Embryo transfer Southwest Missouri

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Aug 5, 2008
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Does anyone know who does embryo transfers in Southwest Missouri? I am considering buying a couple or three registered heifers. I might spend more on one heftier and have her flushed and transferred to some of my heifers I already have. Or maybe just buy some embryos?

I know there are lots of variables involved, but can any one give me a ballpark figure on what something like this would cost. Just any input would be appreciated.
I'm sure others will be able to tell you better,but I think a couple years ago it was costing us about $800 a flush and that was at our farm.price will also go up if you get alot of eggs.

I don't think it would be that good of an idea to put eggs in heifers.I prefer to let them have a calf or two first.

Stillwater might be to far away for you ,but you might still find this interesting. http://www.reproductionenterprises.com/
There is one closer to you than Stillwater. Four Corners Embryo Transfer in Langley, Ok. Robert H Zinnikas. Everyone just calls him Dr. Bob. I think that pretty much anyone that has used him will tell you that he is very good at what he does. Best of Luck with your ET adventure.

Circle H Ranch

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