Farm bureau insurance

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Nov 14, 2021
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Gilmer County Georgia
Been shopping around the insurance for my ranch and for my home that is at a different address.
Farm bureau won't just write a farm policy.
They say that you have to get your home too or they can't write a policy for your farm.
I was okay with that until I seen their rates, their homeowners insurance is almost double what I currently pay, and the coverage isn't as good.
Not sure how farm bureau is helping us Ranchers and Farmers by charging us more ???
I gave my Farm Bureau insurance agent a copy of my current farm insurance policy to compare rates. Never heard back from her. Two years later she stopped at my farm in search for the neighbor's farm that had requested a quote. She asked if I didn't like the quote she sent out. I informed her that I never got a quote so I figured Farm Bureau couldn't match the coverage and/or rates. She said she mailed me all the info so I told her to resend it and I would look it over. No surprise that I didn't receive anything the second time either.
My is from State Farm. Home owners and ranch, the whole 9 yards. Going off memory but right about $1,860 a year. If they didn't write farm or ranch insurance here they wouldn't write much of anything.
After our wind event, in 2020. Home next to me was destroyed! Roof, walls, 20x60 porch missing, the blacktop driveway came up! State farm Office here in town took 5 days to show up. Didnt want to see pics how it was with trees inside. Her next door neighbor disappeared. Home and all. Roofs replaced for a half mile on either side. Just paid (half for depreciation) about 6months ago. 3 years later.....

Older gentleman's home across the street, insured with farm Bureau. His roof was twisted due to the brick fireplace in the center of the home. "Not enough shingles were missing" was the reason for no help. He had them for over 20 years.

We pay too much for too little.
Been shopping around the insurance for my ranch and for my home that is at a different address.
Farm bureau won't just write a farm policy.
They say that you have to get your home too or they can't write a policy for your farm.
I was okay with that until I seen their rates, their homeowners insurance is almost double what I currently pay, and the coverage isn't as good.
Not sure how farm bureau is helping us Ranchers and Farmers by charging us more ???
It is good that your farm and home aren;t on the same deed. Get your homeowner's and auto from an independent agency that writes with standard carriers. LIke in Ga, Grange or Auto Owners. Stay away from captive will be glad you did if you have a major claim. And no matter the company, you will always get better rates, because of multi-policy discounts, writing both with the same carrier. Then write your farm policy through a commercial carrier that does farm and ranch type exposures. I can send that link again to one if you want.
Have you filed a claim? How were they for claim and did your rates go up after you filed a claim?
If you are talking about AmNat, I had some roof and water damage on my farm house after a big storm that they covered. It wasn't a huge amount and they didn't raise my policy rate. Their auto policies have gone way up but so have everyone else's. For true farm policies. there is not a lot of options.
We've got a farm policy through Farm Bureau that has all of our equipment, out buildings, house and farm insurance on it. We also have our vehicles with them on another policy. Their rates have gotten outrageous. They do pay out any claims really fast though. We are looking to change but not sure who does farm policies.
Been shopping around the insurance for my ranch and for my home that is at a different address.
Farm bureau won't just write a farm policy.
They say that you have to get your home too or they can't write a policy for your farm.
I was okay with that until I seen their rates, their homeowners insurance is almost double what I currently pay, and the coverage isn't as good.
Not sure how farm bureau is helping us Ranchers and Farmers by charging us more ???
A farm and ranch policy is the cheapest thing going here.
It's got my house, barns, shop, equipment, trailers along with a million dollar liability policy.
All insurance is skyrocketing due to current fiscal policies and with the destruction of our supply chain.
It is good that your farm and home aren;t on the same deed. Get your homeowner's and auto from an independent agency that writes with standard carriers. LIke in Ga, Grange or Auto Owners. Stay away from captive will be glad you did if you have a major claim. And no matter the company, you will always get better rates, because of multi-policy discounts, writing both with the same carrier. Then write your farm policy through a commercial carrier that does farm and ranch type exposures. I can send that link again to one if you want.
Yes that's what I did. Thx
Farm Bureau here…far from claim free. Weather event blew 1/3 of a barn roof away. Same event took half the roof off another. Quickly paid out the claim. Unfortunate kitchen fire, small but did $20,000 damage 40 years ago. Got a check to begin repairs within a couple days. Went back for more when the professional cleaning did not attain expected results. No problem getting new carpet and paint throughout the house. Another weather event put a new roof on. Replacing windshields amounts to having them make an appointment with a repair shop I want to use. Can have a mobile guy come to me if I so choose.

Service from your insurer is as important as the price. Son had a weather event earlier in the year. Every house on his block has gotten a new roof. Company sent him a check for dented flashing and gutter. No new roof for one that has obvious wind and hail damage. Let's just say he was NOT in good hands….
I use USAA since I was in the military, 25 years and counting.
7 hurricanes, 4 auto accidents, tornado..... We had our share.
Never a problem.
I am seeing this sort of late. My Farm Bureau insurance is so freaking high and I could not understand why. I have my house and two rentals, and two sheds. Both of my trucks are now only liability and uninsured motorist. My tractors are 3020 and 4020. I have no major equipment. No baler. I told them something had to give. He managed to shave $60 a month off, which still puts me in a hole. What I pay, I could be driving a nice truck instead of an antique. But, not going to trade.
Had a client last week, that called me when he got his auto renewal, He said " I got a 2013 F-350 and a 2023 F 350. Why is the 2013 as high as the 2023?!!" I told him to call our mutual friend, Roger, and ask him how much he'd charge to paint the '13, and how much to paint the '23. And call the local junkyard everyone uses, and price out a '13 bed and a "23 bed. Or a door. Or a fender, etc. He then wondered why the liabilty premiums nearly doubled. I said, "Turn on your TV anytime day and night. At each commerrcial break, there will be at least one bottom-feeder advertising: "Have you been injured in an automobile accident? Then call the law offices of Dewey, Phuchum, and Howe".....
Our area has changed so much the last 30 years. Even in the 90's, this area was known as the dry well" by those kind of lawyers. People here considered anyone who sued anybody, as below the level of child molestors and Democrats. But, as more and more outsiders moved here, and as Atlanta moved further and further north up I-75 and I -85, so did the kind of people who made a living off insurance fraud, and the kind of lawyers that represent them.

The two P&C agents' associations have been putting pressure on carriers to make the initial offer for BI liability 75% of the limits, in an effort to break people from calling lawyers. These lawyers get 35%-40% of the claim, leaving you to get only 60% to 65%. But it is going to take a long time to teach everybody this.

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