Don't want to kill the clover

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Jun 29, 2004
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I need to spray part of my pasture for weeds where I spread some chicken litter last year, but don't want to kill the clover. Any suggestions?
About the only way is to let the cattle graze it down, then use a wick applicator to get what ever they didn't eat down.
PolledBull posted this back in September:

"2-4-D-B will not kill the clover . The B is buterac . It is safe for lugumes . But It will need to be sprayed as other 2-4-d products, when weeds are small and beware of drift to non target areas . certian crops are very sensative to 2 4 D"

You might want to talk to your extension office about it.
msscamp":vj6098lz said:
PolledBull posted this back in September:

"2-4-D-B will not kill the clover . The B is buterac . It is safe for lugumes . But It will need to be sprayed as other 2-4-d products, when weeds are small and beware of drift to non target areas . certian crops are very sensative to 2 4 D"

You might want to talk to your extension office about it.

That's well and good if you can wait for the 60 day grazing and hay cutting withdrawl period after you spray it. It will also burn the clover if it rains within 7-10 days of application or you use a wetting agent when spraying.
Pharmer":lo05r60w said:
I need to spray part of my pasture for weeds where I spread some chicken litter last year, but don't want to kill the clover. Any suggestions?
well you waited a little too long not to hurt the clover i got a good clover stand myself but i spray late feb or march when you can catch a few day in the 60's if possible. you can spray and take a cut now or wait too next year too me killing clover is like cutting your own throat now days.infact i would live with a few weeds for a whole lot of clover are you sure you got that big of a weed problem from the litter?
We love clover.. so wait until after about May 1st and it's played out to spray. I could be wrong, but I thought 2-4-D would kill it?
TheBullLady":d1jic90b said:
We love clover.. so wait until after about May 1st and it's played out to spray. I could be wrong, but I thought 2-4-D would kill it?
the more mature it gets the more harm the 2-4-D can do as the leaf gets broader
I can't kill it in the front yard. I have sprayed it with heavy doses of 2-4,d and can't get rid of it there. I'm gonna use grazon on the yard this year to try and kill it. In the pastures I can just wave the jug at clover and it dies.
Bama":30p0l5ly said:
I can't kill it in the front yard. I have sprayed it with heavy doses of 2-4,d and can't get rid of it there. I'm gonna use grazon on the yard this year to try and kill it. In the pastures I can just wave the jug at clover and it dies.

That's the magic. You need to think as the pastures as lawn and graze the cows on what you now call the lawn.

Bama":1gssycxw said:
I can't kill it in the front yard. I have sprayed it with heavy doses of 2-4,d and can't get rid of it there. I'm gonna use grazon on the yard this year to try and kill it. In the pastures I can just wave the jug at clover and it dies.
That's the problem it wont kill it were you want it too. but you can bet if you spray a pasture you'll see a thining back of it .
Bama: Make sure that you don't spray grazon under your trees or it will sure kill em.
I am unaware of any herbicide that will NOT kill the clover. We have a very heavy infestation of Carolina horsenettle, it spreads into 3 ft side clumps, shades the grass, cows won't go close to it and it was horrific. We planted Durana clover several years ago on the whole farm, so I didn't want to spray entire pastures. Unfortunately, the only way we have found to effectively kill it without also killing the clover, is to go out in the heat of the day and spot spray it - UGH, UGH, SWEAT. I trieded wicking it but it just knocks it back and doesn't kill it. Can't wait to see what happens this year.

Having said this, we lease another farm and it had a very heavy infestation fo horsenettle, and a fair amount ,of a "natural white clover" , this means no one apparently planted it? Last summer I bit the bullet and had the whold placed sprayed with Grazon. This spring I have the greastest crop of white clover there that I have ever seen. You figure.

i have sprayed my pasture when renovating with roundup and all the grass is gone in 10 days but ive still got a greenfield of clover i did this by accident a few years back and ive done this ever since
MrBilly":21xyfgju said:
Last summer I bit the bullet and had the whold placed sprayed with Grazon. This spring I have the greastest crop of white clover there that I have ever seen. You figure.
Billy, you probably got lucky and got a sprayer that had been used for spraying some of those fish guts and fish crap. Maybe you still got a little residual from that? Shouldn't take much.
White clover (ladino) is more resistant to 2-4-D than other varities.

Talked to the feed mill manager today about what to spray my pastures. He recommended to just wait until the clover played out (which will only be in a few weeks for us), and then come in with 2-4-D.