Daily Joke

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نور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره
ما نقش سايهدگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه. ر رفت
نور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايهدگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه. ررفت ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه پيدانيست نقش ديوار و چشمخيره ماسايه
ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه پيدانيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيرهماپيدا
نيست نقش

If I Hear Anything Else, I'll Let You Know.
An inspiration to us all.
As we get older we sometimes begin to doubt our ability to"make a difference"in the world.
It is at these times that our hopes are boosted by the remarkable achievements of other "seniors" who have found the courage to take on challenges that would make many of us wither.

Harold Schlumberg is such a person:

HAROLD SAYS: "I've often been asked,
'What do you do now that you're retired?
'Well...I'm fortunate to have a chemical engineering background and one of the things I enjoy most is converting beer, wine and whiskey into urine. It's rewarding, uplifting, satisfying and fulfilling. I do it every day and I really enjoy it."
Harold is an inspiration to us all.

Hints on how to liven up your idle hours ...

To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity:

1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer
At Passing Cars.
Watch ' em Slow Down..

2. On all your check stubs, write
' For Marijuana.

3. Skip down the street, r ather Than Walk and see how many looks you get.

4. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face.
5. Sing Along At The Opera.
6. When The Money Comes Out of the ATM, scream 'I Won! I Won!'

7. When Leaving the Zoo, Start Running towards the Car Park, Yelling
'Run For Your Lives! They're Loose!'

8. Tell Your Children Over Dinner,
'Due To The Economy, we are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go.'
And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity :

9. Pick up a box of condoms at the pharmacy, go to the counter and ask where the fitting room is.
Last night I was stopped by a police officer around 2 AM and was asked where I was going at that time of the morning.

I told him, "I'm on my way to a lecture about alcohol abuse and the effects it has on the human body, as well as smoking and staying out late.

The skeptical officer asked, "Really? Who's giving that lecture at this time of night?".
I told him, "My wife."
So, I was walking through the mall, and went into a Muslim Bookshop.

The clerk asked if he could help me, so I asked for a copy of the United States Immigration Policy Book regarding Muslims.

The Clerk said, "F _ _ k off, get out, and stay out."

I said, "Yes, that's the one."
I was surfing the interwebs, and came across this:

Today my wife (who is far more gorgeous than I deserve) and I were out running some errands and found ourselves far from food getting along about 1:30 p.m. Since I am diabetic, we decided that discretion was the better part of valor, even though things have been tight, and stopped at a Chinese buffet in Goldsboro, N.C.

Now, Asian food is one of my default choices. When i don't really want anything in particular or when I don't know what I want, I go Asian, because it gives me a chance to remind whomever I am with that I once ate raw squid in Korea and lived to tell about it and gives me the opportunity to practice up on my chopstick use. Today, would be a little different than any time that I have ever spent in an Asian restaurant, however.

Just a few minutes after my wife and I were seated, an elderly (but spry) Asian gentleman and his guest (who appeared to be his son or grandson) came in with that firm air of confidence that immediately made me suspicious that he might be the owner of the place (and his later conversation, in fact, confirmed this). As soon as he walked in, he walked over to the cash register where the Mama-san/hostess/ajuma sat and spat out a series of orders in Korean. So, the owner of the Chinese restaurant is Korean. Wait. This gets better.

The hostess does not understand him. The waitress who is waiting on us is a squat little Asian lady, very pretty for a later-than-middle aged women, and with the round features of a Chinese woman. Seeing what appears to be an impending conflagration, she hurriedly walks up to the elderly gentleman and speaks to him in Korean, then turns around and heads back into the kitchen and yells in English his order. Meanwhile, the restaurant owner stands still in the presence of the hostess and continues to spew forth various questions in excited Korean. She replies, in English, then Spanish, "I no understand/No comprende."

This puzzles the owner, and he speaks to her in English asking, "You Messican?" "Si, yes!" She replies. "Messican." Shaking his head and looking at the floor, the elderly gentleman looks at the floor and walks over and takes a table next to the one my wife and I are sitting at. Before he can comfortably come to a rest, the Chinese waitress comes out of the kitchen and explains to the owner that the hostess at the cash register does not understand either Korean or Chinese, she is "Messican." She understands "Spanische (pronounce the schwa e on the end) and Engrish" (I am NOT making this up). She then asks the owner, "Hot tea?"

Previously, he had specified "tea" in English, but had not specified hot or cold. Now that his ire is up a bit, he refuses to be asked in English. She tries "Hot tea?" a couple more times and then descends (or ascends, depending on one's perspective) into Korean with, "Hong-cha?" He agrees that hot tea, hong-cha, is what he prefers, and she takes the drink order of his guest, in English, of course, "hot tea also, please."

The Chinese waitress goes away into the kitchen. The owner then engages in a ten- to fifteen-minute rant which I can understand only bits and pieces of, but which elicited a response from his guest not unlike what must have been the norm at a Richard Pryor performance in the 1970s. I pick up enough with my extremely dry Korean skills to know that he is completely flummoxed with the idea that he can find only "Messicans" to work in his restaurant, and I clearly hear him say at one point: "They come to live in America, but they speak only Spanish! Why can they not learn to speak English?" Yes, he is going all xenophobic (sic) about Mexicans who can't speak English while speaking KOREAN himself.

At this point, it is almost too much for me. My wife, not understanding Korean, can't figure out why I am trying to figure out whether I need Facebook or Twitter at the moment, and what it is I want to post. Of course, I can't tell her because the owner is sitting at the next table over. I am certainly not going to make fun of him in his presence – in his restaurant – and get thrown out.

So the hostess at the cash register (whom, you will remember, if you are filling out your scorecard correctly, is Mexican) brings two hot teas to the Korean men. The elderly gentleman, in English, says to her, "How long have you worked for me?"

"Almost a year, sir."

"Ah. Very good. I thought you were Korean. I speak to you in Korean because you yellow, like me."

"I understand, sir. Thank you." And she walks away and takes her place at the cash register.

As soon as he sees her sit behind the register, the owner (for your scorecard again, Korean) turns to his guest and begins grousing (in Korean) about why he can only find "Messicans" to work in his business, and how hard would it be for them to learn English since they are here? Of course, the hostess does, in fact speak fluent English, so I presume he may be talking about some of the cooking and cleaning staff. But he is mucho (excuse the Spanish lingo) peeved.

Eventually, the Chinese waitress emerges with two large bowls of soup for the owner and his guest, and after laying them down on the table, is asked by the owner (in English, for your scorecards), "So she Spanische, eh?"

"Messican, sir."

"Ah. Where she live?"

Flummoxed temporarily, and apparently not sure if she is violating HIPAA or something, the Chinese waitress gasps, "Where she live, sir?"

"Yes!" the owner demands, in a very no nonsense manner. "WHERE SHE LIVE?"

Thrusting her thumb over her shoulder in an exaggerated move probably intended to communicate her discomfort with the question, the Chinese waitress states, "Over THERE. In Dudley."

"Dudley, eh?" the owner grunts. "Is that where they are keeping THEM?"

"Uhhhhh, yes sir," the Chinese waitress smiles, bows, and walks away.

The guest of the owner is at this point laughing so hard that his shoulders are rocking

Now, at some point I begin looking around me, and I see that the entire restaurant is filled with… "Messicans." My wife and I are white, the two Koreans are in the booth adjacent to ours, and there is the Chinese waitress. EVERYONE ELSE in the Chinese restaurant (at least for a while) was… "Messicans." And I notice that every time the owner slips into Korean and says the word "Messicans," every head in the restaurant turns to glare at him.

Meanwhile, I happen to take a glance at my wife's plate. She is eating fried okra (Dixie style) and… NACHOS??? WHAT??? YOU COME INTO A CHINESE RESTAURANT AND EAT… Oh, nevermind.

So, for your scorecards again: "Messican" customers at a Chinese restaurant in Goldsboro, North Carolina, where one of two white people is holding down the fort with fried okra and nachos while the Korean owner grouses about why his Mexican wait staff refuses to learn English… in Korean. And yes, there is the one Chinese waitress, but I couldn't fit her into that sentence.

Now, the definition of a "black hole" isL

"… a deformation in space/time due to an extreme concentration of mass, resulting in a cosmic formation from which even light cannot escape."

Well, there was plenty of light, but lemme tell you that the thing that was DENSE in that restaurant today was diversity. There was so much diversity that no reason or logic could escape. While I am trusting that the dear reader is keeping up with the story and is keeping his scorecard clean, I can assure you that my head was spinning trying to fill out my own scorecard while all this was happening.

The Chinese waitress had been checking our table with increasing frequency, I believe to ensure that I was not choking on the food. No, it was not the FOOD I was choking on. Finally, she comes to our table one last time with our fortune cookies. I break mine open and it says

"Comprete un nuevo equipo."

Or, in English – "Buy a new outfit."


I spent the rest of the evening looking for Rod Serling or expecting Ashton Kutcher to emerge from the shadows to explain that I had been "Punk'd." Alas, it never happened.

I am not sure I will ever go back. Beyond here, there be dragons. I think I found some sort of a doorway to Multicultural Utopia (or Diversity Hades), and I found it an exceedingly strange and fearful place.

I have to say, though, the salsa was quite good. Better than in most Messican restaurants.

-Jay in NC

That's a great story, and I wouldn't doubt it's veracity for a minute. I was amused some years ago at a local hole-in-the-wall Mexican food place, run by a genuine Mexican, when I noticed that he was keeping the beans hot in a wok.

This was the same guy that had run a taco wagon, and I'd stopped there for breakfast one morning with my cousin. After I'd ordered my taco the guy asked if I wanted hot sauce on it. I replied "Just a little bit." He then turned to my blond blue - eyed cousin, who thought he was tough, and asked him the same question. My cousin said "Yeah, put a lot on it." I'll never forget the guy's response. He looked my cousin right in the eye and asked "Ain't you too white for that?" I laughed about that for the rest off the day.
You may have heard this one before

A retired gentleman down in Florida just bought him a brand new sports car and was eager to see what it could do. As he was speeding down the road, sure enough he saw blue lights in the rear view mirror. The officer finally caught up with him and proceeded to give him a good lashing for driving that fast and carless. After a few minutes the officer said: My shift ends in 5 minutes and if you can give me ONE good reason you were drivng like that I will let you off the hook!
The driver looked over at him and said: My ex wife ran off with a Florida state trooper and I thought you were bringing her back!
Officer: Have a nice day!!!
An Irish Priest is Transferred to Iola, Texas.

He rose from his bed one morning; It was a fine spring day in his new West Texas mission parish.

He walked to the window of his bedroom to get a deep breath of the beautiful day outside. He then noticed there was a jackass lying dead in the middle of his front lawn. So he promptly called the local police station.

The conversation went like this: "Good morning. This is Sergeant Jones. How might I help you?"

"And the best of the day to yourself. This is Father O'Malley at St. Ann's Catholic Church. There's a jackass lying dead in me front lawn and would ye be so kind as to send a couple o' yer lads to take care of the matter."

Sergeant Jones, considering himself to be quite a wit and recognizing the accent, thought he would have a little fun with the good father, replied, "Well now Father, it was always my impression that you people took care of the last rites!"

There was dead silence on the line for a long moment.

Then, Father O'Malley replied, "Aye, 'tis certainly true; but we are also obliged to notify the next of kin first, which is the reason for me call."
None of his classmates liked him because of his stupidity and clumsiness, especially his teacher, who was always yelling at him, "You're driving me mad, Tyrone."

One day Tyrone's mom came to school to check on how he was doing.

The teacher told his mom honestly, that her son was simply a disaster, getting very low marks, and that she had never had she seen such a stupid boy in her entire teaching career.

The mom was shocked at the feedback and withdrew her son from school and moved out of Detroit , relocating to Cleveland .

25 years later, the teacher was diagnosed with an almost incurable cardiac disease. All the doctors strongly advised her to have heart surgery, which only one surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic could perform. Left with no other options, the teacher decided to have the operation, which was successful.

When she opened her eyes after the surgery she saw a handsome young doctor smiling down at her. She wanted to thank him, but could not talk. Her face started to turn blue, she raised her hand, trying to tell him something but quickly died .

The doctor was shocked, wondering what went wrong so suddenly. Then he turned around and saw our friend Tyrone, a janitor in the Clinic, who had unplugged the life-support equipment in order to connect his vacuum cleaner.

Don't tell me you thought Tyrone became a heart-surgeon.

Well, maybe you did if you voted for Obama
TexasBred":3jkflszv said:
None of his classmates liked him because of his stupidity and clumsiness, especially his teacher, who was always yelling at him, "You're driving me mad, Tyrone."

One day Tyrone's mom came to school to check on how he was doing.

The teacher told his mom honestly, that her son was simply a disaster, getting very low marks, and that she had never had she seen such a stupid boy in her entire teaching career.

The mom was shocked at the feedback and withdrew her son from school and moved out of Detroit , relocating to Cleveland .

25 years later, the teacher was diagnosed with an almost incurable cardiac disease. All the doctors strongly advised her to have heart surgery, which only one surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic could perform. Left with no other options, the teacher decided to have the operation, which was successful.

When she opened her eyes after the surgery she saw a handsome young doctor smiling down at her. She wanted to thank him, but could not talk. Her face started to turn blue, she raised her hand, trying to tell him something but quickly died .

The doctor was shocked, wondering what went wrong so suddenly. Then he turned around and saw our friend Tyrone, a janitor in the Clinic, who had unplugged the life-support equipment in order to connect his vacuum cleaner.

Don't tell me you thought Tyrone became a heart-surgeon.

Well, maybe you did if you voted for Obama

Hilarious joke, apart from not being either hilarious or a joke.
TexasBred":1zgqq9dl said:
None of his classmates liked him because of his stupidity and clumsiness, especially his teacher, who was always yelling at him, "You're driving me mad, Tyrone."

One day Tyrone's mom came to school to check on how he was doing.

The teacher told his mom honestly, that her son was simply a disaster, getting very low marks, and that she had never had she seen such a stupid boy in her entire teaching career.

The mom was shocked at the feedback and withdrew her son from school and moved out of Detroit , relocating to Cleveland .

25 years later, the teacher was diagnosed with an almost incurable cardiac disease. All the doctors strongly advised her to have heart surgery, which only one surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic could perform. Left with no other options, the teacher decided to have the operation, which was successful.

When she opened her eyes after the surgery she saw a handsome young doctor smiling down at her. She wanted to thank him, but could not talk. Her face started to turn blue, she raised her hand, trying to tell him something but quickly died .

The doctor was shocked, wondering what went wrong so suddenly. Then he turned around and saw our friend Tyrone, a janitor in the Clinic, who had unplugged the life-support equipment in order to connect his vacuum cleaner.

Don't tell me you thought Tyrone became a heart-surgeon.

Well, maybe you did if you voted for Obama

I just spit Pepsi all the way across the room!
:clap: :clap: :clap:
A guy walked into a crowded bar, waving his 1911 Colt pistol and yelled, "I have a .45 Colt with an eight shot clip and I want to know who's been screwing my wife?"

A voice from the back of the room called out..

"You'll need more ammo

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