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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
Rappahannock Co. Va
Hope everybody doing well. Been working on are website the last couple of nights, had it for a number of years, but never did much to it, so I thought it was time for a big upgrade. It still needs alot of work, sorting through pics to add to it, gets old real quick. So some of the pics are just page filler, I still have names and epd's to add [and more pics]. So before I get more involved with it I thought I'd get some opinions, stuff like, good, bad, boring, GREAT!! :D . Maybe more detailed stuff about layout or content. So here's the address.
I know nothing about these kinds of things but my opinion is
I would get rid of the yellow writing, hard to see and it just don't look right. the calf that you have as background on the front page looks like it has pinkeye, I pretty sure it does't but it kind of looks like it.
Nice cattle
I think you would do better with a solid backing, and if you like those pictures you have as backdrops then place them through out the website in an orderly manner.
Congratulations are due for going through the effort. There are times I look for items and don't know how to find them. I appreciate folks who steer me in the right direction, or have a web site that is accessible for me to find what they are selling.

That said, there are some comments (critiques) already stated that contain my sentiments. I am 48 years old. My eyes started going downhill at about 40. Large bold print without contrast is muchly appreciated.

Nice looking cattle by the way.
Nice Cattle, but for the background I would try a solid color or maybe a pic of a pasture, something simple.
Great pics of the cattle! :)

Negatives: Background. I get a bit confused of what I have to look at when I see your show-pics. Either really fade the background (in b/w or colour, your choice), or use a simple picture as your background or a solid colour.
The other thing too is once you've made the background less loud and wild, maybe change the colour of the text to make it more eye-catching/appealing. As of now, I find it a bit hard to read the text, and have to squint in odd places where the words, or parts of the words, seem to disappear into the white of the heifer-background.

So, once you change your background and/or colour of text, you can maybe use the space a little more, like squish-in the pics on the right side, that sort of thing. AND, the links you have at the bottom of the page, maybe ALSO put them at the top of the page, because you never know, some people may unwittingly want to by-pass the homepage and look at the other animals you have. But like I said, you never know.

Anyway, that's enough constructive criticisms from me. ;-)
Nice looking pictures and the cattle look nice. Looks like you all are greener on that side of the mountain.

Dang, you'll are picky :D . Thanks, will change the background pics. Had plain white before, it looked to boring, will try a colored background next and change text color.
I have high speed Internet and it still took quite a while to load, maybe to many pictures. If I was still on dial-up I probably would have aborted the sight for loading to slow. I like your cattle but I personally wouldn't put one with a white leg as a background. Just being a critic to help you all I can. Nice job.
Marketing is all about getting people to focus their attention at a particular item or items. I agree with the others, to busy, it is hard so see the main pic., much less draw ones attention.
What I like to do is look at the big boys that spent all the money on doing it just right. Emulate them. They have done a lot of expensive research to get your attention. Little things like color, text, and even where to place the picture on the page.
If you have the best product in the world and cannot market it, what is it worth? Pay as much attention to marketing as you obviously have to your cattle. If I cannot do it right I hire someone who can.
I can't say it any better then has already been stated. I would add a menu bar along the left side also. Plus, remember that different people have different screen sizes and resolutions. It's best to try to make a page where there is no horizontal scrolling, so don't hard set your images.

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