Dart guns

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Apr 28, 2014
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For those who have used the dart guns to treat cattle. What type of gun do you prefer. What is your impression of them? Looking at buying one.
We have a pneu dart. It works good, but darts are expensive and take too long to fall out. I would be interested in a cap-chur. I believe they have reusable darts that are supposed to fall out quickly.
The reusable darts for the Cap-Chur still have a 1 time use charge inside and also a rubber piece that holds the charge that typically last 1-5 uses.

As for the darts falling out quickly it all depends. Some fall out after a few seconds others its half an hour later. And at the cost of the reusable aluminum darts you want to stick around and find them.
I would like to know about the rubber plunger that holds the charge while they say you only get 1 to 5 uses of it, I'm new to using the Cap-Chur but I have used mine around 7 to 8 times and I still don't see anything wrong with it was just wandering.
I use a Pneu-Dart now but a neighbor gave an old and rusty Cap-Chur CO2 powered pistol a few months back. It has the reloadable darts. Got it all cleaned up and shootable. I like that you can use 15 and 20 cc darts in it but it doesn't have a lot of power, so you have to be right up on them. I would think the rifle would be more advisable for those heavies. The reloadable feature is nice but the charges are over a dollar a piece and there is some risk of damage of the needle or barrel. Also Cap-chur's shipping prices are high.
But why do they say that you only get 1 to 5 uses on the rubber plunger, I have the 22 rifle and love it, you can shoot a long distance with it because it comes with 2 different 22 blanks one for the smaller and up close shots and another for the larger cc and longer shots, just don't understand why they say 1 to 5 uses.
I have a Pneu-Dart rifle. Maybe it needs to go back to the company for new seals. Right now, I hate it. It's so unreliable I use Xylazine in a dart instead of an expensive antibiotic because odds are good the dart isn't going into the animal. On the rare occasion a dart makes contact, it seems better to sedate the animal then give the antibiotic. Also, I can pull the dart out. Yesterday I needed to treat two 600 lb steers for pinkeye. 4 darts deployed, none were effective. I saw each one hit the calf, the contents sprayed and the calf ran away. It was easier to get the group in and sort thru them then to continue on with the nonsense. I used 4 pumps for each dart which I thought was plenty considering I was 15-18 feet from the calf. Anyway, I'm not happy with my rifle.
You are giving draxxin, so 6.6 ml for those 600 pound calves? The dart needs enough velocity and a sold impact to trigger the explosive charge that pushes the medicine out of the dart. Youll need more than 4 pumps. Whats your velocity adjustment set at? Its the knob at the rear of the bolt.
Son says he uses 8-10 pumps and most of the shots are 15 +/- feet. Neighbor he borrowed a gun from before we had one, said that is what it took to make sure they hit and inject. That helped convince us to get one. Don't know about the velocity adjustment. I have never used it myself.
I have a Pneu-Dart rifle. Maybe it needs to go back to the company for new seals. Right now, I hate it. It's so unreliable I use Xylazine in a dart instead of an expensive antibiotic because odds are good the dart isn't going into the animal. On the rare occasion a dart makes contact, it seems better to sedate the animal then give the antibiotic. Also, I can pull the dart out. Yesterday I needed to treat two 600 lb steers for pinkeye. 4 darts deployed, none were effective. I saw each one hit the calf, the contents sprayed and the calf ran away. It was easier to get the group in and sort thru them then to continue on with the nonsense. I used 4 pumps for each dart which I thought was plenty considering I was 15-18 feet from the calf. Anyway, I'm not happy with my rifle.
Respectfully, if this is happening it needs more pumps. I've had this happen twice, and each time I was being too conservative with the pumps. You need a minimum (for my Pneu Dart Gun) of 7 pumps for calves and 8-9 for cows.

The failure just indicates that it's making contact without enough force to penetrate the hide.

My dart gun has been great, and truly one of the best additions to the farm I've made.
You are giving draxxin, so 6.6 ml for those 600 pound calves? The dart needs enough velocity and a sold impact to trigger the explosive charge that pushes the medicine out of the dart. Youll need more than 4 pumps. Whats your velocity adjustment set at? Its the knob at the rear of the bolt.

I bought a pneumatic dart gun. So far haven't used it except to shoot one practice dart.. I have read the instructions. I know where the velocity adjustment is. But not sure how to tell where it is set.
You are giving draxxin, so 6.6 ml for those 600 pound calves? The dart needs enough velocity and a sold impact to trigger the explosive charge that pushes the medicine out of the dart. Youll need more than 4 pumps. Whats your velocity adjustment set at? Its the knob at the rear of the bolt.
No. I dart with Rompum. Knock the calf out then give Draxxin. While the calf is asleep I can treat eyes or whatever the problem is. Seems to be more cost effective. I know of the knob on the rifle but not how to set it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Respectfully, if this is happening it needs more pumps. I've had this happen twice, and each time I was being too conservative with the pumps. You need a minimum (for my Pneu Dart Gun) of 7 pumps for calves and 8-9 for cows.

The failure just indicates that it's making contact without enough force to penetrate the hide.

My dart gun has been great, and truly one of the best additions to the farm I've made.
I never thought about increasing pumps. 4 seemed extreme since this rifle once was effective with 2-3 pumps. It's got some age on it now and it never occurred to me to pump it more times. Thanks. I've been so frustrated with it.

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