Busy Time Everything Coming in one Huge Wave

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Well-known member
May 28, 2011
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Western Kentucky
Trying To Get the Soybeans Planted
Trying To Get the Hay Mowed, Raked, and Rolled before Rain.
Trying To Get the Fences Patched and some New Fences Up.
Getting the cows back in.
Herd Work Needing To Be Done.
Cows and Heifers Due to Calve and trying to fight the black headed buzzards.
Gotta Deliver Heifers tomorrow.
Someone wanting to look at bulls and possibly having to deliver it to Missouri.
Fencing Needing to be Sprayed.
Yard needing Cutting.
Plus more I can't think of at this moment.
Oh Boy, so much can come at one whack.
It's definitely the busy time of year. Seems like everything does come ready about the same time. It's tough when you think about all that needs to be done at once, so I just try to chip away at it a day at a time. Looking forward to this time of year is what gets me through the short days and the cold and mud in the Winter. Sounds like you've done good selling your heifers and possibly some bulls. Having some
good $$$ coming in like that is always good motivation to keep on keepin on.

I saw you had a bull listed on Craigslist.

I am hearing a lot of what you are saying. The crop folks are struggling with the erratic weather.

Very little hay is up. I got mine done in a tiny window so was lucky. Hay production is down about 30 % and pasture is not growing well over here. I hear complaints everyday.
It is A.J. Got the heifers delivered today. Sold to Horseshoe Bend Simmentals in TN if anyone knows the place. Larry is a nice guy and I enjoyed meeting him and he got a few good females today. Also have got my Red Simmental Bull sold today as long as he aces another BSE and passes a Trich Test and I find time to Deliver him to Missouri. Got the last of my Spring Cutting finally on the Ground. Going to try and get Beans in the Ground tomorrow.
Yeah, same here.. haying is nearly in full swing, meanwhile I have to reseed a 10 acre field, so spread manure, disk, disk, disk, drag a float, seed grain, light harrow, then finally seed alfalfa and then IRRIGATE like a madman

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