cant catch him..dangit

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dieselbeef":3ty4mcf8 said:
not enough wieght on him for that.

honestly i dont wanna be a dick here but really...anyone who really raises cattle that i know of no matter how much grief has ever shot an animal cuz of the animals bs...even when they been hurt by it..whether it be the money end of it or the humane end of it...really..
i have been told this by people that dont have animals but on here i wouldn think that would be a fer real response..hes worth 1.80/lb...youll shoot him and process him for meat you probly will barely be able to im a dick but so what
The real issue is that he is too wild to handle. Obviously it took a whole day try to contain him. Also if you sold him, he become someone's problem. Dealing with him will consuming up all of your time. I've dealt with wild cows before and they goes off to sale barn. I feels so relieved when they goes in the trailer. Oh by the way all of wild cows are dangerous ones.

So I hope you makes a responsible decision about what you should do with him.
well it sure as he$$ wont be shootin him....ill catch him..i just think that thats a stupid response to a real problem...

yeah hes a pita but he wont beat me. he'll end up in the trlr and make someone some good steaks.

maybe someone with better for becoming someone elses problem at the barn i guess that is the chance ya take when ya buy an unknown. its happened to all of us.
dieselbeef":38tbzpx1 said:
well it sure as he$$ wont be shootin him....ill catch him..i just think that thats a stupid response to a real problem...

yeah hes a pita but he wont beat me. he'll end up in the trlr and make someone some good steaks.

maybe someone with better for becoming someone elses problem at the barn i guess that is the chance ya take when ya buy an unknown. its happened to all of us.
Well that's your problem, you thinks its dumb response but its really smart move. Just save all hassles and just enjoying fresh veal. In reality he is already worthless steer.
dieselbeef":r4j4ojip said:
well it sure as he$$ wont be shootin him....ill catch him..i just think that thats a stupid response to a real problem...

yeah hes a pita but he wont beat me. he'll end up in the trlr and make someone some good steaks.

maybe someone with better for becoming someone elses problem at the barn i guess that is the chance ya take when ya buy an unknown. its happened to all of us.

You, sir, are entitled to your opinion, as we all are. To set the record straight, I HAVE dealt with an "uncatchable" animal who learned to apply her Houdini like escape skills on a perimeter fence one too many times with a quick, clean shot. It was some mighty fine eating. I've been involved with cattle my entire life AND have been raising them for over 30 years.
Hey Gary, you post some entertaining notes here. Can't wait til the final episode. I know they can be aggravating but there not doubt you'll pen him.
dieselbeef":3m0wps9g said:
yep..aint much money in dead cattle

Sure there is..... it's called beef. If he was a few hundred pounds heavier , Id be putting him in the freezer.... :2cents:

Just do what you can he get him loaded, and be safe.
dieselbeef":27oxb02m said:
yep..aint much money in dead cattle
So its about all money? Let's be realistic you invest lot of $ to just try to catch a wild steer which is too skittish to be around humans, not mentioned that he will cause more problems in future.
aint it abou the money...i like doin it yeah..but if i didnt get some cash i dam sure wouldnt do it..really..yer in it for fun...haha...enjoy

maybe ill get lucky and one of you smarta$$ess will get em at the barn and we can all have a good laugh when ya tell us how ya bought him at 1.80/lb and had to shoot em cuz an animal with a brain the size of a walnut outsmarted ya...
this thread has been totally derailed by a few that cant outthink a cow..i got a cpl nieghbors whos cow got on my side of the fence.....been runnin cows thier entire family history..showed up with 4 horses and 6 people..trucks/trlrs/to get it back.
after i laughed at em for 2 hrs they were taking a break i went over and nailed the wire to the btm of the posts for about 100 ft and that cow walked right back thru...i was having a cold one the whole time...guess we shouldve just shot that one too...really...
First off DB relax, it's just some comments from folks, you'll do what you need to do. I'll reply a serious response, which my SSS comment wasn't. But since you have your feathers ruffed up I'll speak what on my mind.

Firstoff, or second I guess, the 450 lb calf should have never broke the gate, you need better facilities, which it sounds like you are working on.

Second or third, cull for deposition, ma sounds okay but the calf is nuts from what you say, I don't have this problem because crazy cattle don't stay long on my place, too many good cows and calves out there. What caused this calves problems? Genetic or just a case of enviorment.... Who knows?

The freezer and hamburger is not a bad suggestion at all.... Which means shooting the SOB, all my clients ask for more burger than any other cut and it's easy money in the bank.

So my two cents relax and don't get hurt or be forced to do more repairs costing more $$$$$$$.

I have "bumped" cows, calves and even my current bull once with a 4 wheeler, it can work or cause more fence repairs and the "oh shyt " what if thoughts going through your mind while on the 4 wheeler.

Just my thought the last few days,
my wifes cousin had a family of wild cattle the cow and her daughter and thier calves, he somehow weaned calves every year except the year that heifer was born she had never been caught. he passed away and no one could even get close to getting them in. they would come in and eat but there is no way to get to the gate before them. once his son-inlaw used the truck to block the gate and p.s. broke the headlight out and gone. we hauled out everything but them. finally called some cowboys from the local sale barn to rope and load, it works best when they are that clever. i think it is a game to some of the smart cattle.
this animal sounds feral and if he is so bad now, what makes you think he will ever get better to handle and make a good steer? Every time you go
and chase him and stress him it will only make him worse. Time is money and with every hour you invest you're losing money. How would you feel if you sold him and he hurt someone else or your wife in the process! Shooting animal not such
a bad option. Let him grow out quietly in the pasture and one day drop him and eat
We had a blind steer once, he would poke along until you got to a gateway then he would bump the hot wire or get spoked and go nuts! He ran through fences and cut himself up bad the first time we handled him. We soon realised you couldn't run him in a straight line and he was miles from the yards so we left him. He grow out nice on his own and when he looked heavy enough we ate. No loss in that, it ment 4 families didn't have to go to town for beef for a while.

Surely someone in your area is a wild cow catcher. Lotta good cowboys down in Florida. Ask around. $150 would be cheap, if you consider he will squash a gate or two before you are done.
hangin the new gate tonite unless its pouring rain again.

the old gate wasnt bad and ive never not been able to handle an animal with what ive got. the welds on the gate were reusty and it gave way when the hinge welds broke. time took its toll i guess. hell be gettin on the trlr sat or sun i wold...almost...wanna bet.. fer the comments and gittin my feathers ruffled sweat......its the internet...ya git what ya pay for.

i wont shoot him..ill haul way or another....
dieselbeef":1fymjoc5 said:
hangin the new gate tonite unless its pouring rain again.

the old gate wasnt bad and ive never not been able to handle an animal with what ive got. the welds on the gate were reusty and it gave way when the hinge welds broke. time took its toll i guess. be nice be gettin on the trlr sat or sun i wold...almost...wanna bet.. fer the comments and gittin my feathers ruffled sweat......its the internet...ya git what ya pay for.

i wont shoot him..ill haul way or another....

I am with you if it has hair I can and will get it in the trailer. I had one give me the red ass so bad one time walked back to the house and got the 45. Neighbor stopped by and asked what I was doing when he seen me walking toward's the pen with a 1911. Told him that Tiger B had put me out of the pen three time's and I was going to feed her to the buzzard's.
After he got me calmed down we got the crazy thing loaded.
We got her in the trailer and to the barn. The next day I started on a drill stem pen designed that I was working behind a gate. Designed the sweep gates out of solid steel.
I sure wouldn't shoot him either. There is always a way to load them up A fast horse and a long rope works but lacking that a 4 wheeler works too. Cattle don't have that good of a set of lungs and he will run out of air farily quick if chased. Just stay between him and the fence. And certainly don't crowd him into any corners.
Ain't no 450lb. calf going to get the best of Gary. Anybody that would shoot a calf cause they can't load it is a FOOL.
Just cause you have the hat, don't make you a cowboy. :cowboy:
Gary, Had one like that too. went through my barn twice when I had it penned up put me in the barn once. Finally I got it on the trailer. I placed the trailer in front of my alley and drove the calf through the alley and into the trailer on the 4 wheeler. That was definitely a pucker ride though on my hilly ground. You will be amazed how fast and long a 450 pounder can run!! They tend to kick the 4 wheeler too so keep some distance between you and it. Good luck looking forward to the victory celebration.