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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
This should give you a good laugh.


That is exactly what it's like at my house :p .
Well thanks so much hillsdown! Now I know what I've been doing wrong :roll: I quess I just didn't know my place. :lol:
Obviously a man wrote that. Seems extreme even for back then. Among other things, don't complain if he stays out all night. :?:
Printed it off and plan to show it to the wife tonight, maybe this will talk some sense into her. I'll let you all know how it turns out.

What hospital are you going to after you show it to the Misses? If you insist on her following that - the only thing that will get to the hospital before you will be the front of the ambulance! Hope that insurance is paid up!

cfpinz":3cvnj20j said:
Printed it off and plan to show it to the wife tonight, maybe this will talk some sense into her. I'll let you all know how it turns out.


Do you have any special flowers you would like to be sent for your funeral? :lol:
cfpinz":4kx965rm said:
Printed it off and plan to show it to the wife tonight, maybe this will talk some sense into her. I'll let you all know how it turns out.


I hope you have good medical coverage.
That article gets posted here every so often. That's a good thing. We men need to be reminded occasionally how lucky we are that wives always are in their place. :) and wives need to be reminded how lucky they are to be able to take care of their men. :lol:
Okay, I'm not going to tell yall where she put the guidelines, but I wound up with a paper cut on my buttcheek.

Gate Opener":2chs7iw5 said:
Obviously a man wrote that. Seems extreme even for back then. Among other things, don't complain if he stays out all night. :?:

That caught my eye too. My wife wouldn't complain one bit if I did this, she finds fist fighting and arse kicking to be invigorating.

Looking back at how my mom conducted herself, she had a way about her that one might think she had little or no control around the house and Dad ruled. In hindsight, my mom ruled the house in a gentile manner and allowed my dad to "come up with her ideas" when necessary. She would have been a good ambassador. ;-) :lol:
Jo your Mum had it down pat, always let him think it's his idea and it gets done.

The Good Husband's Guide.....just a joke enjoy.....

* Always make getting and keeping a full-time job with regular raises, benefits, bonuses and the potential for prestigious advancement your number one priority in life. Remember always that you have a wife and children who need your financial support, and that it is your responsibility to provide for them to the best of your ability.

* Always arrive home refreshed and happy - put your bad day or your confrontation with your boss, the traffic, the crowds or the physical exhaustion you might feel aside and try to arrive home as cheery and lighthearted as you possibly can. Your wife has been struggling with the children and the housework all day, she does not need to hear about how bad your day was.

* Be prepared to help with household chores when you get home - let your wife relax or talk on the phone since she has been dealing with these problems all day. Make supper for her often, and offer to clean up afterwards so that she may rest and feel appreciated.

* Do not bore your wife with stories of the troubles you faced at work today. Remember that you are lucky to have a job and that many other men would be happy to trade places with you. Remember that it is not masculine to complain or let worries trouble you. Your job is to provide, and whatever you must go through to achieve this is part of your lot in life. A good husband knows that he is lucky to have a wife at all, and that a woman wants a strong, silent man she can depend on.

* Never expect your wife to have contributed to the smooth operation of the household. She has had a busy day and cannot be expected to provide meals or clean clothes for you. Never insult her by asking her to do such things while you're out earning money. Be mindful always that your wife may think you are being sexist if you ask her to help make a home for your family as part of your partnership.

* Be prepared to account for your whereabouts every minute of the day, including an explanation as to why you were away from the phone when she tried to call or why you were unable to chat with her for twenty minutes when she did get through to you. You must always put her interests first, and be mindful of her natural suspicion about her husband's activities. A good husband knows that men can't be trusted, and that a wife has every reason to believe you will hurt and humiliate her.

* Do not grumble or gripe about handing over your paycheque to her - she is in control of your finances and knows better than you how to spend or invest your money. Never assume that the money you earn is yours to do with as you will - you have a family to think about now, and their needs must always come before your own.

* Listen avidly to your wife's complaints. She leads a hectic life and needs to feel listened to and appreciated. Never suggest ways in which she might solve whatever problem is vexing her. You need only listen; your suggestions are likely insensitive and unfeeling anyway. And do not counter with complaints of your own. She would love to have the chance to leave the house and work, she does not need to hear about how difficult your job is.

* Be prepared to give up your weeknights or weekends to whatever projects or socializing your wife has in mind. If she has determined that cleaning out the garage or painting the upstairs bathroom would be the best use of your time, never complain that you would like to relax or pursue personal interests instead. She has every right to expect that you will make repairs to the house or help her redecorate during your time off. Do not be so selfish as to ask for personal time. You are a family man now, you do not have the luxury of personal time.

* Always be prepared to take over in caring for the children when you get home from work. Your wife has been busy all day and deserves some quiet time. Allow her to watch television or chat with her friends on the phone, go shopping or simply relax. They are your children too, and it is unfair of you to expect to come home from a twelve hour day and simply put your feet up.

* Never grumble about having to support children you didn't want to have. If you were irresponsible enough to help her get pregnant, then it is your duty to pay for that child for the next eighteen years. If you decide to have sex, you must know that pregnancy may result and be fully prepared to take responsibility for it. This, of course, does not apply to her. She doesn't have to be responsible for her actions, and can abort a child she conceived any time she wants, whether this breaks your heart or not. Accept this stoically. She has the special privilege of being able to kill her unborn child, carry it to term and give it up for adoption, or have it and raise it all by herself if she wants, but you have the responsibility of simply living with whatever choice she makes and quite often paying for it, too. Remember, you have no right to be a parent and no right not to be a parent, you are just a man. A good husband knows his place.
I have always found that no matter where or how hard I worked, the house was still largely my responsibility. I can hang with that, I guess. I think that having come from a house where dad worked and mom stayed home, I feel like I need to have a meal waiting for him and have everything worked out so that there's not much stress.

Never seems to happen, but it's a nice thought! :lol:

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