Another Bull to judge?????

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Mar 21, 2006
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This is the boy that I have put on a small string of longhorn cows. Even got to a young hefer and she calved by herself with no trouble. His calves are small BW but hit the ground growing. The first of his calves is nine months old, and really looking good. I am not sure of the breed, but he sold as 7/8 Limo. :D

I do not have any new photos, these are a few months old.


Thanks TTCLM I knew I could count on you. But please don't hold back, tell me what you really think.

The top pic is a yearling shot. the bottom pic shows the rump after it filled out some. May still be lacking (don't know). The bull was not polled, I knocked his horns off. I don't know if that is why the "girley look" :shock:
Thanks though
Bull could use a bit more depth through the girth. Appears to have adequate "gut". Could use a hair more bone and I'd like to see his front legs a little squarer underneath him. Calves...first thing I notice is they're lacking in bone big time. I'm more inclined to blame that on the cows I see in the background, though. They're lacking in bone much more than that black bull is.
Hmmmm, We don't know any EPD and their extremely important.

He will do the job, I think you would make more money on the calves with a good Black Angus bull.

I don't know about the bull, but you sure have guts. Thick skin too! :shock: :shock: :)
If he is the very best that you can afford then I wish you luck with him. If not then maybe you should take a good long look at some of the bulls on here that got mostly good reviews sell your bull and try agian with thoses pictures and comments in mind. He is a very sorry looking bull and you may be hurting the future of your herd if you keep any of his offspring.
mnmtranching":2jfxilie said:
Hmmmm, We don't know any EPD and their extremely important.

Could not disagree more!! EPDs are only a tool and a small tool at that. There are a lot of very bad bulls bought and used because people have their eyes on the #s and never take a good hard look at the animal in front of them.
I don't know what to think of the bull. Calves are cute, very cute. I see what the folks mean about "girlish" face. But you know, got to give 'em time to go through puberty. I wouldn't sharpen up the knife until you see what those guys look like in about 8 months. In the mean time keep the bull away from the ladies!
This is an example of a "Cow-Freshener" male (I won't dignify him by referring to him as a Bull) that should have been 'steered' a l-o-o-o-ng time ago.

This is a little abrupt, but you should hear this and take it to heart: If this is all you can afford, you should either go to an understanding banker and float a loan - and quit the beef business and educate yourself before you start in again! You are just going through the motions of raising beef, but not making any money in the process, and not learning anything to boot. There are too many fine opportunities to discover HOW to be a BEEF producer than to continue to be wasting your time with such poor breeding stock! If the truth hurts - perhaps it will stimulate you into doing something to improve your approach to "Beef Production".

That bull is baboon butt ugly what a poor specimen take Doc's advice. Another fellow on here traded a lame horse for an Angus the guy might still have the walking bottle of Elmers.
mnmtranching":mezywfs5 said:
Hmmmm, We don't know any EPD and their extremely important.

He will do the job, I think you would make more money on the calves with a good Black Angus bull.


:shock: EPD's don't amount to a hill of beans when the picture shows what this one does. This bull has no rear, no depth, no length, no nothing - even his head is undesirable. IMHO, he should have been castrated a long time ago. Sorry lilmac - I don't mean to be ugly, but I honestly believe what I've stated and I will stand by it.
Thank you very much for your commits. The long horns were free and the bull was 500 bucks ( they look better already don't they). So you can't hurt my feelings. The bull is a dog and I knew he was a dog when I posted him, but I did it to prove a point. A couple of you that leave nothing but harsh negivite commits were right on que, I still have not heard from one of them and am a litte disapointed, maybe he has been out feeding.
If someone did have a problem and wrote in for suggestions what would he get for his trouble.
"Oh my God" I wont respond to that
"Should have been castrated a long time ago ".
"What is that ghastley thing" About what I expected.
Sharpen your knifes too big to band. HA HA HA Now that's witty I hope that you did not stay up too many nights thinking up that brainy commit. Perfect example of narrow mindednes.Some folks know very little about cows they just read other commits then jump on the band wagon with "Oh yeah thats what I think and more"
EPD-EPD-EPD I don't know what the picture of the animal looks like without EPDs whats up with that?
MALE I won't dignify him by refering to him as a Bull" again about what I expected. Of corse he's a Bull he sired four calves already that are going to the freezer. Spend more time in the cow lot and less time on the computer and you will know that the cows don't that he is ugly, and I promise you that when the T-Bone is on the plate you won't know how long or depth his Daddy was.
" His head is ugly" No matter how pretty the head gets I am still not going to eat it.
I don't see how most of these commits would help an individual that was earnastly seeking ways to inprove his herd.
"He needs a bit more depth and a hair more bone" "sell your bull and try again " honest and informative, gives a fellow an idea of what to look for in his animal. Thank you very much.
Alacowman I can not praise you enough for the words of encouragement while holding your tounge. I know by the way that your commits were worded that you were embaresed for some of the others THANK YOU and may God bless you.
Again my feeling are not hurt on this issue, but i did join this foram for informative commits whether negative or positive.Some of you folks grow up. Thanks again to all who participated.


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