Fall Bulls. 10 months old.

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Bright Raven

Well-known member
Mar 10, 2017
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These bulls are 10 months old. Fire Sweep saw them the week they were at the Simmental National Classic in Louisville. Her kids had never seen to hills like this. šŸ˜Š

Four are sold pending the 12 month BSE. I plan to take two to Farm Fest. One of the seven is a cull.

Till-Hill said:
Looking really nice!

I was really excited about their scrotal measurement. I bought a scrotal tape from Jeffers. Read the procedures and measured all 7. The cull was 33. The largest was 40. The average was about 36. That is at 10 months. These guys are mature for 10 months.
Bright Raven said:
Till-Hill said:
Looking really nice!

I was really excited about their scrotal measurement. I bought a scrotal tape from Jeffers. Read the procedures and measured all 7. The cull was 33. The largest was 40. The average was about 36. That is at 10 months. These guys are mature for 10 months.
Wow very good. 34 at 12 months is my minimum. I think Broadways full brother as a 3 ye old was 44 this spring.
Her kids had never seen to hills like this.
All due respects to the flat landers, this is a hill:

Minimum for me is a SC of 20 cm at 205 days, 36 at yearling. Goes without saying, accompanied by correct scrotal structure.
Ron, they do look good. Pasture also makes me drool. We are still struggling this year. I'm keeping good grass in front of them (obviously good enough with my calf weights), but normally, we should have more than we need. Went from long cold/wet spring to finally a summer but immediately hot & dry for NY. Shouldn't complain. So many are in worse condition.
Anyway, you should be proud of them.
The best thing is --- you have a place for all of them to GO! Kutos
TN Cattle Man said:
What are they weighing? Are they growing like that solely on grass, or are you pushing the feed to them?

I don't know the weight. I feed 7 bulls 25 pounds of a 12 % protein mixed feed. I just sent the feed label to a guy I met at the Simmental National Classic who is very knowledgeable on feeding bulls to develop muscle without fat. His report via phone back to me is that the feed is very good for avoiding fat. In other words according to him, it is low in corn and other grains that produce too much fat. The bulls are solid. These bulls have good bone, muscle and scrotal development. The feed at 25 pounds per day per 7 bulls comes out to 3 1/2 pounds per day per bull. The real question: Is it even worth putting out considering how little impact it has. The pasture is what is developing these bulls.

I got to say, I am very proud of the cattle I am coming up with.
They look superb Ron. My strategy for developing the bull calves is I wean in autumn and support them with feed over winter to maintain growth around 1 kg/day then once the grass gets going in spring/summer they are on their own then start feeding again about May and have them ready to sell mid August. You are selling them a bit earlier so I think that bit of grain would help to keep them up there.

Ron the bulls look great. They are gonna have some happy owners this fall.
Bright Raven said:
T & B farms said:
Very nice Ron. Who is the blaze face one out of?

Thank you. The Blaze Face is a HPF Optimizer.

What was my guess. Are you retaining any optimizer daughters? I would be very interested to hear your thoughts on them in a couple years
T & B farms said:
Bright Raven said:
T & B farms said:
Very nice Ron. Who is the blaze face one out of?

Thank you. The Blaze Face is a HPF Optimizer.

What was my guess. Are you retaining any optimizer daughters? I would be very interested to hear your thoughts on them in a couple years

I have one that I retained. She is due August 29 with her second calf. Her first calf was a heifer sired by Cowboy Cut. Her first calf is outstanding. What I have seen so far is impressive.

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