Calving season 2023 has started.

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Couldn't think of the simmental bull she is out of . Optimizer . We were AI ing our first angus cows and got down to the last cow . She wasn't my favorite so I asked the tech if he had any Hereford semen . He said no but he had a black , blaze faced Simmental .EA1E1552-EE71-43E7-A29A-7505EC046D34.jpeg
Most recent baby worth a picture. Mom is half angus half simme . She's had 5 solid black calves and now this baby . All out of registered black angus bull . And yes she will get you ! Belongs to my 11 yr old granddaughter. Named after her kindergarten teacher , Miss Potts .View attachment 27755
Does Miss Potts have the same temperament?

I am not short on grey calves this year. Even from the black cows. The milk face calf is the one who was near death from scours last week. Electrolytes and an IV did wonders. That is also my big cow mistake. That big framey cow tipped the scale at 1,645 the day I bought her. I keep hearing that there is a market for Shorthorn steers for club calves. His mother isn't in the picture. She is a Hereford'ish cow. He looks to be straight Shorthorn. I wish he would have stood up for the picture. He is chunky. I should have taken some pictures of the reds. There is a lot of them too.

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2nd calf cow ; she lost her first calf last year and I'm going to blame it on the herdsmen. First place I look for my heifers calving is the woods below the dam of the pond . Then I ride the edges of the pasture. I missed her . She was in labor and evidently dropped the calf against a log . When I found it ,it had its head bent back under its body wedged against the log . I don't know how I missed her . So she got a second chance . She has hid this calf for 4 days and finally brought it out in the pasture this afternoon . Maybe the prettiest udder on any of the heifers we have raised .F2A37C59-16EB-4537-B317-DC671CC03802.jpeg