Carnivorous cattle

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Nov 29, 2004
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Last week my chickens got out of their coop. two of them got in to my cow's stall. the cow stepped on one of the chickens and ate it. now the cow will not eat anything but spam (rolled in chicken blood and cooked for 25 min. at 450 degrees on a cookie sheet). please help!
don't give her any meat and leave hay or grain in front of her. She'll get hungry enough to eat what shes spose to
Explain to her where spam comes from and that it takes a human seven years to digest and that's only with one stomach to process through. Hang pictures of a slaughterhouse floor in her stall. Tell her she might be eating her aunt Besse's lungs and ears. That should get her back on grass.

Play the Spam, Spam, Spam song from Monte Python, that should make her sick of Spam

This isn't out the same herd that ate a frog a while ago is it? You might give her a good spam filter.

Cattleman":qraj4uib said:
Last week my chickens got out of their coop. two of them got in to my cow's stall. the cow stepped on one of the chickens and ate it. now the cow will not eat anything but spam (rolled in chicken blood and cooked for 25 min. at 450 degrees on a cookie sheet). please help!

Do you live near bolsen? ... I'm sure old bronc has an answer for your problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh well, i guess i'll just have to substitute whiskey for peanuts in this case. darn.
Cattleman":2pudjnip said:
Last week my chickens got out of their coop. two of them got in to my cow's stall. the cow stepped on one of the chickens and ate it. now the cow will not eat anything but spam (rolled in chicken blood and cooked for 25 min. at 450 degrees on a cookie sheet). please help!

Who's idea was it to offer spam in the first place?
Will I lose respect in the eyes of all these beef producers if I admit that I like SPAM? If so, forget I asked! Wait--respect? I guess you gotta have it to lose it!

Hi. My name is Fellers Bar None Ranch and I like Spam!

The weight has been lifted. Maybe that cow needs a 12 step program.
SPAM was our main course after the hurricanes. No electricity, it cooked nice and easy with my fish fryer. Been somwhat fond of the nasty stuff ever since.
Cattle Rack Rancher":31na47uq said:
I ate enough Spam and Klik when I was a kid to last me a lifetime. It was a very popular meal with my Dad when Mom wasn't home to cook. None for me, thanks.

Help me out, here. What is Klik? May be something I need to try!

At the Farm Show last year there was a SPAM wagon passing out samples and they had a recipie book, too! I prefer it fried with some mustard to dip! May not be fancy, but it's a hot meal you can depend on!
Klik is a canned meat very much like Spam. Very popular at my house in the 70's along with Velveeta cheese and Sandwich Spread. We'd either eat it sliced on bread with mustard or Dad would mix it up in a bowl with relish, dill pickles and mayonnaise.
Cattle Rack Rancher":cp49s92v said:
Dad would mix it up in a bowl with relish, dill pickles and mayonnaise.

My mother would run it through the food grinder and mix the same stuff with it, or course she did that with bologna and any other kind of prepared meat that was available. Home made bread cut about 3/4 inch thick so you didn't get much of the filling but got plenty full with the bread.

dun":12im8vlr said:
Cattle Rack Rancher":12im8vlr said:
Dad would mix it up in a bowl with relish, dill pickles and mayonnaise.

My mother would run it through the food grinder and mix the same stuff with it, or course she did that with bologna and any other kind of prepared meat that was available. Home made bread cut about 3/4 inch thick so you didn't get much of the filling but got plenty full with the bread.


Reminds me of what my dad used to say about life. Life is like a sh-t sanwich. the more bread you have the less sh-t you got to eat.