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Ahh - I must be too dumb - please explain. What does 333 days have to do with anything, and if there were no humans, who will raise/incubate the embryos left by humans?
Man is the only mammal dumb enough to run continuously for 20 miles.
Donkey x Horse = Mule
IF every mule died today, they would be replaced tomorrow.... 333 day gestation
Ahh - I must be too dumb - please explain. What does 333 days have to do with anything, and if there were no humans, who will raise/incubate the embryos left by humans?
Gestation period of mares. Humans was the answer to "what is the only animal that can run for 20 miles with no stops and no changing gait
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A teacher was explaining to the class that while whales are very large, they have very small throats, therefore they could not possibly swallow humans.
A young student replied "a whale swallowed Jonah".
The teacher replied "that is impossible as a whale cannot swallow a human".
The student replied "when I get to heaven, I am going to ask Jonah".
The teacher replied "what if Jonah went to hell?".
The student replied "then you ask him".

Ya know how they throw the football and the golf ball into the crowd after winning?

Not allowed in bowling.
I know that now...

What's big, gray and doesn't matter?
An irrelephant.
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There is an animal alive today, probably a million at least in the world. Turn of the 20th century there were probably 10 times the amount we have today. If every single one of them were to suddenly die off at one time, in one day, they would not be extinct. In 333 days you could have a whole new population of a million of them. What is this animal?
Did this get answered?
There is an animal alive today, probably a million at least in the world. Turn of the 20th century there were probably 10 times the amount we have today. If every single one of them were to suddenly die off at one time, in one day, they would not be extinct. In 333 days you could have a whole new population of a million of them. What is this animal?
Yes, the answer is a mule.
Because mules are the result of mating a horse with a donkey. Mules are sterile, only way to produce one is donkey x horse.
333 days is a clue, it's the gestation period for horses.

Horses have 64 chromosomes a donkey 62 - results in a mule 63 chromosomes and 99.4% infertility. (There's always an exception)
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