Ever Been Stung By.....

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Feb 3, 2008
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Central Texas

Dead center forehead just above your brow line?

Darnedest thing. One got me yesterday afternoon around 4 PM. Been stung by them more than I ever liked, but this one got me good. The bite spot stayed tender for hours. About 7 my ole forehead had started swelling, the inside corners of my eyes started itching and swelling. By 9 I looked like I had been shot up with Botox :lol:
Woke up this morning a lot better but still had some swelling and itching. Not sure if my tolerance is waning or it was just the location on my forehead.
Don't know what kind those are but once, on a dare, I threw a brick through a white faced hornets nest. I think it belonged to Mike Tyson because I got hit three times in the face and in no time I couldn't hardly talk or see.
Never knew why but my dad always called those "Guinea Wasp". Not as big as the big red wasp or black wasp. Find a lot of small nests around the eaves of houses and barns....they will wear you out !!!!
Properly called Paper Wasp....(mostly called yellow jackets around here)

I guess the ole noggin has less "meat" or not enough blood flow to dispense with the venom they inject.
Those things have no mercy all I can say is if you run over them while cutting the yard you will pay dearly... trust me
Thems yellow jackets. There's two kinds. Big yellow jackets and little yellow jackets. Their both mean, but the little ones are flat a55 vicious. Pissed about being little I reckon.
The big red wasp are cowards. If you don't run ,they won't hardly sting at all. When they do sting , they pack a punch.
I have met hornets up in a rotten tree while cutting it and they lit me up but none have lit me up with fury as much as those #$%#$^ yellow jackets.
TexasBred":1qokr49q said:
Never knew why but my dad always called those "Guinea Wasp". Not as big as the big red wasp or black wasp. Find a lot of small nests around the eaves of houses and barns....they will wear you out !!!!
A guinea wasp and a yellow jacket are two different things. I've always heard wasps with that pattern of coloration called guinea wasps too, but those don't look small enough in the waist to be wasps. The nest looks like a guinea wasp nest but the wasps look like yellow jackets and they're the orneriest of the whole clan. Vette's dang lucky if only one stung him. I have seen yellow jackets build nests off the ground and they're not small nests by any means but usually around here, like sky said, the nests are in the ground in a rotten stump or some kind of other digs where there's a lot of decayed organic matter.
What GP said. What I call guinea wasp is fairly docile as wasps go. The red wasps hurt worse. Those look like yellow jackets which hurt like he77 and itch for days but our yellow jackets tend to nest in the ground and will swarm you bad.
Funny this should come up now!. We have TONS of those under the eaves, etc, but they really aren't too bad.. I think the real yellow jacket is a ground nester, and heaven forbid you stumble on one of them nests... kinda like I did yesterday. I was clearing some brush making a trail when I got stung on the back of my hand, I knew right away what was up and grew some good legs real fast, when I was about 80 feet away i stopped and apparently one had gotten under my shirt and got me on the stomach.. I was some kinda mad, my had swelled up real good, can still really see it today, and it ITCHES ITCHES ITCHES!!!!.. the one on my stomach isn't as bad, though there is a welt there.

I had seen another nest way off in the bush (out of the way) before I stumbled on it, but I was on the warpath today and put on my bee suit (at 100F) and stomped them out.. first I sprayed the opening with foamy Raid, and then took a crowbar and poked through the ground for about 5 minutes.. perhaps a few wasps will survive that, but it's really unlikely anything in the nest is salvageable.. I did that to both nests.

We have tons of other kinds of spider wasps, etc, and those I really don't mind.. they don't bother you at your dinner table or pester you, so I let them be.. We have some that are about 1 1/4" long and LOVE being on the onion and mint flowers, never been stung by one, and sure hope I never am.. Then there's also the black hornets around here, they nest in rosebushes, etc, mostly black with some white stripes.. I won't have them nest near me, but I don't mind them too much either.. if you shoo them off they get the message.
1982vett":emjibqt0 said:
Properly called Paper Wasp....(mostly called yellow jackets around here)

I guess the ole noggin has less "meat" or not enough blood flow to dispense with the venom they inject.
I'll agree with that. I got popped last year behind my ear and it is a "memory"
I dont think ive ever seen yellow jackets build a nest like that if those actually yellow jackets. Looks more like a wasp nest to me. Most yellow jackets ive seen are either in the ground or in the side of a shed or something like in the wall. Not saying they aint ive just never seen them like that. Regardless it sucks you got stung and whatever they are i know they packed a punch.
A couple days ago I was pulling weeds in a rock garden with railroad ties around it, and got stung right on the wrist!! Stepdaughter and sister-in-law learned my WORST swear word!! :mad: :oops: :roll: I was kinda embarrassed but MAN THAT HURT!! Used a baking soda paste on it, took the itch and swelling down.
ga.prime":11zj83fo said:
TexasBred":11zj83fo said:
Never knew why but my dad always called those "Guinea Wasp". Not as big as the big red wasp or black wasp. Find a lot of small nests around the eaves of houses and barns....they will wear you out !!!!
A guinea wasp and a yellow jacket are two different things. I've always heard wasps with that pattern of coloration called guinea wasps too, but those don't look small enough in the waist to be wasps. The nest looks like a guinea wasp nest but the wasps look like yellow jackets and they're the orneriest of the whole clan. Vette's dang lucky if only one stung him. I have seen yellow jackets build nests off the ground and they're not small nests by any means but usually around here, like sky said, the nests are in the ground in a rotten stump or some kind of other digs where there's a lot of decayed organic matter.
Yeah I was lucky only one got me. Their was probably 30 or more on the nest. It was on a dead pecan limb just over head high. Kind like one of those I would normally just grab and give it a jerk to break off. I hate it when I have to duck under trees to keep from getting swatted in the face. Looked up just in time to see the nest before doing so. It popped me at the same time the adrenaline kicked in from that sight. I ducked and got the hell out of their. Looked back at the nest and they were all calm like nothing happened.

These build nests above ground. They like nesting in fig trees too. Wife got bit picking peas. Funny how docile the were when feeding on whatever the were after. But she managed to grab this one and got bit on the hinger.
I think what we have here is a case of different creatures being called the same name in different parts of the country. That photo looks like what I've always called yellow jackets. The fiendish insects that nest in the ground are ground hornets. They will both hunt you down if you disturb them and nail you before you know they're anywhere around. Yellow jacket stings hurt, but hornet stings feel like you got hit with a hammer.
Deepsouth":3arwu5zi said:
Take a benadryl when you get stung. It helps alot.
I got nailed on a knuckle, benedryl did nothing except give me a false sense that it would get better. Thing swelled up like a walnut and the swelling ran part way up my arm. The next day it ached like mad but that was about it. A couple of days later I got the tich, wanted to cut the finger off to get rid of it. Black drawing salve didn;t work either.
Yesterday I was helping a couple of friends running heifers through the chute drawing blood on them and dam bumblebees had built a nest under the chute and you talk about some bad a$$ bees! These were about half the size of the big bumblebees you see in the hay fields and would chase you over 20 yards or more. I felt sorry for the heifer we had in the chute when those bees swarmed from under the chute but they didn't like that starting fluid too well! One friend was stung on the elbow and behind his ear.

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