cattle dog bites too high

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Jan 7, 2005
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I'm starting to train a 9 month old cattle dog. The first few times we took him out he was heeling realy good but now he has started to jumps up when he tries to bite them. Any ideas on hoe to break him of this habit but at the same time not discourage his heeling.
Rjw":1r8aqlmb said:
I'm starting to train a 9 month old cattle dog. The first few times we took him out he was heeling realy good but now he has started to jumps up when he tries to bite them. Any ideas on hoe to break him of this habit but at the same time not discourage his heeling.

Cows will break him when he gets lauched into orbit a few times.
Either that or your cows won't have any tassels. Ha. Like Campground says the cows will generally fix the problem. After the dog has to find his way back from getting kicked into next week once or twice he will hone his technique.

I just don't want him to get seriously hurt learning that way. I've had cattle dogs before but this one is special he eyes the cattle and herds like a border collie and he will heel them also. Ive just started training a few months ago and he is better than any heeler i've had or seen. Maybe the answer is to wait till hes older or get some sheep for him to start on ?
The guy that says to let a 9 month old pup get cow kicked doesnt know what he's talking about. He was probaly just trying to be funny. If he wasn't he doesn't know anything about cowdogs. A 9 month old pup can be ruined for life with that kind of discouragement. Id stick him back in the goat pen for a few weeks to let him get over it. A 9 month old pup needs more wins than losses. Getting his head kicked off counts as a prety big loss to a pup that age. Geez
tapeworm":1862nbl4 said:
The guy that says to let a 9 month old pup get cow kicked doesnt know what he's talking about. He was probaly just trying to be funny. If he wasn't he doesn't know anything about cowdogs. A 9 month old pup can be ruined for life with that kind of discouragement. Id stick him back in the goat pen for a few weeks to let him get over it. A 9 month old pup needs more wins than losses. Getting his head kicked off counts as a prety big loss to a pup that age. Geez

Anybody thats dumb enough to put a nine month old dog on cows deserves to have the s... kicked out of it. When it comes to cow dogs doubt if your checkbook is thick enough to buy the quality of dog I run.
Obedience training first around my place (sit stay down come) and time around the cattle without being asked to work them. I think you need the respect and attention of your pup before they start the bigger tasks. That respect and control comes in handy in their learning and will help in teaching them to do what you want and not what seems like a good idea to them. (cause that's sometimes contrary to what you might need from them) They need a good eye, mind, and obedience to be great. Just my opinion.
Okay CampPlayground Cattle Co. Mr Moneybags with the big checkbook. Youre a hobby guy right? Nothing wrong wioth that. Most of em are fine folks. Make good neighbors and are eager to learn. I like helping them.But some of you are all the same. Always bragging about how much money you got. Drive around the pasture in a 20,000 dollar pickup and blow your horn so 10 cows and 4 calves can come runnin to get 3 sacks of cake. Then brag about your weaning weights. (lot better than mine. wonder why.) I will readily admit my checkbook is limited. I run cattle for my living. I don't expect my checkbook to ever be as thick as yours probably is. Happy for you, but happier for me
About the dogs. I dont have to buy my dogs. ive got sense enough to raise my own. You must fancy yourself a big Hereford man from looking at you picture and all those memberships you got. I never had a Hereford that needed the use of a dog. Bet when you try to sell somebody a bull you don't show off your dogs to pen them do you. Only Herefords I couldnt pen with a sack or a bucket was because there eyes was rottenin out so bad they couldnt see the hole to go in. Dog wont help that will it Mr High Roller
Well tapeworm sounds like you can dish it but can't take it. Doubt if you have ever seen a real cow dog. And I'm not in the cow business as a hobby wasn't when I started in the early seventies and not today.
Youre right girlscout Camp Cattle Co. I can be nice. Nicer than you anyway. I cant take what? I'd say that youre probably the one that don't know squat about a cowdog. The man was asking for help. You give him advice that would ruin a pup for life. Or kill him. i gave you a chance to say you were joking. You reply by calling him dumb and bragging about your money
I can understand you not knowing diddly about dogs. Hereford guys dont need to know about cowdogs. Just dont pretend that you do. I know where theres a little girl that can probably teach a mini weenie dog to work Herefords and she's not even in school yet. But I didnt come on here to get in a tee tee contest with a wannabe rancher. Thought I might could help some folks or get some help. Okay how about this. Maybe this will make you feel better. You got more money than me, you got better dogs than me, you know more about cancer eye than me, you know more about pinkeye than me. Youre even a better rancher than me. Hope that makes you happy and we can start anew
Hey there cowpie, you talk an awful lot. Are you related to manyhorsesass? You sure sound a lot alike.
"tapeworm" sounds like a good name for someone who irritates the crap out of other people. Campground and others on this board have forgotten more about cattle,dogs,farmin etc than people like you ever knew. Perhaps if you opened your mind and listened you'd learn something. NUFF SAID
Tapeworm, you've been here for three whole days and made 14 posts. Don't you think it's a little soon to go p-ssing on somebody's leg? Especially when it's plain that they have years of experience and a lot to offer? Heck, read through his posts if you don't believe it. Before you start labeling people wanna be ranchers and girlscouts you might want to consider how credibility is built up. It's done by making intelligent remarks and adding thoughtful opinions. You don't have to agree with everybody on everything and it's OK to get into arguments. But tearing down the likes of Campground in order to make yourself look good will backfire 100% of the time with anybody whose been around these boards for long. And with anybody who knows cattle.

here we go again. tapeworm you dont know campground from adams off ox and your already struttin around and pickin fights. For lands sakes theres plenty of idiots commin and goin on here from time to time but he aint one of em. plenty of sharp cattlemen on this board too and that includes the women. Seems like lately weve had more than our share of know it alls. SOme clown will show up and claim to have more cattle than carter has little liver pills and more often than not he will show his butt sooner or later and turn out to be such a big liar his has to get his wife to call his own dog. others just get off to a rough start then settle down and get along pretty well. well which are you gonna be
Wowee, whatta welcome. I don't hardly know what to say but I got to say something dont I. Hope you can hear me from down here at the bottom of the pile. LOL
I was raised to believe that a man NEVER gives up ground when he's right....That the beatin you get at home will always be way worse than what you get away from home if you do. But before he digs in to stand his ground first he ALWAYS apologizes and admits when he is wrong. Same beatin if you dont. I still try to live my life that way long after the beatins are done. LOL So let me start by saying I'm sorry to the Camground Cattle Company Hereford guy for my small and childish namecalling. I say whats on my mind but I was wrong with the Camp Playground and girlscout Camp stuff. Maybe even the wannabe rancher was wrong to say.

Now iguess I'll just start at the begining. You were all so nice to welcome me that I think you all deserve an answer back. I better make a list so that I can check them off and dont leave nobody out
1. Caustic Burno
2. Muratic
3. Mahoney Pursley Ranch
4. Craig-TX
5. certherfbeef
6. brokenmouth

Theres 6 of you that need response from 1 of me so it may take some time. Craig-TX said that I ouhta go back and read old posts and that I have done to help my memory but Ive been reading posts here for a long time anyway. I even posted as a guest here a long time ago when you could still do that. I think the guys at are ranchers more like me but I see a problem with some of them so i registerd here. They like to argue to much and gang up on people that dont agree with em. The new guy Malcom has done a lot to clean up the language and some of the fighting though. Getting to be a nicer place again but i thought the people here were easier to get along with. Imagine that

After going back and reading postings as Craig-TX said I will combine my response to #1. Caustic Burno and 2. Muratic, since you are kin. both of your posts really lost me. Even now when i read them again. Muratic thinks my posts are to long....Got that part. Muratic,don't read them. Simple. And both of you still have areal good contribution to make. Try this. Next time somebody ask about trouble with close linebreeding you too can chirp up. Dont matter what you say they will have there answer.

I need to quote stuff next. I dont yet know how to do that like some of you do with the boxes. Wish I could. For now I have to copy and paste Maybe somebody will tell me how later. You can send a private message so nobody knows you helped me.
Mahoney Pursley Ranch, you said:

"Campground and others on this board have forgotten more about cattle,dogs,farmin etc than people like you ever knew. Perhaps if you opened your mind and listened you'd learn something. NUFF SAID"

From reading old postings I know you justretired to a ranch down in Texas and I am really pleased for you. Happy for you. Someof us take for granted things that you have dreamed about and now lookingforward to. I hope you enjoy that life as much as I have. Maybe when you get a few years experince I will feel like you are more better able to judge how much I know or dont know. Try your advise "Perhaps if you opened your mind and listened you'd learn something." I will be happy to help you in any way that I can. Good luck to you. And the "NUFF SAID" thing that you and Campground Cattle Company seem to share sometimes may work around your house. Not with me.

Now comesCraig-TX. Craig-TX, you say

"Tapeworm, you've been here for three whole days and made 14 posts. Don't you think it's a little soon to go p-ssing on somebody's leg? Especially when it's plain that they have years of experience and a lot to offer? Heck, read through his posts if you don't believe it. Before you start labeling people wanna be ranchers and girlscouts you might want to consider how credibility is built up. It's done by making intelligent remarks and adding thoughtful opinions. You don't have to agree with everybody on everything and it's OK to get into arguments. But tearing down the likes of Campground in order to make yourself look good will backfire 100% of the time with anybody whose been around these boards for long. And with anybody who knows cattle."

I Hate having to debate with you CraigTx. You are so wellspoken. I really admire that. I hope that people listen to what I have to say and not compare theway I say it to you. I will always lose then. Guess 14 posts is to much in 3 or 4 days because that is about 4 or moreper day. Sorry that I didnt know their was a limit for newcomers. I was confused by some ofthe Gurus that average way more than that even over a year. Sometimes doing 30 posts in 1day. Really funny dont you think. You guys give aGuru status to somebody based on number of posts. But you complain about a newcomer posting 14 in 3 or 4 days.Sorry for my mistake. Now that I know the rules,I will try to abide them.

andI didn't tryto teardown Campground Cattle Company to make me look good. (don't care how I look to any of you.) He did that hisself and you helpedhim Craig-Tx. When he made his posting about letting a 9 month old pup get kicked to break itfrom biting to high and you posted right after that pretty much in agreement with him. That wasn't what Rjw was asking forI dont think. You remember him? He asked the question about helping the pup without getting him hurt or discouraged. I was only trying to help. I even said that your Campground Cattle Company guy may have only been trying to be funny. And to this day I still believe that he was really joking. I said that if he wasnt, that he didn't know anything about dogs. I stand by that statment today but he wanted to defend his position and ridicule me because he spends more money on dogs than I can afford. Now you want to defend him again. You were right that Campground Cattle Company has a lot to offer with his postings. The Campcattle guy must really be a pretty good guy....he's sure a lucky guy. To have friends like all of you to defend him. Even when he's wrong. But I was raised to believe that a real friend is man enough to tell somebody when there wrong.

Craig-Tx you say I was trying to tear him down...just to make me look good. This is your quote:"But tearing down the likes of Campground in order to make yourself look good will backfire 100% of the time with anybody whose been around these boards for long. And with anybody who knows cattle." Now this quote was from Mr. Campground Cattle Company: "When it comes to cow dogs doubt if your checkbook is thick enough to buy the quality of dog I run."

It doesnt excuse what I did, but what did you call that Craig-Tx? Did that backfire with anybody whose been around these boards for long or with anybody who knows cattle.Was he doing what you accused me of or not? Trying to tear me down to make himself look good. Were you outraged then and where is your public rebuking of him? Thats different I guess. He's a guru and probaly your friend.Im justa new guy trying to help somebody. Where I come from we call that a double standard Craigtx. Here I guess it is your standard.

How bout you certherfbeef. You said:

"Very well said Craig, as usual."

I guess you agree with what Craig-TX said. But what you say is factually true. It was very well said. Everything I ever read of Craig-Tx has been well said.I really have no argument with you certherfbeef becasue what you say is true.

Now to you brokenmouth. Finally to #6 on the list. Even though you were last on my list you are reallyat the top of the pile. Thats the way it works in the pile on world you guys have here. Stay up there if you can is a lot better than being down here on the bottom of the pile. Of all the people here I feel like you are probaly more like me. Craig-Tx makes both of us look bad because he is so good at sayin stuff he means. I dont pay enough atention to doing that any more. Guys like you usuallymake me more comfortble. But you said:

"tapeworm you dont know campground from adams off ox and your already struttin around and pickin fights. For lands sakes theres plenty of idiots commin and goin on here from time to time but he aint one of em."

Well brokenmouth I dont have to strut and I wasnt picking any fights. Camground Cattle Company set to trying to ridicule me about spending more on dogs than me and he's rightbecause I dont buy mycowdogs. And to top it off he said about Rjw the guy with the pup question "Anybody thats dumb enough to put a nine month old dog on cows deserves to have the s... kicked out of it." Rjw is a newcomer like me. Guess we deserve that treatment for being new. By the way brokenmouth you dont know me from "adams off ox" either. I know more about all of you than you do me. Counting Campground Cattle Company I have over 3,500 posts to read to learn about the 7 of you. 14 postings that you used to judge me.

You know this is real simple but i dont think some of you gusy get it. Being a new registered user does not mean that I amnew to this forum and being new to this forum does not mean that a person is new to cattle. Or dogs. Do you guys get that? BEING NEW TO THIS FORUM DOES NOT MEAN THAT A PERSON IS NEW TO CATTLE Being new to this forum does not make us less because we havent been on here as long as some of you.

If you want to post more mean replies to me here you get free shots at me. I wont say any more onthis topic. But I will read and remember your shots and have replies for you at some point but I cant be on here as much as some of you. Thats why it took me so long to get back with you. Retribution from me may not be swift but you can bet that it will be coming when I get the chance....Count on that.I tried to answer in public those of you that jumped on me. Send me a private mesage if you want to jaw any more please so we can get back to the pup.

Maybe if we stop it now Rjw can get some help with his 9 month old pup. Before he gets kicked into orbit a few times like Campground cattle said. Maybe the fellersbarnone ranch will be able to help you Rjw. That is if you are still reading postings....I know being called dumb probaly doesnt make you want to take much more of that. Please dont let that run you off. Lots of good help on here and good people too. Like you I had wanted to be part of that...Im sorry to you for my part in getting off track. Listen to fellersbarnoneranch. He has good advice and besides me is the only one that posted that cares about your pup. I'm just sorry that I let the CampCattle guy get under my skin trying to ridicule me about having more money. Hes right but I dont have to like it.For that I am also sorry

All this stuff makes me start to bekleive in the Texas posse I read about here. But you wont here me talking down about the posse if there is one. I see thru some of the fakes they smoke out too like the Chicago horses guy. They have good intents and do mostly good. That describes most of the Texas people I know.Sometimes I thnink the people that run the posse down or put down other groups are just from jealousy because they are not part of it.But sometimes posses get the wrong man.It reminds me of this quote from brokenmouth to me

"others just get off to a rough start then settle down and get along pretty well. well which are you gonna be"

My question for the posse is this borrowed from brokenmouth... Which are you gonna be. The posse that admts when it has the wrong man or the posse that hangs him anyway just to keep from saying you were wrong? Dont much matter to me. I'm sure i can either get along or get out of your rope.You choose.

Well I guess that does it folks. Sorry it was so long winded. I had a lot of you to answer to. Just one of me. Sorry it was to long for Muratic to get to read it all. (LOL with me Muratic...I wont tell nobody your still here) Hope none of you were sad thinking that I had tucked tail and took off.
Thanks again for the warm welcome guys. Im already learning hard lessons here. Heres one: all the things I have learned in 40+ years of fooling with dogs will go to my grave with me before I share it with any of you.Hope that makes you happy. Sure dont want any of you guru types to be scared of learnin something from a new guy. But youre not going to run me off because I will be here. Thats a promise. You dont have to like it. But you are going to have to get used to it.

I guess I've missed a lot of the going's on around here lately. Didn't realise folks were getting hot under the collar at each other again.

For what it's worth, I remember getting "razzed" a bit when I first started posting, but figured it wasn't a big deal - not to me, anyway.

Take care.
:eek: Ok... so every one knows where I am coming from, I never can brag about poverty. I am poor, I am strong, I am happy being poor and strong.

My newest vehicle is a 19and 93 model ford pick up, the same one that I drive to pick up the feed I drive to church, weddings and funerals.

Me and the bank own 65 acres more or less... they own more, I own less.

I raise cattle cus I like too, not cus I am, or will ever be rich. I thought I was gonna get rich when I first started.......I was wrong.

I raise Llamas to keep the coyotes and wild dogs at bay, and thought I would make some extra money breeding them, as usual, I was wrong.

I don't know it all, and the more I learn, the more I realize how little I do know. I thought I knew alot....but as usual, ...I was wrong.

I thought that like my past career, I would get tired and bored with farming, yes, I get tired...... but bored? Once again....wrong!

I always thought that when a fool starts to argue, you need to win no matter what.........until I realized......... who the fool really is in that situation...yes, once again....I was wrong......

When an 'old hand' at farming, ranching, or anything else offered me free advice I would often wonder about the value of what he was saying...because nothing free can ever be worth much can it? Yup, I found out ....I was wrong.

most importantly, I always worried about getting out each day and not being astounded at what we can accomplish, what nature shows us for free, taking for granted that I live in a great country, a beautiful place, and surrounded by great people ( mostly)..........that things fall in to place when we find it least likely. .....for this...I am glad...I was once again....wrong!

Isn't it great as a person who raises livestock to go out each day and realize that these majestic animals want nothing more from us, then to be fed, and treated decently? I have yet to find a cow, or any livestock or pet for that matter have any alterier motives, become consumed with greed, lie, cheat or steal from me. I can appreciate that.... thats why I now listen to EVERYONE when they offer advice, walk out the door with my eyes wide open looking for the beauty that surrounds us in the country, and attempt to raise my animals in the best manner that I know how and can afford. Think about it, and stop moaning over who has the most, or the biggest toys and herds........ walk outside, take a deep breath, and thank Gad for what you have, and that we are not stuck in some nameless corporate office some where in cublice number 100 along with all the other robotrons. I do...every day!

And Thanks for this forum that allows me and us to write and read such things..............oooops I hear knocking on my door..........

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