BSE Confirmed in Alabama

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You know, I wonder what you hope to accomplish with all these long, unending posts. If it's to get the public more informed then you are going about it the wrong way. You can't annoy someone into paying attention to you, no, I take that back you can annoy them into paying attention to you, but it's not the kind of attention you want. Your not getting your message out, we aren't reading all of these huge useless posts. I did read the short one where you posted the links, if I didn't already know how annoying you were, I might have gone to take a look. The only thing I believe you hope to accomplish, is to harass the people of the beef industry, wether they be large or small. And I seriously doubt you eat meat.
flounder":2lo86qcx said:
who would buy a 10 year old cow? does the auction price match this?


You need to get out more! A 10 year old cow isn;t necesarrily and old cow. Many of those senior aged girls have a few good calves left in them. Usually they do sell for less then a younger cow.

dun":vdp6ccdk said:
flounder":vdp6ccdk said:
who would buy a 10 year old cow? does the auction price match this?


You need to get out more! A 10 year old cow isn;t necesarrily and old cow. Many of those senior aged girls have a few good calves left in them. Usually they do sell for less then a younger cow.

Ten aint old for a gert. anyhow
warpaint":12tp307p said:
Wish I could learn to copy and paste stuff. :roll:

You need: CCC............"Crowder's Computer Course".

$17.99 per week for 97 weeks. You'd never be the same.
Pro's of buying a 10 year old cow.

She has already proven she can spit out calves.
She knows what to expect come calving.
She still has a few productive years left in her.
She is cheaper than a 4 year old.
She is most of the time more laid back.
If she don't work out she still make good hamburger.

A lot of folks around me buy older cows and get a few calves out before turning her into dinner. I'm sure thats what the guy that bought this one was doing.
try copy and pasting your propanganda on a chicken board flounder where some might listen!?
flops around like a fish out of water, hence the nickname FLOUNDER.
cut and paste! repeat! cut and paste ! repeat!
still do not see the point in all your DRIVEL! :mad: :mad:
yes we need to be aware of the problem, yes we need to worry,yes we need to discuss it among our selves BUT with out ranting and raving about "I TOLD YOU SO"
if you need a pat on the back for that flounder, ok pat pat
get a real life
I found out Friday who had the cow in Alabama. No, I ain't gonna tell. I'll just say it could have been any of us. The cow was purchased as breeding stock. The guy got a calf out of her that is approx 6 weeks old now. After the cow died the guy sent the sample in to get the kickback for doing this. I think he got $100 for sending it in. Anyway it came back positive. After it was indentified as BSE he has really been the center of attention. He was not doing any unsafe practicies, she had contacted it well before coming to his farm. The people in the area are not calling the news media and are pretty much keeping everthing quite as I'm gonna do. The only reason I'm mentioning it here is only to make people realize it could have been any of us. Reguardless of breed. If someone has a cow older than about 8 year old and don't know for sure its origin - your just as apt to have one as well as anyone.
Bama, that's a scary thought isn't it!!
Anyway, this is the lates info I received:
"USDA has exhumed the cow confirmed to have BSE in Alabama and concurred with the local veterinarian that the cow was 10 years old. Korea has threatened to close its borders to US beef if BSE is found in an animal born after the US ban on ruminant derived feeds which started in (edited) 1997."
I'm just jumping in on this thread - not planning to read it all, so hope I'm not repeating.
I still have some questions about this last case of BSE in Alabama.
1) If the cow had only been in Alabama for a year, where did she come from? One would think the farmer would know where he bought her.
2) I understand she had a black bull calf as the calf before the red calf she had when she died. Where did this last black bull calf go? He should be about 15 months old by now so I suspect he has already been slaughtered.
3) I have had an Alabama premises ID for over a year now but I can find nowhere to use it. What good is a premises ID if one can't use it?
alabama":2krk790c said:
I still have some questions about this last case of BSE in Alabama.
1) If the cow had only been in Alabama for a year, where did she come from? One would think the farmer would know where he bought her.
2) I understand she had a black bull calf as the calf before the red calf she had when she died. Where did this last black bull calf go? He should be about 15 months old by now so I suspect he has already been slaughtered.
3) I have had an Alabama premises ID for over a year now but I can find nowhere to use it. What good is a premises ID if one can't use it?

1) The farmer knows where he bought her. It was the local salebarn. The salebarn knows where they got her. Its beyond that where the records get fuzzy.
2) The whereabouts of the black calve havn't been confirmed for sure.
3) Hang on to your premise I.D. You are one of the few of us that got them early. Getting them later will be a little more costly than free. Hang onto it. If your still in the business in 2009 you will need it to buy or sell.
you have proven my point by deleting my postings, thanks.
you can run, but you cannot hide.
you folks don't want the truth, you want to cover up mad cow.

flounder":35kytl01 said:
you have proven my point by deleting my postings, thanks.
you can run, but you cannot hide.
you folks don't want the truth, you want to cover up mad cow.

You have Skeered me to death.Yep. Just a big ol' coverup. Keep thinking that a way. ;-)

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