Ding! Dong! Brindle's Dead ....

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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2004
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Story goes like this ....

Wife bought a cow. Three years ago. She should have known better, but she liked the markings! :mad:

Cow was a brindle. Every danged brindle I have ever known has had an attitude. (Someone is going to disagree with me). But, this is not only a true story - it is my story ....

Cow comes home from .. well, wherever. And proceeds to have a nice calf. Owner (wife) and owners owner (me) go to check the calf. Brindle objects rather violently. But owners owner (that may cause an eyebrow to be raised) manages to beat her off with a six foot aluminum grounding rod.

Back to the calf. Now I am sitting on this calf. Very quiet calf. Takes the needle of selenium and vitamins with no noise. Then I tag the calf - in the left ear as is the tradition on this place. Calf bawls and Brindle comes ready to do battle again. Owners owner jumps up and runs to a tree in the bush. Brindles calf - being confused - follows owners owner - and so follows Brindle. Brindle is frothing and owners owner is climbing.

Coyote problems are bad. So owner brow beats owners owner into submission and Brindle stays. I hate it when I lose an argument, but we never lost a calf to any dog after Brindle arrived.

Funny, but owner never has a problem with Brindle. Owners owner on the other hand does battle in the field, in the pens, in the chutes, in the squeeze and on the truck. Owners owner has a hate that grows to unheard of proportions. Brindle actually goes out of her way to cause owners owner grief. She stands at the gate and defies owners owner to come in. Owners owner is not stupid, and therefore is still alive.

Owner goes away one day. Owners owner actually gets the rifle and ammo out. This is the day of salvation. Rrriiing. It is the phone. Owners is less than 10 minutes out the driveway when she calls owners owner and states flat out - "I have a feeling you might want to dispose of Brindle. If you do you will regret it." Owners owner tucks his tail between his legs and puts rifle back in closet. Dang, she can read minds at long range!

Next year Brindle has nice calf. This time owner walks Brindle out of the field before owners owner will check calf. Same story - calf bawls and owners owner climbs tree - might have been the same tree. Fence has never been the same though. :mad:

Two weeks ago daughter comes to owner and owners owner and asks if the family will donate a cow to the local girls hockey team. They are on their way to Europe for a tournament and she wants to help raise her share of the trip money.

Brindle does not have calf this year! Hooray! :D

Local abbotoir does the work for free (good cause) and Brindle is placed in one pound packages on the table in the school auto shop. Brindle is sold out in less than 15 minutes and girls have more money for trip.

All day long I have been humming that darned tune - Ding! Dong! The Brindle's dead, the Brindle's dead.

Now ex owner is unhappy with me - but I can once again roam my fields and check my cows .....

Nite all,

Congratulations are in order, Bez.

Did you take a package of Brindleburger home for the BBQ?

Take care.

ps. If 'owner' is missing her favourite cow, please let her know that I have a lovely black Saler cow that would love to take Brindle's place in her heart...or at least help her through the grief. Frankencow would also be sure to keep 'owners owner' on the strict physical workout program started by Brindle. All that and no tigerstripes, too.

PM me if owner is interested.
Owner and owners owner have reached a truce. No more brindle cows.

As for the exercise program, owners owner does need assistance in that department, but too much excitement is bad for the heart.

Initial reports confirm that Brindleburger is excellent and was well worth the two bucks a pound spent. More orders have been received, but all other cows have since been on their best behaviour. :D

Off to work,

Yeppers...come Sunday she's headed to Alberta to make some other rancher some money. I hope. She's a darn good cow and I really really think 'owner' would like to have her.

Real friendly, too.

Take care.
Bez":1sfuce23 said:
other cows have since been on their best behaviour. :D

Off to work,


Is this like when my mother ould set the stew pot in the chicken house and warn the hens they'ld better start laying?


I think you are correct.

I am just glad the b!$%ch is gone. She actually was quite dangerous .... to me. No prob with wife - go figure. Wife loaded her in the stock trailer with no probs and I took her on her last ride.

Bit of a rodeo at the plant, but the boys were well warned and were ready.

Now CattleAnnie has the nerve to offer to replace her! With friends like that ... well, I guess you know the rest. :D

Off to feed - it is dark, windy and drifting. Have over a foot on the ground now - and according to the weather man it is supposed to start up again.

Winter is here to stay.


Great story Bez. We've had a few like her in years past. Back in the square bale days one of our brindle cows on a particular place must have been close kin to yours. There was also a bad bull on that place but that's a different story. I was doing a lot of night feeding then. You know the drill, flashlight in one hand and hook in the other. The point of greatest danger was when you were cutting wire. I always made sure I knew the general direction and distance of that !@#$%^& bull and that !@#$%^& brindle cow. Was treed a several times by one or the other. Once in a windmill tower, once in a tree, once under the front of the pickup and no telling how many times in the bed. The day we sold both of them I was so ecstatic it was tempting to stand in front of the ring and celebrate the occasion in stanza and verse. Except I can't sing worth a dime. But that's another story too. Sure enjoyed yours. Especially the end.


Perhaps I could interest you or owner in a couple cows..Mayhem and Destruction are available very cheap during this special prechristmas offer.Ease owners pain replace twofold... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh no! Now frenchie wants to be my friend!

Just what I do not need! Another person volunteering to sell me trouble - only this time it is double trouble.

frenchie - I think you can keep them. Give them away to someone who needs a bit more excitement in their life. :D

I am actually looking forward to some peace and quiet.

I just remembered, we have one more that is trouble - we call her Wild One. She is simply unapproachable. Not dangerous - but she has confinement issues. Anyone want her?

She can clear a 6 foot fence and run faster than any deer. Neighbour has offered to buy her for beef - shoot her in the field and take her home ....

But dhe raised a set of twins this year and they are in fine shape. Some day she will have to go - but if someone wants her they can come and try to catch her.

Once she is out of here we will be finished with all the trouble makers.

Bez":2xf78761 said:
Oh no! Now frenchie wants to be my friend!

Just what I do not need! Another person volunteering to sell me trouble - only this time it is double trouble.

frenchie - I think you can keep them. Give them away to someone who needs a bit more excitement in their life. :D

I am actually looking forward to some peace and quiet.



I was thinking more of the entertainment value of these 2 animals.After dealing with Mayhem its amazing what Destruction can do. These 2 animals will keep your barnyard vocabulary in ready reserve. The words a man or woman came come up are endless. Repairs on the ranch, make for endless quality time for ones family. :D

So Bez will that be cash, cheque or visa :lol: :lol: :lol:

Mayhem and Destruction leave the new year ,if I can catch them and hold them long enough to get them in the trailer.

Cash - none available

Cheque - can't write 'em - otherwise the rubber market would soar

Visa - have a few bucks left there in reserve for the bad days

Whew! I can't afford them so I will have to let your wonderful offer stand for now! :D

Thank heavens I do not have the money available - otherwise I'd end up with more trouble!


I have a story like that only it was my wife and the steer that did not get along. We had sold our property and had to move the steer to the new place. Wife roped the steer from the ground and steer decided to rub her into the ground. Wife got up laughing, so no harm done --- ya right!!!!

Next incident with the steer, I was moving him into a pen to move him again. This time the steer decided to put his head between my horse's legs and lift us up.

Needless to say he sure was tasty.
Brindles can be very trying at times. I remeber one our F-1's before going to polled Herefords, she put me out of the pen 3 times. I walked to the house got the Colt 45 as you would put it Owner's Owner ask what I was doing. I told if I couldn't get the crazy thing loaded the buzzards were going to be eating ribeye. After the 5th or 6th battle I finally got here loaded for the salebarn she road walking upside down on top of the trailer for most of the ride.

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