Australian Talk.

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There was a home made head bail here when we moved. *(^^*&_*%&^%. It was a ratchet type, the cattle would put their heads the wrong side and you would have to back them and put them in again which of course they did not want to do. The ratchet meant you would have to tighten it to loosen it and you needed 3 people to put the cattle through and use the head bail.

We went to clearance sales and the price of crushes is astronomical. We then checked out Elders and bought a crush though them. It was cheaper than at the sales, you get the GST back whereas you had to add that on at the sales AND they delivered it to where we wanted where as you also had the hassle of getting it home from the sales.

With our crush I can put the whole herd through by myself. We have the vet door, we have the lower door that opens so I can get calves on to teats. It can be moved in as a squeeze on both sides and it has the head thing on the front which comes down on the neck to stop them going up and down with their head. We don't have the baulk gate, but I wish hubby had gotten it, as you don't catch a beast 100% of the time.

Now I work at David Evans and they sell them and I could have bought it with a Staff Discount!!
Merry Christmas from me as well.

Yesterday I spent the morning wrapping presents to Carol in the Demain on TV.

We didn't deliver hay so I went to my friends and set her printer up on her laptop and printed a photo on to T-shirt transfer paper for her and photocopied some stuff for hubby.

Then hubby and I went into Ipswich as I had free movie tickets from one of the online Survey sites. We were 20 minutes early and with 15 minutes of adverts we went to subway for tea first. Which is much healthier than if we had not arrived early and just had to get popcorn covered in butter and salt or something like that.

We watched Skyfall and then stopped at Maccas for me another little smoothie and hubby a Frappe, to keep him awake on the way home!!!

Back at work today and then I am off until New year. I bought size 14 pants on Friday!!! So anything bigger than size 16 is OUT!
Merry Christmas to everyone and safe travelling to those visiting family and friends. Its 39C, hot winds and dusty today but supposed to be few degrees cooler tomorrow. A white Christmas would ne nice.

One of our windmills (pumps water from dam into overhead tank from where water gravity feeds to troughs and house garden) has rusted out main pipe and we didn't realise until last evening when there wasn't any water in the garden taps). Pipe is 40 years old so it had a fair innings. Had to take 3 small mobs bulls (each mob taken separately) to the dam for a drink and then they wanted to fight on the way back to paddocks so had to 'sool' the kelpies in to break up the fights. Needed a video to record the action. Had to repeat the procedure this morning but luckily my niece and her boyfriend came to help put out hay and grain and the 3 of us on quad bikes managed OK. The DTD had to climb to top of windmill, unbolt heaps screws and remove rusted pipe. He has now driven to closest town (1 hour away) to get new pipe and parts. Of course everything is now metric and the old gear is imperial so that will probably mean using joiners. Not a great Christmas Eve job but have to get water back on ASAP.

Phoned friends in northern Saskatchewan yesterday and they told me about Facetime (free on an Ipad or Iphone) so as we both had Ipads, we then talked and viewed each other live, for 40 minutes. What fun. Moved Ipad around the room and saw their Christmas tree and decorations and snow (from their porch), then we did the same. Unreal. They still have a great canola crop unharvested under 2 or 3 feet of snow as the snowfalls started a month earlier than usual. Our barley crop was so poor that we just put sheep on it and didn't bother harvesting. Every country has problems for farmers.

Congrats on new grandson Jilleroo and I'm pleased Tulip is OK. The DTD made the same blazing saddles commment about vegetarians and their mung beans......
Enjoy your size 14 jeans Suzie, great achievement. What was Skyfall like-worth viewing?
I hope you are feeling better Ken. Jed has all the correct instincts with the heading. An advantage of the dog working opposite you is that you can drive ahead and get the dog to bring the mob to you. My DTD prefers a huntaway type dog but kelpies like to head the mob.

Good luck with your steers Havinago. We have an arrow crush but don't like the headgate so look around a bit before you buy anything. There is nothing more annoying than equipment that is difficult to use or doesn't do the job efficiently. Re eartags, yellow and white are easiest to read and use large ones so you write big letters/numbers on them. Get Z tag pen or other correct tag marker pen- don't use black texta as it won't last.

Better go make the pavlova and the brandy caramel sauce (my 83 year old mother has made the pudding and fruit cake). We are all going to my sisters family tomorrow (an hours drive) as they have a swimming pool- it should get a lot of use in next couple days.
Suzie, what is the brand and price of the crush you sell and DEG? I am needing one as well. Do these include a Scale or is that a separate purchase?
Burlar I am off work now until the 2nd January, so I will have to ask when I go back to work. As far as I know you can buy with a scale or get them separately.

I like action movies Diana, so it depends whether you do or not. I have not seen many Bond Movies, but to me this one was more 'real', in that no really over the top situations in some of the movies I have seen. Actually I don't really remember saying "yeah right" during the movie which in some of them I think that quite a bit!!!
Phoned friends in northern Saskatchewan yesterday and they told me about Facetime (free on an Ipad or Iphone) so as we both had Ipads, we then talked and viewed each other live, for 40 minutes. What fun. Moved Ipad around the room and saw their Christmas tree and decorations and snow (from their porch), then we did the same. Unreal. They still have a great canola crop unharvested under 2 or 3 feet of snow as the snowfalls started a month earlier than usual. Our barley crop was so poor that we just put sheep on it and didn't bother harvesting. Every country has problems for farmers./quote]

I had one of them this morning from my Daughter and family, can't get down to them this Christmas as they are all full of the flu, poor things, hope to see them Thursday, illness permitting.
Do you not have Skype on the computer it is free and if you have a web cam and the other person does you can have a face to face conversation, we have one and my husband talks to his friend every Sunday for at least two hours, on it. I know they have it in Canada and Australia as I call my cousins on it from time to time.

It rained for our Christmas and it is raining now for Boxing Day, so who knows maybe I will be able to keep my job. The rain means that gardens will start growing and people will start using, needing and need to repair equipment so will need David Evans. Also farmers will be able to start the hay season and that will mean machinery break downs and David Evans will be needed.

Our Tractor Mechanic came in to say Merry Christmas on Monday. He has a lisp and a limp, but I think he will be back at work on Wednesday the 2nd, so I am hoping 2013 will be better for him.

I was allowed to go home early on Monday. The Manager had no interest in being there and tried to tell us we would be out of there in an hour when he arrived. Yeah right! So he went leaving us there.

I managed to get out by 1pm. I went to my friends and gave her a prezzie for letting me go there at lunch times. A bath mat with memory foam that just feels like luxury when you stand on it. She said at the moment she stands on a threadbare towel, so she will really notice it. She loved it.

My other friend wasn't answering the phone so I went into Town and visited a friend who has opened a shop in town. I bought a bracelet which is an owl. It is big and chunky and the opposite to what I usually wear, but it was the thing I liked the best in her shop. I also bought a fascinator and to help her out I didn't buy the cheap one, I bought the expensive one at $27.00. I have heard that they sell for $100.00 in some shops, so I was happy with that price. Then bless her she gave me a bit more off as a friend.

From there I went and browsed in the Supermarket. I bought a deodorant crystal for my friend with cancer. I have read that people with cancer have survived by cutting out all chemicals. However my Mum's friend when we told her it was pancreatic cancer that has gone to his liver said that he will only have about 6 months and Mum (ex Matron) did not refute that. :(

I also bought a redwin deodorant who my friend I gave the bath mat too, told me about. I have started scratching and she said I could be allergic to the aluminium in deodorant. I have tried the crystals, but they don't work well enough really for working in an office with other people for me. So I will tell try the Redwin. I am off this week, so I will just use the crystal one for this week. I did that recently and I did stop scratching.

Back home and I don't think I told you that we went to the movies the night before and saw Skyfall. So both hubby (also off early) and I managed to fall asleep for the afternoon.

Up early Christmas morning. At least I tried. It seems that for me saying we would get up early means that we normally get up at 5am so we would get up earlier than that. Hubby said no that early for Christmas Day means after 5am.

Hubby brought me my present. I opened it and it was a battery operated set of salt and pepper mills. It is a gadget that I don't have and we were at a friend's recently and I remember hubby commenting that they had a gadget that I didn't have.

I smiled and thanked him and hugged him. It is the thought that counts and at least he tried. I don't eat salt or pepper but I it will be good to put on the table if we have friends over.

I didn't give him his prezzie as I had his in santa sacks. 2 for at Mum's and one for at his families. I went back to getting ready to go and then I saw him through the door bringing a plant.

I greeted him at the door. A smile on my face. Did you get a new grape vine? No, is it a new fruit tree. No, and he gave it to me.

:hugs: It was a Bonsai and he bought it because it said that it is the gift of Life. It has a rock and a ..... I have no idea because it doesn't say, and he came with me to put it in the garden and pick where to put it.

:hugs: AND THEN when we were driving to Mum's he said, "Do you know you can't buy a pair of johdpurs in Beaudesert? which advertises as being very horsey, has horse festivals and the parade of 1000 hooves.

What about the saddlery above..... Nope closed. What about the place that we bought the measuring tape. Nope don't have them. :hugs: he tried to get me a pair of johdpurs. :hugs: I just said that most of them are western and western people don't wear johdpurs.

We delivered hay to Dalson Park and I left their present on the table. A hand held fan that is battery operated and you can put water in the bottle. It can get very stuffy in the indoor arena when they are teaching.

Onto Mums and Mum's school friend and Jim, the son of a very good friend of ours were already there. They both had slept the night. I had dropped off a blow up mattress for Jim and he said it was really comfortable and I got to see it blown up. I bought that a few years ago, so it finally came in handy!!!

Mum gave me a solar light bahahahaha an owl, so it looks like I am collecting owls now. I do have an owl in the garden, so now I will get an owl in concrete if they have one from the place I have found that sell cheap concrete statues.

Mum I gave a wisker as the one she has seems to want to fall apart. A wind spinner that has a solar light and a digital scale, that they had great fun with as it weighs in pounds, stones or kgs.

Hubby I gave a diary from off the bench at work. It is actually a dairy diary and has a space each day for grazing your cattle, where you are irrigating and stuff like that. He said I could fill it out!!! But then later he was going through it and asking us questions out of it like what is the heart beat of a cow and things like that. It has it for all the farm animals including the dog, but not for the humans.

I also gave him a storage system that unfolds, so that will be useful in his shed or the house.

Mum started with I don't need to lose any more weight spiel again and I produced the risk of diabetes tape. I put it around me and showed that I have gone from the red into the orange but I not in the green yet. Mum put it around her. She weighs less than me by a few kgs now, however she was right in the red. The difference of me doing pilates and her not.

On to hubby's family and again we played the Chris Kringle game. Although this time people did not steal, except hubby who stole a box of eclairs and I wouldn't have wanted to steal any of them either.

To the point that I was wondering whether to choose my own gift. In the end I didn't, I chose a different one and JOY it was a clock. I have been collecting clocks and this one had a garden scene on it. I wrapped my arms around it and growled, snarled and roared if anyone looked like wanting to take it!!!

My presents were left to last. The hosts brother chose the lifter. You are supposed to be able to move anything by yourself. You lift it and put sliders underneath and you can then move things by yourself. Up to 10 times your strength. He loved it and was going home to try it.

When one of the other guys chose the wooden shoe rack I had bought, hubby's sister laughed and said she couldn't believe it as she had just told them that they need to buy a shoe rack now that they have bought a puppy.

I gave out our calendars of the farm to everyone and also the little lights that go on caps which they loved and then an individual prezzie to hubby's brothers and sisters and a little toy to the kids, who are getting older so the prezzies will have to change in the future.

Hubby's sister in Canada gave her daughter, who hasn't gone back yet, a prezzie for me, a little horse head keyring that is also a bottle opener. Their daughter gave us I think it was fudge. Hubby opened it and put it in the esky so I haven't really seen it, and hubby's other sister had already given me rooster salt and pepper shakers.

Hubby I gave a fold up esky, that when you unfold it turns into a stool that takes 100 kgs of weight. Papa the wind spinner that has a solar light and some stubby holders from work that have tractors on them. Hosts I gave a gadget that removes corks from wine bottles and the lady a neck glass, it goes around your neck and will not stand, so you can't put your wine glass down so as noone can spike your drink. She said she loved it but will probably use it as a candle holder, as it is a lovely shape.

Our brother in law is into golf so I gave them an impossipuzzle of golf sticks and hubby's other sister some upmarket tasting bowls that came with a tray for entertaining.

Then there was food and plenty of it.

I hadn't been able to get any chickens the day before. A sign in IGA saying you could only get chickens if you pre-oredered them. Red Rooster was closed Christmas Day, so we in desperation went into IGA on the way to their place Christmas Day and as soon as we walked in the door, there was hot chickens for sale and on special!!!! We grabbed 3!!

So there was chicken, ham, turkey, salads and cheese cake, hokey pokey ice cream cake with toblerone through it and another chocolate cake from one of our nieces which didn't have flour, sugar or egg. It did have maple syrup so it was sweet and at least edible for me. (Hubby didn't like it.) Rum Balls and lindor chocolates. Which I guess were liqueurs or something as I didn't like them!!!

Back to Mum's and her school friend and I were doing a jigsaw puzzle and hubby played with Mum's school friends dog and had a lie down on the floor.

A report came that a house was on fire and the firies were there so hubby went and checked. A house outside the resort, 2 kids playing underneath it with matches. Sigh.

He came back in time for tea and we just had a bit and no dessert as we were still full.

We tried to go home, but the firies were blocking the road still.

So we tried to go round and hubby turned the wrong way. I mentioned that he should turn around. Why and a no through road came up, so I just said well this is a no through road and the road you want is in the opposite direction. So phew he turned around and came back to where we wanted to be.

Rain when we arrived home and rain again this morning.

I got home today to find 21.5mm in rain guage and things looking OK.
We had a good Xmas with Pam's family. I visited my sister and BIL at their new residence, they moved in 2 weeks ago, it set them back 2.8 million. I can't see the value in it but it is very nice and clean looking with unrestricted views over the city and river, everything is automated and controlled by ipad type computers on the wall. Awnings that roll in and out and do it automatically when wind is above a certain level, all just a bit of an overkill for me and too confusing. She will enjoy it for a while showing it off to everyone.
I had to bring back Pam's controller for her garage door, Pam's little bit of automation. I have to machine a new drive shaft for it as the old one has just about worn right through. Pam has just signed a contract on a unit for our younger daughter to rent so is watching her $ until it all settles. I'll fix it up and it will work well.
I don't think I can match Suzie's detailed account of their xmas, but we had a good time all the same! It was great to catch up with the family in Brisbane, especially my mum, nieces and nephews and their partners. My brother and I love to watch our "cult" movie - National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase. We never tire of it - it seems to get funnier every time we watch it, and we've been watching it for 20 years now!! The tucker was plentiful and amazing - one niece is head chef at a seafood restaurant so there was oysters, caviar, smoked salmon, crab etc. We had a new Bombadier 400 for the flight home, not a piece of duct tape in sight, and it actually ran on time. The new airport in Longreach has taken away the social aspect of an outing - departees and arriving ppl are now kept separate and there's actually security.
We had a couple of showers around the run here while we were away and a bit at Winton too. There was heaps of heifers close to calving when we left and I was surprised when son said he'd only had one calf in them. None last night either.
Diana, I hope your mill is pumping away merrily again and you had a great xmas day.
Holy smokes, Ken, that must be one flash house of your sister and BIL's!!! What suburb is it in?
And Burglar, how did you enjoy your first christmas at the new place (assuming that's where you were!)
We've got to start mustering and branding as soon as we can - will wait until this surface trough passes over, too much lightning about in the afternoon storms.
Good luck with your new cattle Havinago!
Cowboy Ken spent a quiet xmas on his own at our Winton place, despite being invited to town by our family. He pokes off soon to mind a place in the gulf for the month of Jan, then comes back to us for Feb. After that he's scuba diving off Fiji - a versatile cowboy! He's been great.
Chrisy, I use skype every night to talk to my family, especially my mum. So good, because she can show me what she's bought, cards she's received etc. Also good for the grandchildren - apart from just hearing your voice, they know your face and even if you don't see them for months, they're familiar with you straight away.
The botulism-suspect cow has never been seen again, but neither has her calf, a strong lively bull about three months old - surely he wouldve popped up somewhere by now if she had died? Or would he have died of botulism too? Keep hoping they'll appear on a watering point but no luck so far. Some ppl have lost quite a few cattle lately, like 20 cows in a hit.
Working on the books today, so any distraction is welcome. Better get back to it....
it sounds like we have all had great Christmases.

WoW at that house Ken.

I hope your windmill is pumping again Dianna.

I hope you don't lose any more to Botulism, Jilleroo. It probably shows, however I am a very fast typist!!!

We canme home to 28 mm in the rain gauge.

I cleaned the kitchen yesterday. FULLY. Spring Clean. Then hubby and I went in to the Boxing Day sales and to spend the cards that I have received from the Online Surveys.

At the first shop hubby bought 2 pairs of shorts and I bought a pair of shoes. To get through the checkout was a lot quicker than I expected and it turned out that I still had $11.40 on the card.

We went to another shop and I bought $12.00 worth of knickers and ended up with 18 pairs!!! Hubby bought another 2 pairs of shorts and some socks, not on the cards from online though.

Then he pointed out a shoe shop and the one out the front was $8.00 so I thought I would get a pair. Then noticed a sign that said get one pair of shoes and get the other for half price. So I went in and found the same pair of shoes that I had bought at Vinnies and are no good any more, except in black.

So I stood in line. The girl was absolutely lovely and said that the ones I had out the front were not included in the deal, as they were already discounted from $50.00 and they were losing money on them, however there was a white pair the same that I had and would I like them at half price instead.

I said yes and the other girl went to get them and then called and said there aren't any. She said get the black ones then and she said their weren't any, so she then said I know what shoes you will like and sprinted down the back and came back with 2 pairs of shoes for me to chose from. She said they were the same style, but they looked completely different and I chose the white pair.

So I went in to the Sales to get shoes and I ended up with 4 pairs. A Casual black pair. A dressy black pair, a casual beigey/browny pair and a smart white pair. So now I have more to choose from than just my riding boots, which don't go so well with a corporate skirt!!!

On the way back we visited my friend and gave her her presents. The bath mat with the memory foam for luxury. A tempered glass cutting board with ducks and chickens on it which is perfect for her and she has been looking for one and a book on how to use the internet as she has no idea and it might give her a bit of confidence to use her computer.

She produced a chocolate mud cake. YUM

and yes I have gone down this morning and I have started sorting and washing clothes. I have now run out of clothes pegs.

It turns out I am size 16 jeans. Size 14 long pants. Size 12 - 14 tops.. So at the moment I am washing the clothes that are too big for me and are going to go. I am NEVER going up again.

I will work on the lounge room today and probably go into Town and get more clothes pegs and check out if the Christmas Decorations are discounted and mow the lawn.
Jilleroo, here is a link to my sisters home
I started work on the repairs to the silo today. I got the one leg off it so I could get to where I have to fibreglass it. I worked out how to get up inside it. I got the trestles all sorted for the outside. When I started to actually do the work we got some short showers coming over so rather than grind it back and risk getting moisture in it, I have left it until the morning.
I started on the fibreglass this morning. I got a layer over the injuries and was about to do a reinforcing layer over the top when my mate dropped in. By the time we had a cuppa and I got back to work, rain was threatening and being a risk taker and very inpatient I went ahead and put it on. It started raining just as I was finishing off, I quickly got a tarp over it and everything was OK.
The rain was a bit of a fizzer about 7mm but comparable to what was reported at the local weather stations. The ground was still damp from the rain the other day, so 7mm was good. The grass is starting to grow pretty good at the moment so I hope we can keep up this bit of moisture.
I have to get up inside the silo tomorrow and grind the inside of the damaged areas and then laminate from that side and she will be as good as new except for a bit around the hinge on the lid which I'll do when I get the leg back on.
We didn't get it Ken. It tried. I went outside and felt a drop and had the whole of the Hills Hoist full of clothes. I rushed out to get them in as they were dry and they were flapping violently around my ears. I managed to get them in before it rained and then of course it didn't rain at all.

I have filled 3 Christmas Decoration storage bags full of clothes that don't fit me any more. I fit into my Wedding Dress and my netball skirts from school. I don't fit into my Formal Dress....... yet.

I have reached size 16 jeans and johdpurs, so I have pulled all of them out of my camphor chest. I have put all the clothes I don't fit into yet in the camphor chest. I am size 14 normal pants and size 12 -14 tops.

I have put all the clothes that I do fit into one wardrobe, except the wedding dress and formal dress which is in the spare room. ALL clothes are now off the floor and not going back onto it. Today I tackle the lounge room.
I had a look at your sister's house Ken - goodness me, I didn't know there was something that expensive around! I gather they're not broken-down cow cockies from out west then?? Did just the one section of the house cost that much?! The views of the city lights and river would be magical.
The weather showed great promise of good rain here yesterday, cloud coming up, frogs croaking etc. We only had 7mm at the house but I found better rain a bit further out. Hubby has gone out to see what there was around the run.
The heifers had a rush of calves - we had to pull one, he had a leg back but once that was corrected, he was good to go.
Only about 25 left now and we're done. I needled two small heifers who are having char calves - they'll be better out than in, they've got huge bellies so a bit of a worry.
Son went out shooting on our Winton place last night and got 60 big red roos in no time. They've moved in onto the green pick there.
Still havent finished the books. Have got a couple of paintings to do too but I think we're starting branding tomorrow if the weather is clear. That should get rid of some christmas pudden off us!
That money only bought one floor Jilleroo, they own the second down from the top. They are on the same level as the garage so don't have a lift. No they don't come from western Qld, Grant has been and still is in the reinsurance, he has successfully brought out a couple of US companies to Australia and then to Asia. I suspect there would have been some good performance bonuses paid along the way.
I basically finished off the fibreglassing on the silo today, just got to hit the repaired areas with some flow coat to seal it and turn it white again.
I tried to take some photos of the cattle today but did not have much success. The first is one of the bulls I'm using this year, actually he is just cleaning up after the other young bull. He will be going to the sale next year, he will just scrape in age wise by one day, max of 3 years at time of sale.

This calf is actually by the that bull.

I should be able to get some better photos over the next couple of days as the cows will be down in the paddock in front of the house.
JIlleroo, First Christmas home was great. Not in Stanthorpe just yet (still 4 or 5 weeks away from the house being ready). We caught up with the family in Brisbane which was nice, but very hot, especially when compared with the white Christmas' we have be accustomed too.

Bought a nice house cow for the kids last week. A very friendly purebred Red Dexter. Cost $300 and the kids love her, she is very calm and will make a great house cow for us. We pick her up in 2 months time and in the meantime she is joined with a Dexter bull that came second at last years Ekka. So we may pick up a nice calf as a bonus. Hopefully not a steer, would hate to have to send off the first house cow calf.

Next step for us is to finish a couple of fences and get ready for some commercial Angus cows. Ken has a few coming my way, and I must add those bulls of his look even better in real life.

Ken, we don't realise how much money some ppl have! There's lots of money to be made with figures on paper - certainly much more than in primary production. They look to even have a nice piece of lawn on top of the section below, how good is that.

Hubby and I are easing ourselves into this round of branding. His back is still very bad. We branded a 100 calves and weaned a heap (trucked them home) and will muster again tomorrow. The mob of cows we just did were great to muster, it was just a Sunday picnic really. A 4000 ac paddock, most of them were way down the back away from the yards but we gathered them together, (luckily they chose not to be in the 500 acs of gidyea scrub) and they headed in, plodding the several baking hot kms slowly but determinedly. We reached the watering point closest to the yards, the lead had a drink and then headed for the gate into the laneway to the yards. The calves were starting to tongue a bit but were not too distressed.

Suzie the 60 roos all went to the coldbox to be sent south and prepared for human consumption. Son is an accredited "macropod harvester" and has all the stainless steel gear. He shot here last night and got 50, he said the roos were very wild and toey being a full moon. He was after greys and wallies here. If we just went out to shoot them willy-nilly, any size, just for the sake of getting rid of them, we'd never finish, they're everywhere! Then there would be too many dead bodies lying around and they'd become a health hazard for the stock, botulism etc. That's one thing about having a pig population, they do clean up any carrion. Son had to use up the last of his roo tags by tonight and then buy a fresh lot for 2013. I might add that, with our son or the other selected shooters we let on, I've never once seen a wounded roo or an abandoned joey. All details are tidied up which is the way it should be.

Your house cow sounds wonderful Burglar. Have you given her a name? Has she been handmilked before? A bargain at $300!

Happy new year everyone! Here's hoping 2013 will be great for us all.

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