Big Cat

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Jul 12, 2004
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Baker County, Oregon
Well my big cougar is still hanging around. This morning I went to put boards in at the head gate for the irrigation ditch. A couple of days I saw two beavers there. This morning there was cougar tracks in the soft dirt and a beaver tail. Apparently the cat doesn't believe the stories about beaver tail being good to eat.
I guess it's all in what you're used to, but that would be an uneasy feeling for me knowing something like that was close by, especially if I was working by myself.
I guess it's all in what you're used to, but that would be an uneasy feeling for me knowing something like that was close by, especially if I was working by myself.
I have lived and worked my entire life in cougar country. In both Oregon and Washington over the last 125+ years there as been one person in each state killed by a cougar. Driving to the grocery store is a whole lot more dangerous. Walking down the street minding your own business in any city in the country is a lot more scary.
There are a lot of people simply reported as 'missing' :)
Whatever. Between logging, cowboying, and running long line trap line I have spent the better part of 50 years in the woods nearly every day. I can count the times I have seen a mountain lion on my fingers and have fingers left over. If packing a knife or gun makes you somehow feel more secure go for it. But walk the city streets are far more dangerous.
Yet a cougar is hanging around eating beavers.

Thats why the Whatever Ails You part. Its not obvious open carry while in town..
Yet a cougar is hanging around eating beavers.

Thats why the Whatever Ails You part. Its not obvious open carry while in town..
That beaver was probably 3/8 of a mile from the house. In years past I have had them kill deer within 100 yards of the house. Light snow in the winter I have found their tracks on the bridge in the morning. The bridge is less than 200 yards from the house. January '22 I shot one just across the road from the end of my driveway. Same month my neighbors dogs treed one in his yard. Another neighbor has seen seen them walk through his yard on several occasions. Yet no one has had one stalk them, kill calves, etc. They are hard on the deer and bighorn sheep population but other than that they are a none issue.
You can open carry in town here. I see it fairly often.
I have lived and worked my entire life in cougar country. In both Oregon and Washington over the last 125+ years there as been one person in each state killed by a cougar. Driving to the grocery store is a whole lot more dangerous. Walking down the street minding your own business in any city in the country is a lot more scary.
It's still nice to have a dog around... if for no other reason than it's more likely the cat will go after the dog than after you.
It's still nice to have a dog around... if for no other reason than it's more likely the cat will go after the dog than after you.
We think that the cat the neighbor's dogs treed in his yard saw one dog and was thinking dog for dinner. Turned out the neighbor has 12 dogs. The Border Collies said climb that tree you cat.
I ran up the road and took a picture of the beaver tail. Tried to get pictures of the tracks. They sure show up on the side of the road but didn't show up in the pictures. It looks like Mr. Cat ate the beaver on the shoulder of the road. Of course there is no traffic on this road at night.

We think that the cat the neighbor's dogs treed in his yard saw one dog and was thinking dog for dinner. Turned out the neighbor has 12 dogs. The Border Collies said climb that tree you cat.
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Amazing how much those cats can eat at a sitting. A thirty pound beaver would be pretty much gone, as you well know.

I had a couple of acres between Reno and Carson City where I kept a couple of goats and a portable chicken house full of hens. One day one of the goats was gone, found nothing except the spine and the top of the skull, and the next day the other was gone, except for one side of the ribs and the spine. I knew the chickens would be next. I had a trailer out there with a tank gravity feeding water to the birds and I put a couple of T-posts between it and the chicken run with four leg hold traps attached to the posts. The next day the traps were gone, the chicken wire was gone, and the hose running from the trailer to the waterer was bitten into 6 inch segments. About thirty six inch pieces of hose. Didn't find any hair or blood or anything that would tell me what I'd caught (or didn't catch) but I figure it had to be a lion.
Amazing how much those cats can eat at a sitting. A thirty pound beaver would be pretty much gone, as you well know.
I few years back I found a fresh cougar killed deer. It was in a good place to sneak up on. So every morning and evening I went there but I never saw the cat. In 3 days the entire deer was gone. This was a full grown mule deer.
My neighbor less than a quarter mile down the road saw a cougar on his driveway a few years ago. I saw one myself out riding in the forested hills when I was a teenager. My horse sure did not like it, thats for sure. Their scream is like a woman being killed.
My neighbor less than a quarter mile down the road saw a cougar on his driveway a few years ago. I saw one myself out riding in the forested hills when I was a teenager. My horse sure did not like it, thats for sure. Their scream is like a woman being killed.
I haven't actually heard a woman being killed.

My neighbor less than a quarter mile down the road saw a cougar on his driveway a few years ago. I saw one myself out riding in the forested hills when I was a teenager. My horse sure did not like it, thats for sure. Their scream is like a woman being killed.
Use to have one of those Johnny Steward predator calling tapes that was mountain lion screams. If there was a new guy in hunting camp someone would slip away from the fire in the evening. Put that tape on. There was enough of a delay that he would be back to the circle around the fire when the sound kicked in. The new guy would get the fire between himself and the screams real quick.
I've always heard they sound like screaming. Not supposed to have any mountain lions here, but there have been a couple confirmed ones. I've never had too good of hearing and not now especially, but a few years back before it got so bad sometimes I'd be out early morning and hear something sound like a high pitched scream maybe 2-3 times in row. First I thought it was some kind of bird but more I heard it it didn't sound like a bird. I would Nader if it could have been one of them big cats or bobcat?
I had ridden into the hills to an isolated canyon where I was going to meet my younger sister for a picnic. She had left earlier on foot. Tamar, the greatest of all my horses, was sliding down the steep hillside on her rump to where there was a creek in the woods. Suddenly she whirled around and went back. What's the matter with you I said and asked her to go on. Once again she turned back. Darn it, you go on down there, and she did go down there.

All of a sudden I heard sounds like this.

Then it changed to sounds more like this

I dismounted, tied her to a tree and she sat back pulling to get away. Adrenaline made my heart pound. The fight or flight hormone for me it was fight. because I my only thought whatever it was it must have my sister. This screaming and growling continued. I picked up a heavy limb like a club. Then I saw something moving in the rocks on the other side of the creek. It was a lion. Then it vanished in the shadows. The mare and I took off out of there.

My sister I found sitting by an old abandoned barn she was white as a sheet.

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