extremely large lump on cows jaw...

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Oct 19, 2005
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I have read that what the cow has is lump jaw. What I don't know is what causes this, and how to treat it. The cow is 7 years old, and bread. It has been like this for a few weeks, I don't have a sqeeze shoot, or any way to catch her. It has it the last couple of days started bleeding like it has started to pop. If anyone has any info for me I would be grateful.

My grandpa has worked with cows his whole life and he has never seen lump jaw on any of his cows..

I believe, if it is actually lumpy jaw, there isn't swelling over the bone, the swelling is in the bone. I've only seen it on one cow, and it was at a distance. It's caused by a bacteria in the bone, which basically makes it an infection. Treatement is IV with sodium iodide. Slowly. Too fast and it will kill the cow, same as most IV solutions.
Whatever it is I've been hearing more and more cases of it recently. I've had a few cows and a few calves with it. Always isolated to the head and neck area, mostly on the side of the head or jaw. They do drain. In my case it turned out to be the same bacteria that causes lumpy jaw, but it hadn't infected the bone. You really need to catch the animal, cut the mass if it isn't hard yet, keep it draining and get it on LA200. This worked for me. Do your best not to get the puss from the draining on you, and douse the ground and equipment with something to kill it. It's bad news.
If swelling is firm like bone, likely lumpy jaw. If swelling is soft could be just an abscess. Either way, I'd treat with IV sodium iodide and LA 200 or better yet Tetradure. If you absolutely cannot catch her you could medicate in feed with chlortetracycline/oxytetracycline and organic iodine powder, but injectable meds would work better.
I just finished treating a five year old cow with lumpy jaw about 5 or 6 weeks ago, at first I thought she had been snake bitten. This started back in the fall when it was still warm. I thought it would go down on it's own. I watched the cow closely and saw that it was getting worse so I had the vet out. He cut into the lump and took a couple of tissue samples and sent them to a lab. It came back a lumpy jaw-he told me that I could sell her for meat but the cow is very well pedigreed and has had three heifers out of three calves so far and they are all very nice heifers so I wanted to try to save her. We started treatment of iodine in her grain for two weeks then went to 30 cc's of penacillin a day for two weeks, skipped a week and then the same for ten more days. Her jaw got so bad she could barely chew and she lost alot of weight by the time we started treating her. I had to pull her calf off at five months to keep her from going down more. She has now completely lost the lump, gained her weight back and you would never know that she had been sick.

I read an article in our association's monthly magazine for last month about lumpy jaw. It says that this could possibly come back. It basically affects young cattle as they are growing. Can be caused form eating roughage and puncturing the gum then becoming infected and going into the bone. When I told one of my friends about her having lumpy jaw he told me to get a gun and shoot her but I wanted to see if I could save her. So far so good. Good luck with your cow. I really had a hell of a time treating mine-she was not a mean cow but has always been skittish. She has a huge set of horns but I put her into our corral that is attached to the back of the barn and every day I would take a corral panel and squeeze her up into a corner of the barn and give her the shots. She would snort and paw but I was determined to treat her and I got her.
Lumpy jaw can come back! Treating a cow with it right now, she had it four years ago..treated with sodium iodide IV Lump went away... Got some pretty good calves out of her,
Now the lump is back...treating again with the IV three times 14 days apart, On dose #2 now. Got my fingers crossed.

Had a heifer with it about three years ago, She did not responed to the treatment

good luck
Could also be a sure sign of heavy worm infestation. If you have no facilities you might try putting out a Safe Gurard block if she's still eating.
D.R. Cattle":1btvvytj said:
Whatever it is I've been hearing more and more cases of it recently. I've had a few cows and a few calves with it. Always isolated to the head and neck area, mostly on the side of the head or jaw. They do drain. In my case it turned out to be the same bacteria that causes lumpy jaw, but it hadn't infected the bone. You really need to catch the animal, cut the mass if it isn't hard yet, keep it draining and get it on LA200. This worked for me. Do your best not to get the puss from the draining on you, and douse the ground and equipment with something to kill it. It's bad news.

One more thing. I forgot to add that I get mineral with added iodine. I'm not sure if that helped, but it may have.
Are you sure that there isn't anything in it? Obviously without a squeeze chute or proper facilities it is going to be difficult to determine but we have had a heifer pickup a chunk of wire that moved from the inside of the mouth to the outside with a nasty lump and draining, the whole 9 yards. I pulled a huge fishing lure out of a heifer's nose this fall as well - I don't know how they didn't swallow these items at first, the lure was securely hooked to her lip and she kept getting it in her mouth and the other had somehow not gone down the throat either. Just a thought...
this sounds to me like something i have noticed in cattle that seems similar to Strangles in horses, but not so contagious. there will be a golf ball sized swelling develop under the jaw and a lot of times it will rupture and ooze (sometimes bloody)pus, other times it doesnt. I dont know what this malady is called in cattle. but i dont think it is lumpy jaw and its not a tooth abcess. Not saying this is waht your cow has but something i've noticed before and dont know what it is, thought maybe someone else does?
Are we talking about "lumpy jaw' or just a >lump on the jaw???


Merry Christmas everbody!
I think we're talking about lumpy jaw and it ususally gets into the jaw bone and can be difficult to treat-I expect that my cow will eventually have it to come back but I plan to try to prolong it as long as possible because she's just too good to trash.