Caustic and Missing the Point

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redfornow":3o0cnnnz said:
But just like family, take the good with the bad.


Good analogy. I thought the same.

I came to understand along time ago that are some people look at the world different than me. They live in a world were they rationalize everything to conform to their beliefs and when the results are not what they thought they should be they consider them beyond their control or consider them acceptable because they where the ones that produced the result.

There are also people that have a different outlook on life in that they analyze the results of their actions and make realistic attempts to conform their actions so that the results will be what they wanted in the first place.

When it comes to cattle ... you are the one that determines your crop through your choices. God determines the weather.
AngusLimoX":3r1zgpz9 said:
Wewild":3r1zgpz9 said:
When it comes to cattle ... you are the one that determines your crop through your choices. God determines the weather.

Are you talking CAB here?

:lol: :lol:

I think the Angus breed makes good Lim heifer bulls.
having done my time in this business i got plenty of confidence in my ablelity as a cattleman. from pulling calves, sewng up prolapes cutting out cancer masses in eyes. roping wild cattle and PETTING the gentle ones not often ;-) and being able too spot poteintail problems early on. doctoring branding broken bones more than i care too count .call me anything call me a.. son of a .. just dont call me a GRASS FARMER. :p
ALACOWMAN":3b7iqdpr said:
having done my time in this business i got plenty of confidence in my ablelity as a cattleman. from pulling calves, sewng up prolapes cutting out cancer masses in eyes. roping wild cattle and PETTING the gentle ones not often ;-) and being able too spot poteintail problems early on. doctoring branding broken bones more than i care too count .call me anything call me a.. son of a .. just dont call me a GRASS FARMER. :p

Good for you.

What is the deal with the grass farmer thing?
RainMan":35tozu57 said:
Workinonit Farm,

I know it's JYHO, but you can't be serious. "Engage their brain"? His "my way or the hwy" mentality probably distances him from most that need the help.

Yes, as a matter of fact, I am serious.

When Caustic Burno starts threads regarding the costs of production asking how many folks know how much it costs to keep a cow per year, and other such threads (there are a few of this sort) and at one time I think he may have started a thread regarding medical issues and how do people handle them. Then yes, in my opinion, I believe the man is making an attempt to encourage people to think about those issues, to take another look at what their individual management practices may be, etc.

His way of going about it may not be all smiles and sunshine, but that is just who he is. I know several cattlemen like that in my area. They are blunt and to the point, and I have learned much from them.

I've only been here a short time and from reading the recent postings here, I keep asking myself this simple question: Is this what the farming/ranching/hobbyist community has come down to? Bickering, name calling, bashing, brawling and flaming each other on a public forum for ALL to see? I was only here a couple days and was PM'd four times warning me of "some bad apples" on the Cattle Forum and to be careful where I tread. I don't remember this when growing up as a kid on the farm. I remember my folks helping each other no matter what. Neighbors helping neighbors, sometimes feeding each other in hardest times. Has it gotten to the point where the suppose to be down earth country folk are just like the rat race city dwellers when you don't get a wave or a smile back when one is offered? Are we not here to learn from each other and lift each other up when we have are having problems?
Reminds me of a bloody kindergarten class. For a newbie here all I can say is shame on us!

I enjoy readin what CB has to say. He gives alot of good advice and has a great deal of knowledge. When he gives his opinion, it's straight forward, I dont see anything wrong with that. Sometimes he comes across a lil crusty and mean but still good advice. jp
Caustic is a man of strength. He is like a fine coffee, aged to the point of being at his top condition. He can be somewhat crusty and brash with his response. He has a vast and deep education in the study of bovines... enough of the sugar coating

He's a tough old fart that knows his cattle.

Thats how I expect to be treated, talk to me straight. I have never meet the man, but he's one that if I was within a hundred miles of his place with a broken down trailer, I feel sure he would be one of the first ones to help.
Angus Guy":1dtikmli said:

Excellant thread. I think the consensus is CB is a pretty sharp guy and should stay around.
In my opinion he knows what he likes and is going to tell you that. He also knows that all regions are different and things have to be done differently. He just can't stand people who disagree with him and can't back what they are saying up.

and those that dislike CB are the ones that can't back up their claims!

CB keep on keeping on, you are a big plus to the board
Wewild":2unu3631 said:
ALACOWMAN":2unu3631 said:
having done my time in this business i got plenty of confidence in my ablelity as a cattleman. from pulling calves, sewng up prolapes cutting out cancer masses in eyes. roping wild cattle and PETTING the gentle ones not often ;-) and being able too spot poteintail problems early on. doctoring branding broken bones more than i care too count .call me anything call me a.. son of a .. just dont call me a GRASS FARMER. :p

Good for you.

What is the deal with the grass farmer thing?
well you don't have to get up in the middle of the night too check your grass. what will the market be at selling time . did i do this right or that.staying on top of things to head off problems. the grass is a given. they got too have it.. and believe me i know the value of having a good stand can make or break you. but cattle is what im about. it's mostly just a personal thing that somehow get's under my skin. grass farmer of course i am ;-) but i prefer too be called a CATTLEMAN hopefully one day i will deserve that title cause ill be going down trying
ALACOWMAN":x960mc2h said:
Wewild":x960mc2h said:
ALACOWMAN":x960mc2h said:
having done my time in this business i got plenty of confidence in my ablelity as a cattleman. from pulling calves, sewng up prolapes cutting out cancer masses in eyes. roping wild cattle and PETTING the gentle ones not often ;-) and being able too spot poteintail problems early on. doctoring branding broken bones more than i care too count .call me anything call me a.. son of a .. just dont call me a GRASS FARMER. :p

Good for you.

What is the deal with the grass farmer thing?
well you don't have to get up in the middle of the night too check your grass. what will the market be at selling time . did i do this right or that.staying on top of things to head off problems. the grass is a given. they got too have it.. and believe me i know the value of having a good stand can make or break you. but cattle is what im about. it's mostly just a personal thing that somehow get's under my skin. grass farmer of course i am ;-) but i prefer too be called a CATTLEMAN hopefully one day i will deserve that title cause ill be going down trying

Ah this is where we disagree a good pasture is like a woman if you don't give it attention it will up and leave you.
The more pounds of grass that I raise the more pounds of beef I can run to convert grass to beef to cash.
ALACOWMAN":1wj8y1ie said:
Wewild":1wj8y1ie said:
ALACOWMAN":1wj8y1ie said:
having done my time in this business i got plenty of confidence in my ablelity as a cattleman. from pulling calves, sewng up prolapes cutting out cancer masses in eyes. roping wild cattle and PETTING the gentle ones not often ;-) and being able too spot poteintail problems early on. doctoring branding broken bones more than i care too count .call me anything call me a.. son of a .. just dont call me a GRASS FARMER. :p

Good for you.

What is the deal with the grass farmer thing?
well you don't have to get up in the middle of the night too check your grass. what will the market be at selling time . did i do this right or that.staying on top of things to head off problems. the grass is a given. they got too have it.. and believe me i know the value of having a good stand can make or break you. but cattle is what im about. it's mostly just a personal thing that somehow get's under my skin. grass farmer of course i am ;-) but i prefer too be called a CATTLEMAN hopefully one day i will deserve that title cause ill be going down trying

I have never heard anyone call someone a Grass farmer, it is just an example of how to look at yourself as a cattleman. If you do not do a good job with your grass, you will either be forced to raise less cows, feed more hay or feed out of a sack and all three are make you less money as a Cattleman.

I was talking to a local man one day and we got to talking about raising registered cattle, replacements or Breeding stock and the potential profit. His reply to me was best way to make any money in cattle is to work as hard as you can on your pastures to get your ratio of acre to the head down. Profit in cattle is all about how many acres it takes to raise one cow on. He said leave all that other stuff to the big boys and work on your pastures.

So I look at this way, work on pastures for the grass end, and on the Cattleman end work on building a herd of easy keepers that are moderate framed that will eat less of that grass that you worked hard to produce when you had your grass farmer hat on :)
Roadapple":30lbn7ec said:
After reading all these posts he'll need a hat 2 sizes bigger. :D

I did not start this thread as a Pro or Anti CB even though it has kind of went that way, which is fine.

It was more about the fact that at times it gets a little like Politics on here. Caustic can post a thread that has nothing but good advice in it and some Anti Caustic people will argue the issue, for what seems to me is just for the sole reason that they hate to agree with him or build on the positive direction the thread is going. Kind of like not agreeing with something positive that Bush might do as president just because you hate him.

You know if you think about it Caustic always uses some Humour to get the point across. To me this is not that rude or mean. Have you ever played basketball and had a coach tell "you that you shot that like a girl, get your head in the game"? There is No reason to get so touchy! It is a lot better than if the coach or Caustic was to call you a dumb, stupid, retarded idiot that is a @#$& en %$&@# SOB.

As far as CB's character one example sums it up for me. I got in a heated debate many times with him, more locked threads in one week with him than I have been apart of in all my time on the Internet. But during that time of me going to the point of saying something bad about his family, he sent me a PM on a subject involving Cattle that was nothing but sound good advice granted he did not put any smiley faces in the post or anything it was all Cattle business and to the point.

This told me all I needed to know about his Character. It even made me look at my online attitude, because I was not sure I would have did as he did. Now even if I get into it with Alice or MillironQH or anyone online I would give them any help I could with my limited knowledge and I would not disagree with someone on a certain subject just because they do not like me or we disagree on some other subject.

I try to look at each thread on its own merit and any past feuds have absolutely nothing to do with it. And really this was what you might call the Mission statement of this thread!
Caustic Burno":3l9t1eb8 said:
Ah this is where we disagree a good pasture is like a woman if you don't give it attention it will up and leave you.
The more pounds of grass that I raise the more pounds of beef I can run to convert grass to beef to cash.

Now this is classic CB - if you are cow/calf and not paying huge attention to your rotations and pastures/ranges, then there are folks gonna out compete you hands down.

Aussies, New Zealand, Brazil - you put all the excuses you want on it - they are producing beef efficiently. And able to sail it here and still beat us price wise.

Thats what CB and the several others on here do, for me as an individual, and for anyone else sharp enough to pick out the wisdom.

As far as the arguments - aplus I agree - alot of the most intense arguments in here are between people that have a lot of respect for each other. Some of the people I have banged heads with are the same folks I would drop what what I am doing in a second to help.

Some of us realize this is an internet chat room, and it is NOT real life. It's how you relate real life to the board that counts.
And, in my opinion, if people on a silly chat board intimidate you or make you afraid to post - you better take a good hard look at whether you should be around large unpredictable animals in real life! :lol: :D ( Sorry about the smileys :lol: ).

(And I am proud to say more women have left me than pastures! )
AngusLimoX":3cq55c6x said:
Some of us realize this is an internet chat room, and it is NOT real life. It's how you relate real life to the board that counts.
And, in my opinion, if people on a silly chat board intimidate you or make you afraid to post - you better take a good hard look at whether you should be around large unpredictable animals in real life! :lol: :D ( Sorry about the smileys :lol: ).

(And I am proud to say more women have left me than pastures! )

Now that is the honest truth there...

And for last comment, have you ever had a woman leave you over a pasture?
If you havnt you been with the wrong woman
Caustic Burno":18nrwlvw said:
ALACOWMAN":18nrwlvw said:
Wewild":18nrwlvw said:
ALACOWMAN":18nrwlvw said:
having done my time in this business i got plenty of confidence in my ablelity as a cattleman. from pulling calves, sewng up prolapes cutting out cancer masses in eyes. roping wild cattle and PETTING the gentle ones not often ;-) and being able too spot poteintail problems early on. doctoring branding broken bones more than i care too count .call me anything call me a.. son of a .. just dont call me a GRASS FARMER. :p

Good for you.

What is the deal with the grass farmer thing?
well you don't have to get up in the middle of the night too check your grass. what will the market be at selling time . did i do this right or that.staying on top of things to head off problems. the grass is a given. they got too have it.. and believe me i know the value of having a good stand can make or break you. but cattle is what im about. it's mostly just a personal thing that somehow get's under my skin. grass farmer of course i am ;-) but i prefer too be called a CATTLEMAN hopefully one day i will deserve that title cause ill be going down trying

Ah this is where we disagree a good pasture is like a woman if you don't give it attention it will up and leave you.
The more pounds of grass that I raise the more pounds of beef I can run to convert grass to beef to cash.
so what are you saying that i didnt get educated on years ago? this stuff is fundamental.seems like i read were you calve year round and pluck them off green at around 400 pnds how do you convert grass to one thats still pretty much dragging the teat

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