As long as you start with quality animals, you will get quality baldy calves. The operative word is "quality" but that is so in all aspects of breeding anyway.
> I know I going about this
> backwards but would I get a good
> baldie by breeding my angus cows
> with a herford bull?
> I know I going about this
> backwards but would I get a good
> baldie by breeding my angus cows
> with a herford bull? As with all crossbreeding programs match the bulls the with cows you plan to breed them to, be ever mindful of birth weights, and then check out weaning and yearling wts, then carcass traits, horned or polled, don't be afraid of horned a bull for there is a lot of top genitics and a good bunch of Angus cows will dehorn most horned bulls. For more information on Hereford bulls try or