> Do you think it'd be wise to have
> a cow as a pet? Obviously not an
> indoor pet, but just a pet to roam
> around and do whatever they want
> to do? Besides feed and
> vaccinations - what other expenses
> do you think I'll have while
> having a cow as a pet?
It depends on what you mean by pet. We have show animals that we love dearly, but we have them for a purpose and that is to compete. They are also a great tax exemption for our acreage.If you want to exhibit them then you will need special products, entry fees, special feed, hooves trimmed, clippers, trim chute, fans, blowers, shampoos, etc. We are fond of our cattle. The best thing they give us is family time together. We all work with them. I have a 16 yr old who does not have much time to get into trouble because of the time he spends at the barn. Hope this helps.
[email protected]