I have a small herd of cattle and ther water source is an old hog waterer. They have drank out of this for 5 years and I have never had any trouble. This past weekend we were gone and when I got home the waterer had froze as I forgot to turn on the heater. On Christmas day I thought the cows looked thin and I decided maybe I should start giving them some grain. The next day I noticed they had not eaten their hay and were looking even thinner and they were bellaring. I then deducted they were thirsty and carried water to them which was the problem! What I can't figure out is why all of the sudden they won't drink out of this waterer. I have felt it and there is no sign of electricity or too warm. It smells fine as I raked all the water out of it to make sure it was fresh and they will drink it off of the cement. The only thing I can deduce is that while it froze up it shocked them and now they are scared of it?
Has anyboody experienced this and if so any suggestions on what to do to get them to drink out of it again. I have turned them into another lot where they can get water from a different place and they are drinking but I can't leave them there all winter.
Thanks for all comments!
[email protected]
Has anyboody experienced this and if so any suggestions on what to do to get them to drink out of it again. I have turned them into another lot where they can get water from a different place and they are drinking but I can't leave them there all winter.
Thanks for all comments!
[email protected]