Dairy cattle vs beef cattle.

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I don't do my own grocery shopping my wife does. So all I can do is tell her what USDA label to look for. Plus I don't know of any restaurant, fast food or other, that lets you see the beef you will be eating before it is cooked.
So let me see if I understand your position. You don't think the public has a right to know what they are eating. Correct?
Ive answered that question, several times. Go back and look it up a couple pages back.

You still have not answered how a grade label, by any objective standard, tells a consumer what they are buying and whether it will meet their personal preference. You have not explained why a consumer cannot look at the steak they are buying and determine for themselves whether it is well marbled or very lean. The packaging is generally transparent plastic. You can SEE what you are buying!!

If you have a problem with the beef your grocery store carries, shop elsewhere. If they don't carry the grade you want...you guessed it...shop elsewhere. If you cant tell by looking at it, then educate yourself....ESPECIALLY IF YOU PROFESS TO RAISE CATTLE!!!
Son of Butch":aq2tambi said:
LCCattle":aq2tambi said:
Son of Butch,
.....unless you have some suggestion on this issue, I suggest you go over to FB.
LCC last November in one of your first posts you did not know the difference between afterbirth and a prolapse.
Now 8 months later you are a concerned cattleman with only the beef industrys best interest at heart?
You are a PETA schill.
PETA the blind leading the blind.
LCCattle":2gf20f9u said:
I don't do my own grocery shopping my wife does. So all I can do is tell her what USDA label to look for. Plus I don't know of any restaurant, fast food or other, that lets you see the beef you will be eating before it is cooked.
So let me see if I understand your position. You don't think the public has a right to know what they are eating. Correct?
Up scale steak houses do have cuts displayed , I tend to agree that you are a PETA schill. You probably think welfare is good too. Last time I checked a person that's hungry doesn't give a rat's azz what grade the meat . if you want prime meat shop at a market that has it. Every animal has a place in the food chain. Heck I would love to see horse meat between the beef and pork in meat case. Cheaper cuts and grades are all some people can afford you nor anyone else has a right to try and dictate what out their. It is all safe healthy food.
Son of Butch":v9mm0296 said:
Son of Butch":v9mm0296 said:
LCCattle":v9mm0296 said:
Son of Butch,
.....unless you have some suggestion on this issue, I suggest you go over to FB.
LCC last November in one of your first posts you did not know the difference between afterbirth and a prolapse.
Now 8 months later you are a concerned cattleman with only the beef industrys best interest at heart?
You are a PETA schill.
PETA the blind leading the blind.

As usual your not reading or telling the whole story and are attempting to use it for your own demented reason. What is your problem? And you wonder why few people post on this board!
The reason I asked was the person who posted this picture on FB said he saw the calf born at 11 PM and left. The next morning he got rid of the afterbirth and then found this, which makes no sense to me, unless there is a second calf somewhere, but he said no as she was in the barn.
So I thought that bight be a prolapse with the " some "afterbirth still hanging and he cleaned up only some afterbirth.
So that's all I know
So maybe I just had an epiphany....

Seems this whole thread comes down to this....
you sent your wife out for high falutin steaks at the store, she comes home with crappy ones and you get mad that they didn't say they were high falutin, even though were angus. So instead of teaching her what you want those high falutin steaks to look like, you just want to pass new laws to make up for your own laziness.

I feel so...icky! :roll:
If I were a PETA member you should be thanking me for being here so you could educate me about the errors of my ways. I love to talk to PETA members so I can straighten them out on some issues.
Sounds to me like some of you are scared to death of PETA. Why is that?
Son of Butch":2n2jk12h said:
M-5":2n2jk12h said:
Every animal has a place in the food chain. Heck I would love to see horse meat between the beef and pork in meat case.
me too
Well in that case why don't we throw in some cats and dog and humans ? They are all meat, right??
LCCattle":1m5j99ui said:
Son of Butch":1m5j99ui said:
M-5":1m5j99ui said:
Every animal has a place in the food chain. Heck I would love to see horse meat between the beef and pork in meat case.
me too
Well in that case why don't we throw in some cats and dog and humans ? They are all meat, right??
I have no problem with it. Someone would buy it. There are places in the world that think what we eat is wrong. Heck you think Holstein beef is wrong. I would bet every thing I got you could not pick out a steak from a dairy cow, angus , Hereford or any other breed. And with proper ageing even the canners will produce a steak that palatable.
LCCattle":3a16u9sn said:
Son of Butch":3a16u9sn said:
M-5":3a16u9sn said:
Every animal has a place in the food chain. Heck I would love to see horse meat between the beef and pork in meat case.
me too
Well in that case why don't we throw in some cats and dogs and humans? They are all meat, right??
Equating human life with animal life = more PETA lies.
As for cats and dogs, too tough and stringy, I prefer baby seal.
Well it looks like this conversation has turned into a p issing contest by the local know it alls, so I'm out of here and I thank you all for your contributions.
And you wonder why there are so few posters on this board.
LCCattle":2weevzue said:
Call me fence,
I'm curious to know the logic behind anything below select being unfit for consumption?
I threw it out there to see how others felt. Someone suggest the line be placed to include "standard" other have said leave it as it is. Me position of "select" was to solicit others opinion, it was NOT cast in concrete.

But anybody who thinks animals can't be taught? I have to think they haven't been around many animals of any kind
I never said "animals can't be taught" . Again, teaching an animal is one form of conditioning. And teaching can be broken down into many sub-categories. Punishment or reward being the most popular, along with repetition .

Now back to dairy vs beef.
This all started a few years back with the Rancho BEEF products recall where it was found the recall was actually caused by dairy cows, which gave the beef industry a whole lot more then just a black eye. The below is the only paper who identified the fact it was caused by dairy cows, all the others called it a beef recall. Black Canyon is the beef producer who got caught up in this recall.
There was also a lost hoof episode in Colorado shortly there after where two loads of dairy cattle arrived with no hoofs and could hardly walk and were rejected which the press used to beat up on the beef industry.
May 17 14
New allegations in Rancho Feeding saga
http://www.petaluma360.com/article/2014 ... ding-saga-

A clandestine affair and the use of fake seals of inspection are just a few of the new allegations that emerged in the saga of the now shuttered Rancho Feeding Corporation, according to CNN.
The plant was closed in February amidst a recall of 8.7 million pounds of beef products, which were not properly inspected and came from "diseased or tainted" animals. Later reports said the Petaluma slaughterhouse was processing sickly dairy cows that were known to have cancer in the eye or other body parts.
So needless to say, Black Canton is pizzed off as are many other beef producers, including myself, and we all are looking for a solution to this problem while be fare to all.

On page seven of this thread you said "Animals can be conditioned but they can not be taught." Now you are saying that you never said it. You can't even keep your own misinformation straight - no credibility, almost no entertainment value.
On the previous usda label thread you said "Here is a pic of some meat I just bought at the grocery store." Now you are saying that your wife does all the shopping. No credibility.
You are taking what I said out of context.
Engineering is an action requiring thought. Genes have no thought process therefore the idea that our parent's genes engineered us is flawed at best.

No but people do or they would be animals who function only on instinct with no though process involved. Animals can be conditioned but they can not be taught.
I never said "animals can't be taught" . Again, teaching an animal is one form of conditioning. And teaching can be broken down into many sub-categories. Punishment or reward being the most popular, along with repetition .

Hello, there is a difference between " thought process" and "thought". Did you not see the word "process"?
So YOU can teach a horse, but a horse can not use a though PROCESS on his own to learn, so YOU must teach him by using CONDITIONING. Anything he does on his own in by INSTINCT.
You can sit there all week saying the same thing over and over ( which is conditioning ) and an animal will not respond to you command unless you CONDITION it to respond. Name one thing you TAUGHT an animal without conditioning it to respond. And how you " taught it.

If you go back and read my posts, you will find that I asked someone to post a pic of store bought meat. And none did, so when I was out I bought it and took the pic and posted it.
Would you like me to bend over for my next anal exam?
What you are doing is falling victim to the animal right propaganda, BS, while they are trying to make animals equal to humans with the same rights.
LCCattle":p8ynraqm said:
You are taking what I said out of context.
Engineering is an action requiring thought. Genes have no thought process therefore the idea that our parent's genes engineered us is flawed at best.

No but people do or they would be animals who function only on instinct with no though process involved. Animals can be conditioned but they can not be taught.
I never said "animals can't be taught" . Again, teaching an animal is one form of conditioning. And teaching can be broken down into many sub-categories. Punishment or reward being the most popular, along with repetition .

Hello, there is a difference between " thought process" and "thought". Did you not see the word "process"?
So YOU can teach a horse, but a horse can not use a though PROCESS on his own to learn, so YOU must teach him by using CONDITIONING. Anything he does on his own in by INSTINCT.
You can sit there all week saying the same thing over and over ( which is conditioning ) and an animal will not respond to you command unless you CONDITION it to respond. Name one thing you TAUGHT an animal without conditioning it to respond. And how you " taught it.

If you go back and read my posts, you will find that I asked someone to post a pic of store bought meat. And none did, so when I was out I bought it and took the pic and posted it.
Would you like me to bend over for my next anal exam?
What you are doing is falling victim to the animal right propaganda, BS, while they are trying to make animals equal to humans with the same rights.

You say I am "falling victim" to propaganda. You are the only one on this thread playing the victim. I'm sure you think that your arguments are really well thought out - you need to think a little harder.
LCCattle":ju1m0a24 said:

Why de-value our product - high quality beef cattle?

Just a foot note on pink slime.
In case you don't know what pink slime is and where it comes from.
Pink slime is processed trimmings from the outside of an carcass that has been in a cooler after slaughter. The carcass is then loaded on a reefer and transported to a packing house where is cut up and packed and sold as box beef. The outside of this carcass, that has been loaded and unloaded and travel across the country, if not across an ocean, is again placed in a cooler and left to cure for 10 days or longer if it hadn't already had time to cure. When the carcass is finally cut for packaging the outside of each cut is cut off and sold as trimmings to processors who then process it into pink slime after numerous people had handled it and it has been exposed to a multitude of outside contaminants. Thus, the reason for treating it with ammonia.

I apologize if some of my points have already been said, but I just can't read any more without saying something!

This is ludicrous! Who in the world are you, that you act like you're an authority on everything that has to do with the beef industry? Do you get your info from PETA? HSUS? Pink slime is connective tissue that's ground up, NOT the layer on the outside of a carcass. That's just ludicrous!! Cattle are not slaughtered at one place, then shipped across the country, then shipped somewhere else. Ludicrous! ALL of the big plants in this country are one-stop shops. Everything happens there. Cattle are brought in, slaughtered, cooled, graded, broken down, boxed, and shipped out. ONE PLACE. I KNOW these things!

I'm sure there are a multitude of other false claims that have yet to be debunked in this thread, but I will attempt to address the ones that I've run across thus far. Fact or Fiction - Dairy cattle produce low quality beef. FICTION. Back when I was in college, 98% of all PRIME beef was dairy. I highly doubt that has changed very much. They don't qualify for branded programs because they have small ribeyes and dairy breed character. CAB cattle are NOT DNA tested. Red Angus cattle CAN qualify for CAB if they have an Angus Source tag. As can any animal with an Angus Source tag, regardless of color if they meet the grading requirements. Dairy cattle are NOT genetically engineered! They have been bred selectively for milk production for...forever! Just like every other breed of cattle in creation!