Comments on this bull

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
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Thinking on buying this bull, he's purebred angus and 30 months old.
Want to put some more grass-finishing potential to my herd.
My cows are a mix of salers, sim, maine,herf and belgian bleu.(some are crosses some are pure)
Is an angus bull a good choise, or should I try a polled herf.




Comments please

For my taste I would like to see more muscle especially in the hindquarter. I would like to see more gut as well. He looks to be out of balance with the rear not really matching the front. Could just be the picture angle. For 30 months old he should really express more bulk. I would have guessed him to be 18 months old if I saw him out in a pasture.
Not a good bull for grass fed, pass him up. I would also consider a new set of cows by that laundry list. Easier to liquidate and re-buy correct cows than breed them up from that breed list.

There are good cattle in your country although rare I bet.

just my opinion.
I do not like him at all , he has no depth of heart girth and is wasp waisted,and has a dairy rear
I would never use him on my dairy cows, as I want to see shorter legs with a deeper top to bottom
he has no rumen capacity Suzanne
At least he has that appropriate " Angus Scowl" Pretty accurate
Pre purchase inspection from the prior posts. What a Simmi bull
AC linked!
I agree with the previous posts that I would prefer the bull to have more depth of body. Is this bull a calving ease bull? If you ar selling calves I would say either angus or Hereford would be a good choice.
Thanks to all for your input.
Now I know what type I have to look for.
Wont be easy, thinkt here are maybe 20 angus breeders in my country, hereford breeders evenso.
All you see here (beside dairy)is blonde, bleu, and some limo, simmis are getting more popuar by the day. And in the woods are some highlanders
The point is most of my cattle is wintered outside, thats why I have some salers. Our winters are more wet then cold, but you cant put blondes and bleu out all winter.

Kept one bullcalf behind this fall, planned to use him on some salerheiffers next summer.
He's 8 months now and 62.5 % sim, he is a steinadler son, low birthweight.
Should I use him or eat him, what your opinion.
I have a thik skin !!!!



I like his coat, his polledness, and he's very docile.

As you can see we had a little snow, after three days it was gone.
Now we have rain and 4 Celcius for the next 10 days.

Thanks again.

From what I have seen and gathered through a friend in Norway, is that most of the beef cattle are mostly of Dairy type in these northern countries. Most are downright sorry. Recently Denmark stated in the British breed journal that their focus is on reducing cow size. These countries are experiencing a lot of calving issues as well. With long cold winters I would prefer a shorter more moderate easy fleshing animal. If you are close to these folks I would maybe start here:

http://hofteboekelo-traditionalhereford ... ekelo.html

hopefully the link works
I agree with the other evaluations, but also ask about his fertility since he seems to have very small testes compared to other average 30 month old bulls.
Why not a Simm Angus bull? There are some good ones out there.
I agree that your calf isn't "top of the line", but, your calf is already expressing a lot more muscle than the bull you were looking at. If the 30 month old Angus bull is as good as they get in your country - hold on to your bull calf!
Thanks for the answers,

Found a picture of his sire, Penguin Black Boomtime.
Does that say anything to anybody ?
