Farm bureau insurance

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A farm and ranch policy is the cheapest thing going here.
It's got my house, barns, shop, equipment, trailers along with a million dollar liability policy.
All insurance is skyrocketing due to current fiscal policies and with the destruction of our supply chain.
"destruction of supply chain" as in insurance companies getting out, less competition? or supply chain of repair parts?
I see two things companies dropping people in certain high risk locations...and individuals dropping their insurance altogether due to rising costs....which means less money for insurance companies so they raise prices on the remaining insurance holders...which can snowball if people decide to exit and self-insure.
Had a client last week, that called me when he got his auto renewal, He said " I got a 2013 F-350 and a 2023 F 350. Why is the 2013 as high as the 2023?!!" I told him to call our mutual friend, Roger, and ask him how much he'd charge to paint the '13, and how much to paint the '23. And call the local junkyard everyone uses, and price out a '13 bed and a "23 bed. Or a door. Or a fender, etc. He then wondered why the liabilty premiums nearly doubled. I said, "Turn on your TV anytime day and night. At each commerrcial break, there will be at least one bottom-feeder advertising: "Have you been injured in an automobile accident? Then call the law offices of Dewey, Phuchum, and Howe".....
Our area has changed so much the last 30 years. Even in the 90's, this area was known as the dry well" by those kind of lawyers. People here considered anyone who sued anybody, as below the level of child molestors and Democrats. But, as more and more outsiders moved here, and as Atlanta moved further and further north up I-75 and I -85, so did the kind of people who made a living off insurance fraud, and the kind of lawyers that represent them.

The two P&C agents' associations have been putting pressure on carriers to make the initial offer for BI liability 75% of the limits, in an effort to break people from calling lawyers. These lawyers get 35%-40% of the claim, leaving you to get only 60% to 65%. But it is going to take a long time to teach everybody this.
When adjusters make BS bodily injury offers an injured person has to do something. On the other hand a bodily injury case with damages less than about $60k isn't economic to take to trial and the adjusters know this too and make BS offers.
When adjusters make BS bodily injury offers an injured person has to do something. On the other hand a bodily injury case with damages less than about $60k isn't economic to take to trial and the adjusters know this too and make BS offers.
Any Bi claim for anything other than actual medical costs is BS..the "pain and suffring., loss of consirtium, T PTSFD ,etc, is BS. Nut yes, a personal; lines insurer will offer up to a $5l settleent, if the BI limts are 50k or higher, and a commerical carrier will offer a $100k, if the BI limits are that high or higher. They weigh costs to defend against the bogus claims... whguch could include the actual loss, plus court costs, or the potential of having to pay attorney;s fees fore the ambulance chasers. But in mist staes, the PI l;awyerr chgatrges fornm 33 to 40% for the claim, and that is why there is a push to get carriers to offer 75% of the policy limits in the case of the "iffy" claims. Eventually, people will learn that they will net less by hiring the PI lawyers, than they will get from the adjustors.
Any Bi claim for anything other than actual medical costs is BS..the "pain and suffring., loss of consirtium, T PTSFD ,etc, is BS. Nut yes, a personal; lines insurer will offer up to a $5l settleent, if the BI limts are 50k or higher, and a commerical carrier will offer a $100k, if the BI limits are that high or higher. They weigh costs to defend against the bogus claims... whguch could include the actual loss, plus court costs, or the potential of having to pay attorney;s fees fore the ambulance chasers. But in mist staes, the PI l;awyerr chgatrges fornm 33 to 40% for the claim, and that is why there is a push to get carriers to offer 75% of the policy limits in the case of the "iffy" claims. Eventually, people will learn that they will net less by hiring the PI lawyers, than they will get from the adjustors.
Having a hard time reading this, but pain and suffering is real. Who in their right mind wants to get hit and incur $20k in meds, all the time going to doctors and physical therapy and then be permanently impaired and only get their meds paid?

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