on the vigorous pro-Fred activity already taking place in the virtual world.[79]

On May 15, he published a widely viewed video in which he declined to debate Michael Moore about Cuba.[80] Then on May 18, Thompson continued his Internet campaign by posting a letter to Pajamas Media acknowledging his online supporters.[81]

Exploratory committee
Thompson formed an exploratory committee on June 1.[82] Unlike most candidate exploratory groups, his is organized as a 527 group.[83] Thompson's first public appearance after this exploratory committee was June 2 at the Virginia Republicans annual fund-raising gala in Richmond, Virginia, according to the Virginia Daily Press.[84] Shortly later on June 5, 2007 Fred Thompson launched his official website.[85] Also on June 5, there was a Republican Presidential candidates debate with the current 10 candidates, from New Hampshire, broadcast on CNN. Fred Thompson was mentioned repeatedly as one of the poll front runners even though he did not participate.[86]

Interviewed by Eleanor Mondale of WCCO radio at the Minnesota State Fair on August 27, 2007.On June 12, 2007, Thompson appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. He would not announce his candidacy, but referred to his presidential exploratory committee, which he stated yielded positive prospects. Leno mentioned that Thompson was #2 in the polls, and asked Thompson if he would at least state if he would like the job of President. Thompson responded that, while he did not crave the job itself, there were things he would like to do that he could only do by holding that office.[87]

Political insiders in Tennessee expect the inner circle of a Thompson campaign to include, in addition to his politically experienced wife, a number of functionaries with whom Thompson has been associated in the past.[88] Also said to be likely senior advisers are former Republican National Committee chair Ed Gillespie, former vice president of the food and tobacco company Altria Tom Collamore, PR man Mark Corallo, former chairman of the Federal Election Commission Michael E. Toner, former U.S. Senate aide Tom Daffron, longtime Tennessee politician Tom Ingram and Congressman Zach Wamp.[89]

In early July 2007, Liz Sidoti of Associated Press wrote: "Thompson's easygoing, no-nonsense style is clearly his strength and undoubtedly has helped him soar in presidential polls."[90] Tucker Eskew, a Republican strategist unaligned in the race said, "Smooth is good, but sometimes nitty gritty is essential" and "He'll be tested (but) he has a little time."[90]

On July 24, 2007, Thompson announced he was replacing his acting campaign manager, Tom Collamore, with former Michigan Senator and Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham and Florida GOP strategist Randy Enright.[91] Collamore would remain as an advisor, Enright would be political director, and Abraham did not have a title.[92]

"Lazy Like a Fox": from Newsweek on September 10, 2007.On July 31, 2007, the Thompson committee reported to the IRS that it had raised almost $3.5 million and spent $625 thousand in its first month.[93]

On August 8, 2007, Bill Lacy was named manager of Thompson's testing the waters committee. Lacy had worked in the campaigns of President Reagan, President Bush, and Senator Dole, and had worked on Thompson's 1994 campaign.[94]

Fred Thompson visited Iowa on August 17, 2007, but did not officially launch his presidential campaign. Thompson was asked by NBC if he was officially in the race for president, Thompson replied with a simple “No.” It was also noted that Thompson was already prepping for the Republican debates, so that he will be able to join the other Republican candidates on stage at the events when he is an announced candidate.

On August 17, 2007, Fred Thompson said that if elected president, he would work to overturn Roe vs. Wade. He also said he does not support a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, but that if necessary he would support one preserving each state's right to decide the matter for itself.[95]

On August 30 Fred Thompson's aides revealed that he will enter the presidential race on September 6.[96] Prior to that entry, the September 10, 2007 issue of Newsweek hit newsstands with a detailed cover story about him.[97]

2008 presidential election campaign
This article or section contains information about one or more candidates in an upcoming or ongoing election.
Content may change as the election approaches.

Main article: Fred Thompson presidential campaign, 2008
Thompson is a Republican Party primary candidate to represent his party in the 2008 United States presidential election. On September 5th, 2007, Thompson announced on the Tonight Show With Jay Leno that he would be running for the presidency in 2008. A five-day tour of early voting states is planned, including Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina.

Main articles: General Election Polling and GOP Primary Polling
Public opinion polls indicate strength nationwide, and in the states that vote early in the caucus and primary schedule.

As of August 30, 2007, Thompson had been endorsed by eighteen current members of Congress, including both Tennessee senators.[98] Also, on June 12, 2007 former U.S. Senator Alfonse D'Amato (New York) endorsed Thompson for president.[99]

Personal life
In September 1959, at the age of 17, Thompson married Sarah Elizabeth Lindsey. Their son Frederick Dalton "Tony" Thompson Jr. was born in April 1960.[100] Another son and a daughter were born soon thereafter. While Thompson was attending law school, both he and his wife worked to pay for his education and support their three children.[16]

Fred and Sarah Thompson divorced in 1985. They have two surviving children,[101] as well as five grandchildren. Thompson's daughter Elizabeth "Betsy" Thompson Panici died from an accidental overdose of prescription drugs on January 30, 2002.[37][48]

Prior to his current marriage, Thompson was romantically linked to country singer Lorrie Morgan, Republican fundraiser Georgette Mosbacher, and columnist Margaret Carlson.[102] Thompson met Republican consultant Jeri Kehn on July 4, 1996[103] and the two married on June 29, 2002. They have two small children.[37]

Thompson has non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), a form of cancer. "I have had no illness from it, or even any symptoms. My life expectancy should not be affected. I am in remission, and it is very treatable with drugs if treatment is needed in the future â€" and with no debilitating side effects," Thompson said.[104] Like many patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Thompson received treatment with Rituxan.[105] Thompson's cancer, though currently incurable, is reportedly indolent, the lowest of three grades of NHL.[104] Thompson has nodal marginal zone lymphoma which is a rare form of NHL, accounting for only 1% to 3% of all NHLs.[106] Coincidentally, two other potential Republican presidential nominees have also had cancer: John McCain and Rudy Giuliani.

Thompson is a member of the Churches of Christ, a non-denominational group of churches affiliated with the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement.[107]
I got to thinking about it and that is Bill Clinton's birthday too. Something about being born on that date????

Don't worry Crowder, I have no plans to run against you even though my birthday would virtually assure my success.
Thanks Hoss. Was talking about him today. Seems the last hollywood actor we had in DC did a pretty good job as president. JMO
Isn't he the one with the hot wife?

My dad always told me....

a man always owes his success to his first wife...

and always owes his second wife to his success.

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